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A Need To Grow.

Updated on January 28, 2014

A lonely maiden's cry

where was each flower grown

not strangled by life's weeds;

why don't they hold me

why don't they care

where are my

moments to share.

A lonely maiden's cry

why is the sunshine

obliterated by the rain?

Caress my weary heart

let me rest my weary head

simply yearning for

nature's powers to soothe.

Remember me

on the winds of tomorrow

to walk with purpose

soothed in a love so rare

not a jealous breath

promises made to last

let us walk

allowing our love to grow.

Infinite creations

once cast in a shell of fear

but today glows in a shell of honour

penetrable for those who need to grow.

Don't let me down;

I play it cool

when the moonbeams hurt

when the failures

become frail


oh so brittle

Can I grow?

Will I grow?

Callous views

almost akin


shallow trenches of dark guise;

that stagnant stench

swelling; leaning

to a falseness

so sharply protruding

like that lethal dagger

driven into

to a heart

yet again feelings shatter;

longing for



to rest in sweet sublime;

truth emerging slowly but surely

those once

thought to be

truly lost feelings


to fight another day

to sing another song


to love another wondrous moment of truth;

raise those heads

embrace your dreams

for we all

deserve to grow;

we all need to

Midnight in winter

embers from a fire

which lights up my heart's desire

darkness pierced by sweet memories

a heart so true

its passion enough to

a child's world

those days of innocence

I crave

I need to grow.

Whispers on the winds of freedom


those cold chains

their rusty clasp

cast aside into oblivion

by the truths of time


the need to grow.


A need to grow
that new start
on the breezes of today............mingling
with the memories
of yesteryear
a true recipe for that
magical potion
called LIFE.
A potion to see
the beauty amidst the ugliness .........
A fresh springtime aroma
to overcome
each stagnant stench.......
Laughter to overcome tears;
laughter to overcome
the tedious moans in life........
Beautiful blossoms
to overcome
the sharp pointed
cruelty in each bramble.
Walk out into
your morning light;
inhale the beauty
each dew drop glistens...........
take stock of pastures
so green
so alive
so fresh ..............
each flower so dainty
each whisper so special;
enjoy and the gift of this new year

caress the need to grow.

Each wind whipped landscape

Is now a haven of love

My heart is now home.

To grow

This heart so true

Today I know for sure

My tomorrows are now calling

Horizons ne'er again misted over

Blossoms glowing through each barrier

The journey of a heart

It's now my time

To grow.

© 2014 Eiddwen


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