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Blog Writing Tips Get More Views

Updated on December 11, 2013

Short And Sweet Blogs

These days we are all sooo busy. We don’t have time for breakfast much less reading long-winded missives about a person’s personal life that is as dry as that piece of toast you forgot in the toaster, which may explain why you missed breakfast.

Most people scan over stories, unless they are lucky enough to be retired and have plenty of time to read drawn out blogs. Trust me, there are very few people out there like that; even retired folks have things to do.

So… you want to use brevity, shorten your work so people will stay on your page. I don’t mean you should write four sentences and be done with it but don’t keep your readers dragging along because eventually they’ll hit that “back” button and be gone.

The key to writing good blogs is to keep it short.

Read over your piece and see what words and sentences you’ve repeated. Eliminate all of those or at least replace them with something else that means the same thing. We don’t need to hear, “I was driving in my car,” four times, we got it, you were in your car when all this interesting stuff happened but telling us repeatedly where you are pulls us out of the story.

Use short paragraphs.

Long paragraphs are the equivalent of walking across a big desert looking for water. If we don’t find an end to this soon we’ll get frustrated.

It doesn’t matter if that entire section of work went together, you can still break it up making it easier to read.


Use bold sentences to break things up.

Those folks with busy lives and those with the attention span of a flea like to skim; using bold lines gives the basic idea of the paragraph helping them out a bit. Then if they want to read further to get a bit more information they can without feeling overwhelmed.

Add a splash of humor.

Within reason of course, if you are writing about your pet frog dying, naturally it will be a bit odd to put in funny stories unless you are remembering back to quirky things Mr. Hoppy did while still alive. The world is too serious and people like a little light hearted play now and then to lift their spirits.

Make it personal or entertaining.

Even though your blog is about you and your personal journey through life, people like to be able to relate on some level. If you went on a vacation you need to somehow make it informational so if your readers decide to go to Disney Land they can learn something from your story.

If not a learning experience, then make it entertaining. A long dry tale is comparable to someone pulling out a slide show of his trip; interesting to him but not so much to his audience. Fortunately, online readers don’t have to sit on his sofa being polite while falling asleep. The beauty of the Internet is that we can just leave. You the creator have no idea other than the fact your views show low numbers. Not good.

Views mean money

If you aren’t in it for income then it won’t matter to you and you can skim down past this but if you are trying to make your cute little living you’ll care about the amount of time people stay on your site. Why?

Because Google Add Sense as well as some other revenue companies look at how long a person stays on your blog. If your reader sees a large amount of text with very few breaks and he has to go to lunch in ten minutes he may hit that back button and look for a quicker read. Remember, people are busy.

Blogs with space breaking them up look shorter even if they aren’t. It’s a psychological trick you play on people getting them to stick around longer.

If they don't read the whole thing it helps busy people skim through and read the parts that interest them.

People like pictures.

Pictures break up your work making it more appealing. Don’t overdo it or were back to the boring slide show but if you have great graphics you can add, it can make everything look more interesting.

Videos can do the same thing if they go along with your story; sometimes even if they don’t, depending on what kind of blog you write.

In closing.

Oh dear, I’ve written a long blog after all and tricked you into sticking around. See how it works


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