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All Children Are Different in the Way They Learn

Updated on November 4, 2017

Puppies Do Many Things. What Do You Think of When You See a Puppy?

I could easily see a child relating to a puppy chewing on their toe.
I could easily see a child relating to a puppy chewing on their toe.

Author Thinks of Cuddly Puppy Moments (Experiences in Life)

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All Rights Reserved by Author | Source

Butterflies and Marbles Caught My Eyes (Visual Learning Experiences)

ladybluewriter, All Rights Reserved to Author
ladybluewriter, All Rights Reserved to Author

A Child Sees a Butterfly as Part of Their Environment.

All Rights Reserved by Author
All Rights Reserved by Author

What Gets A Child's Attention?

I used an example of a puppy and chewing on someone's toe. The reason is because a child can see this happening, and it is an experience that they may have had. It is a touch learning event from experience. What would the child learn from that?

A. The puppy loves you so much that he is chewing on you.

B. The puppy is teething.

C. The puppy should or should not be allowed to chew on your toe.

D. If the puppy chews on your toe, then it might hurt.

E. Someone might say that he is trying to eat them.

F. Maybe we need to go and feed the puppy, because he is now hungry.

Which one is right in the eyes of the kid? If you asked me as a teacher, then I would say that maybe any or all of them are possibly good answers. The child is going to respond to this situation with first ...probably love for puppies. Next, they might think about what is happening in the picture, and then we have a response back. How can we use each child's method of learning in this situation?

1. Touching the puppy brings about a sense of what puppies are all about, and also the ability to feel the textures of the hair, and also experience what it feels like when a puppy actually tries to gnaw your toe.

2. Since puppies are not quiet, and they make little noises, then you can call attention to the sounds a puppy makes. How do you know he is happy, angry or unhappy and wants something?

3. When we write a story with pictures, then you can visually see the words and the pictures. Some sense of learning should take place with a visual learner.

( Special Notation)
There is also that familiar animal theme here to look at. What if the child was more interested in kittens, or cats. As a child, I had cats, dogs, cows, and many farm animals to look at, and I can definitely see a difference in thinking in. Authors can produce more opportunities to fit the needs of a variety of topics that reach many differences children have. I had a fear factor in my childhood to contend with all animals, and butterflies were innocent in my eyes. Bees, on the other hand, were dangerous, and they could sting and hurt you. Little did I know that they could kill an allergic child to bee stings. In later years of my teaching career, I lost a dear devoted teacher in the school I worked at. She was at the lake enjoying life, when a nest of wasp stung her. She lost her life, and I remember not a few years before that she got stung, and I had an antihistamine that I kept for emergencies. I gave the teacher some of it due to her allergic reactions. She was fine then but later died at her dad's house from a massive sting by many wasp. You must think about the needs of each child, and what does life mean to each of them.

The most important thing a writer can keep in mind with children's stories and books is that all children learn differently, and incorporating that learning style into their stories can make a big difference on how much a child can grasp. Books that are auditory can help those that learn by hearing. And as I said, all children learn in their own unique ways. Think about how they learn, when you write books for them, then it is easier with younger children to use more techniques, than it is with older children. I am giving you my expertise as having used these techniques in a classroom for almost 29 years. I hope that you will as a writer consider this in writing books that help children to learn. Do not hesitate to use techniques of accenting words in color or other visuals. The more you look at a child, then the more you can say how different most of them are. There were times in my life that I had to sit down with a child that could only learn auditorially and give this child tests by that method. They could not read in normal ways like other children. The one boy I remember especially was a student with a high IQ, and he did get into college. This was a uniquely different person, and I am glad in high school that I took the time to test him auditorially.

I need to also address the fact that all children must be looked at differently by their classroom teachers. A teacher is the single most influential person in a child's education. Books are important, but the way a teacher perceives a child and looks at that child as an individual makes a difference. A child must also feel worthy of getting an education from you. Feelings matter with a child. Find the best within the child no matter what it is. Pride and self-awareness bring the child to develop and grow more toward goals in learning. If you see the child as a group member in your class only, then you have just put them on the possible failure side of life. I emphasize to find that point of originality that makes the child who he or she is. We cannot say all will pass a test or complete their tasks, and if we bring forth that change within the child, then the child has a good chance to see their life change. Many times teachers and other people forget that they are all unique and different individuals. It becomes teaching the masses, and students are left suffering without hope.

There is also another attribute to look at within the child for learning to take place. Where is the child coming from? Do they have a family, a working parent, or guardian present at home to care? Get to know your child, and then you reach out as a teacher to incorporate that parent or guardian into the student's life. If you fail to make that contact, then you may fail to reach the goal needed for them to grow. Even worse, you might not reach a child with emotional trauma, or sense of failure. These children become bullies, and sometimes the violent act out in schools. A community is important, a teacher, and last of all the people that are involved with this child. Writers, teachers, community, and classmates are all important to learning.

My final thought on children learning has to do with what I now see as a very hard time ahead for problems with not just our children being taught by professionals, but the lack of state funding and federal funding that is taking away the teachers, and the programs needed to teach each one of these children. This country needs to realize that money and education are far more important than other things in our country. Investing in their future means a better world for us all. They simply are the future of our world. If you neglect to teach each child in your communities, then you have caused a major problem. Drops-outs can become plentiful. Wars could increase, suicides can become the norm, and crime can also be a factor not yet perceived by the communities. It is my strongest feeling that we are letting them down by not bringing back a sense of wellness to education. Please think before you cut funds, fire teachers, or pull programs needed by these children in our society.


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