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The Lines We Draw

Updated on October 1, 2010

(This is me taking a time out)

For one brief hub I have decided to speak from the middle of a road.  I cannot describe this road I am straddling because that would lead you to decide for me which way I wish to swing my opinion.  Instead, I prefer to reflect with you my dear reader, a few thoughts on influence, character and motivation.  I intend to speak interpersonally and in generalized terms as I lay some pavement regarding my involvement with Hubpages.

This community of hubbing we share is something different and special from past amalgamate websites.  If I may say so, it is a rare experience to share such close confined quarters with stanch supporters and enthusiastic opponents.  Either way, in this place there is a specific trailer to hitch up to for everyone.  For some this may be a way of bringing new perspectives to our dinner tables.  Others are trying to find who they are by bouncing random ideas of self of off strangers.  These words we use, translated by way of topical conversation is our sphere of influence.  From one topic broached, a new retort is constructed.  From one virulent gestation, a magnificent new challenge is leveled.  Like protons and electrons, we bounce off of each other creating new sparks (or explosions) of genius.  Although I am newer to this community, I have already been witness to the innumerable spin offs courtesy of the muses.  I am also rather grateful that I can witness such focused talents and diversified personalities. 


 "Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night." (Edgar Allan Poe)

It is with unique clarity in which I recognize the trepidation I create in my hubs.  Can you for a moment stop and think about why you continue to come back and read my work?  (I may have just lost someone, darn!)  My “modus operandi” is a passionate twisting of the tongue, weaving history, modern events, moral and spiritual ideology into a blanket we can share.  With cutting humor and self effacing realism, I openly display my character with you.  Some blush, others praise, but few will come away forgetting my charge.  Even though this is a regurgitated thought, I cannot help but remind myself that sameness is dull and without controversy we will experience atrophy of human development.  “How can one conceive of a one-party system in a country that has over two hundred varieties of cheese?” (Charles de Gaulle)

My character is one of evolving knowledge rooted in the pursuit to know what I can, and cannot do. This endeavor isn’t simple; it will not always bare fruit and will inevitably leave a trail of rotting carcasses where prior relationships co-existed. The least obvious portrait of a writer is their motivation. Motivation is often confused by the method in which they direct their art. When we seek out an author or poet we really like, we immediately want to know what influenced them to produce the work that captured our attention, at least I do. Furthermore we wish to unlock the mysteries of passionate influence. Here I will admit that I always struggle with saying anything about my background. If I say I am a Christian, then others immediately begin to catalogue me and file my personality in whatever convenient cabinet suites their need. Diametrically I do this with agnostics, after all, my entire goal is to steer beliefs down a chosen path. I have learned to only read the words an author gives me and the material from which they cite. I place myself as best as possible in the described situation, but not thinking with the fullness of what they know. I dislike periphery static interfering with story telling, that’s how I describe autobiographical influence. Again I will share another personal character vulnerability, I cannot always look past someone’s baggage and have it not affect they way I view their work.


Autobiographical Baggage
Autobiographical Baggage
Master of Words
Master of Words

"Everyone can master a grief but he that has it". (much ado about nothing, Shakespeare.)

My preference is to not know too many details about someone I casually read, human nature is just best left as a factor of breathing. I leave profiling in the capable hands of serial killer hunters…sleep is too important to me.

One area of our personalities that I find troublesome is our capacity to cry uncle too soon. I thoroughly use this generalization to describe our lack of reading many who we differ with. There are brave souls who will return to a trough that is sure to disturb the soul, but the reward is not unlike any other. Hard work is a time consuming endeavor. Digging for golden nuggets is laborious to be sure, but how sweeter to bend a great find between your teeth? I treat Hubpages like a mine; yes, that description purposely applies to two separate fields with which to scour. Doing so with the realization of some wasted effort, you seldom can get a better view of each others motivations, character and influences.

In closing, I hope those of you whom I have offended find kindred motivation with the technique I engender. Conscience of the valuable time you have afforded me, you have learned more about my character and yet I have shielded you from knowing my dark idiosyncrasies. Thus I have also saved you from efficacies you otherwise could have found bitter.


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