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Blacks versus African Americans the Most

Updated on January 8, 2022
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Author of (Love Is Our Law) poetry book, songwriter, firefighter, real estate broker, College Instructor of Fire Sciences.

AA Flag


Blacks Versus Each Other Today

Life is full of black on black crime. African Americans (AAs) have the most hate against themselves. I will explain why, to the best that I can. First of all, before the civil rights movement Negroes, blacks or AAs were considered by other races and cultures to be the lowest class of people on earth. In fact, to some, they weren’t even considered a class. No race or culture would dare voice or write such opinion, but the general treatment of AAs was slavery and cruelty. To separate men from their families, mothers from their children, raping young girls and women were some of the cruelest treatments. Other cruel treatments were slave selling, trading, beatings of slave men and women for various reasons. Unfortunately and sadly, only white, wealthy ancestors were slave owners, herders and traders. It is difficult for me to imagine being a slave back then. However, that was before civilization was proclaimed. I give President Abraham Lincoln credit for stepping up and giving his life for the freedom of all people and not just AAs.

Three Negative Points

The three negative points plus:

  • 1) Lack of home training- improper teaching at home, lack of love displayed, single parenting. Here is a need for self-improvement.
  • 2) Jealousy/Envy- dislike because it is felt that another person looks better, dresses more stylishly or has something that the jealous person doesn’t have. Here is a need for self-improvement.
  • 3) Background of strife- growing up in a home of many siblings competing for attention, respect and admiration.

3 Points of Negative Flaws Must Be Pointed Out

At this point, I am going to write about the plight of blacks or African Americans. AAs are still considered the race most feared and disliked perhaps, by other races as well as it’s own. I have always admired people for who they are no matter the race, color or creed. The point that I want to make here is that black people dislike and hate each other unnecessarily. We seem to victimize each other most, more than police brutality. Racism is not as bad as the black on black crime wave. Blacks on AAs throw sticks, stones and fire bullets. The reason why, may be because of the lack of love/home training, jealousy/envy, background of strife and poverty.

The Need of African Americans to Do

It is time to stop being your worst enemies in more ways than one. African Americans need spiritual power, not just soul power. They need to be closely associated with God and His order in order to survive in this world. When it comes to helping another, blacks do not need to always give help for the sake of money or something in return. That would be maturing. Without love and respect they are divided. Divided, they fall. They are slowly falling by the way sides. Today, younger AA men relate by wearing pants below the waist. They have tattoos covering their bodies. Mostly they are looked at as “thugs.”

African American Women Today

AA young women and older have their negative looks and attitudes like the characters of younger and older men/ that are judged negatively if looking for a job or opportunities of importance. Nevertheless, these groups dislike and hate each other. They form gangs against each other for money and power. They do not see the whole picture that we all need each other for survival in the end.

Ever Since Freedom of Slavery and Civil Rights Bills

Possibilities have proven that AAs are prominent people in all aspects of life. They have excelled to some of the highest plateau of achievements. Wintley Phipps, a prominent vocalist presented how Negro spirituals were first created. There’s Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan, Eldrick Tont (Tiger) Woods, Serena and Venus Williams, Hank Arron, Walter Payton, President Barack Obama and many more have competed for top notch achievements in America. The extension of my point is that black or AAs can improve through spirituality and general education to be the best that they can be.

The Continuous Need of African Americans

African Americans need spiritual power, not just soul power. They need to be closely associated with God and His order in order to survive in this world. Without it they are divided. Divided, they fall. They are slowly falling by the way sides. Today, many young AA men relate by wearing pants below the waist. They wear earrings, have tattoos covering their bodies. They are looked at as “thugs.” They dislike each other because they are the same color. Does that ever make since? Ever seen a black female look another one up and down and then with a frown? There is a lot of jealousy, envy and just plain hate toward each other. Those who relate negatively need the true love of God.


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