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Poem:Now turned Short Story: Welcome, "This season, and Always"::

Updated on December 15, 2011

I thank God that this day I did not give in like, I must not be defeated by that which is not good, thus making it that which is evil. While aimlessly walking around almost throwing in the towels of defeat, it came to me that during this time of the year, this cannot be happening to me , I am a positive human being , I function best when things seems impossible , I need to snap out of this Rut , I need to sincerely rebuke this evil. They had it well designed, and in their third attempt, it seems as if they were succeeding in their attempts to break and dampen my spirit, leaving me defeated.

But because I believe, I can now express the gratitude that I now feel has been awaken, as I did not give the Most High God thanks for this beautiful day, which I awoke to this morning, which would then only invoke the Great Spirit one needs to be accompanied by each day, in these times. I had now given thanks, thus allowing myself to carry that heavy “load”

Ungratefulness and ultimately defeat. But I went ahead and believed in myself and in the power Most High God, and I now stand victorious and proud as I now S.H. A. R. E.


" Welcome. "This season, and always"

For many of these very same seasons, we have struggled within ourselves; to be the type of people that we know we are capable of being. Each season we stand convinced that there is something, much stronger than ourselves, that for the past number of years, have been working overtime on the side of evil to dampen our spirits, turn our joys into sorrows and it stood firm in threatening the very fabric of our belief in this joyful time of year, that was handed down from generations of families even in some cases from the Most High God himself.

I am not one to lose battles of any kind, and now, as I sit here writing this inspirational sort season greetings, which were originally “a poem”, my mind is now celebrating a great victory of sorts. To me, it’s one of epic proportions, because of what recently transpired. On this very day, where yours truly was only a matter of another instant, before I give up, throw in the towel.

I was writing this quite different but very inspirational poem, had it all ready to place on HP when instead of pressing ctrl C I instead pressed ctrl V and my poem which I had worked on all morning was instantly gone. I screamed so loud in anguish, to the point where I literally felt that presence of evil, rejoicing around me. My eyes filled with tears, and again I screamed. Now confused, I think I blocked out for seconds in the anguish. That’s how beautiful I felt this poem was and why I wrote it believing, and knowing it will do for some.

I then spoke to two fellow hubber Cardisa and Frank. Cardisa furnished me with some information; it was too late for the action she suggested. I then posted a question on HP, to which I received an answer from a fellow hubber in the UK. Frank furnished some heartfelt possibilities, which also was unable to work.

I was about to throw in the towel, but I started remembering my mother and father, and haw they will usually get around this time of the year, and I also remembered their always encouraging words. I felt so discouraged and broken spirited this told me that I had to do something, and it had to be great, because this was an unusual situation, and I was hurt.

I am not one that’s easily broken, and though this was exactly the way that I felt, In that very same inspirational piece that got lost, I still remembered clearly what the subject matter was, and this I believe was enough for me to “Rise” again, and put forward a spirited effort, through the hurt and the pain of this defeated feeling.

I felt the greatness of belief and with an even more wings I rose and with a stronger wind beneath my wings, though that feelings of brokenness, was surrounding me, and I can feel the evil presence in that premature celebration, rejoicing in their successful attempt at taking away from me that joyous spirit that I felt, while writing this that beautiful poem, that was to share with everyone. It was s a great thing in progress that they were able to stop. Neither I nor they knew that it would only be temporary, and the victory short lived. This is why I always believe in the victory of good over evil.

The forces of evil don’t go around joking; they will never want greatness and joyful things to happen. It prefers to instill the feeling of gloom and depression and despair and anger and defeat and desperation. Those that will further destroy the human spirit.

But this was not happening here, not today and not ever with me , so now it is with more spirit I am coming to share that which I know is good for the human spirit this time of the year and every other time there after. This was what the original poem was about triumph over adversity and evilness. I remember the poem to be one that wanted to tell everyone that this would be the year of the real thing.

As I looked on my desk written on the pad in front of me, I can see, that Kenny Rogers’s song that I wrote down, I had decided that would be the video that I will feature, with the poem. So I stood up, out of my desk and screamed! I rebuke you evil presence in the mighty name of the Most High God. That was exactly what I did, I said I know that you are here I feel your presence, but you won’t have this victory, or none other within my life, not now not anymore. There are other things that I know but won’t mention. This is why I am sure, of what’s happening. I rebuke you! I truly meant this, and here you are partaking in the victorious results.

I remember having written in the poem something that my mother would always say to me, which is Son;

“To thyne own self, be always truthful.”

So the essence of the poem was that each year we usually would all promise that from this day on we would make resolutions, that this is the year, we would do those good things we know that we should, and year after year, we end up doing the same old negative things, over and over again.

While year after year we know the reasons why we are not striving properly, why we are not getting the blessings of the Most High God.

We are easily able to make the promises, but each and every year, it seems to become more difficult to keep our word and it’s beginning to feel as if nit’s an impossible task. That poem was to help encourage and inspire, making this Year, the year of the real thing. The poem was to encourage you on, to make this year the beginning of forever, and that you must be the one expecting when it’s all over and done, to hear. “Welcome thou good and faithful servant.” That was also where the name of the poem came from.

So I do hope you enjoy this “True short story” and most of all I do hope you well see yourself as one of those people who have been struggling, year after year, to break through to your true potential. That reservoir that’s waiting to be utilized the greatness that‘s inside of you and us all.

But somehow year after year we end up in this same situation. So I am encouraging you and I am using this one isolated incident which almost put me in that same predicament, by being easily broken down and sent into a state of depression. I encourage you to “Rise” from out of that “funk” and use this season to be the start of the rest of you physical life and beyond.

I wish you all the very best of everything that the Most High God have placed you on this earth to partake in and as you do at this time, go with the belief, that this is the year of “the real thing.” Which is “you at your best?”

So I beseech you all to believe in your selves, take those simple things that were usually successful in breaking you down and turn them into the fuel that will propel your beautiful vehicle through this glorious journey of life. You’re Life!

From this season and into infinity to join with your creator.

There in the Bible in Ephesians6:12 it says and I believe:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Blessings and give thanks and praises to the Most High God.

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