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Save Money and Go Green at Home

Updated on January 14, 2010

Easy Ways to Go Green at Home


Easy Ways to Go Green At Home

Today’s society is becoming more and more environmentally conscious. If you feel that you would like to help and be involved then here are some easy tips on how to Go Green at home. If your not into saving the environment then you should know that you can save money by going green. Here are some tips that will allow you to save the environment and lessen your wallet. Now there are lots of other ways to Go Green at home but these are just easy simple steps to take.

Save on Electricity

Everyone wants to save money on their electricity bill but few are willing to actually do something about it. Here are some easy ways to save money and help the environment.

  • Replace all or more light bulbs with the Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs. Each bulb uses 50 - 80% less energy than incandescent bulbs. That’s saving a lot of energy!
  • Setting your thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter and a few degrees higher in the summer will save money on heating and cooling costs.
  • Unplug appliances when you're not using them. When they are plugged in it stills draws electricity so that it can be turned on readily. If you don’t want to unplug your appliances then use a "smart" power strip that senses when appliances are off and the energy use.
  • Washing clothes in cold water can save up to 85 percent of the energy that is normally used to heat the water.
  • Air drying clothes will save energy otherwise used in a dryer machine. If you must use a dryer, consider adding dryer balls to cut drying time. *Will not save money on electricity bill if you have a gas dryer. Will save money on gas bill.

Save on Water

Water is the most important resource on the Earth. With all the current crop droughts and water crisis it is important to save water and some money in the mean time. For those that live in states or cities with a water shortage consider these options. It may not be comfortable but sometimes we got to make sacrifices.

  • Taking shorter shower no longer then 10 minutes can save gallons of water.
  • Taking colder or just warm shower will save money on the heating bill.
  • Installing a low-flow showerhead will save lots of money by not using as much water. They don't cost much, and the water and energy savings can quickly pay back your investment.
  • Having a faucet aerator on each faucet will conserve heat and water, while keeping water pressure high. These are inexpensive appliances
  • Use less water to water your lawn or plants.
  • If you live in a place that gets a lot of rain, consider capturing the rainwater and using that to water any plants.

Clean Air

Having clean air in your home is just as important as having clean air in the environment. It may also save you some money.

  • Change your air filter as needed. Clogged air filters will trap less dust and pollutants as well as increases the energy used to run your air conditioner.
  • Do not smoke indoors, it is not only harmful for the family to breathe but will also clog your air filter faster.
  • Using fans to cool you off will save money by not using the air conditioner. However be sure to turn the fan off when you are not using it.


Recycle, reuse and reduce are great simple ways to go green at home.

  • Recycle your cans, glass bottles and plastic bottles. You will get some money back
  • Reuse water bottles by getting a water filter and filling the water bottles up with your own filtered water.
  • Recycle paper and cardboard with your local trash company. it’s the gray trash bin. You actually won’ save any money by doing so, but it is fairly simple to do. So why not?
  • Reuse the paper until there is no room left to write on I. Then recycle it.
  • Reduce garbage waste, by either simply buying less or by recycling or reusing. It you simply buy less then it will save you some money.

Those were just some easy tips that you can use to help save money and save the environment.

Compact Flourescent Light bulb
Compact Flourescent Light bulb

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