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Christmas Somewhere Else

Updated on December 18, 2022
Nick Gerace profile image

I write as a hobby. Feedback is appreciated regardless of support or criticism.


An old house sits on the corner

Its white paint peeling away

Standing in rows, as the winter wind blows

Battered crops sleep dormant until May

Drifts pile high to the barn

To clear them would be no use

The shack remains bare, filled with only cold air

No lock needed, the doors just hang loose

The scene behind a frosted pane

Shows more to this cold and dry place

We follow a draft through a crack in the glass

To reveal a little girl's face

She pulls out her seat at the window

Sitting sideways, she clutches her bear

She watches it snow as tears start to flow

Then tilts her head to the back of the chair

Her gloves, with their holes, would not be enough

If she went to go play outside

To take the road to the end, to see her one friend

She could only do with a ride

But mom had to make a decision

One day when the outlook was bleak

Though the car was real old, when it was sold

They had enough food for the week

Not long ago, things were better

When she still had her dad and her brother

But an accident one day took them away

And the farm has been too much for mother

Mom always seems to come up with

New ways for them to get by

But Christmas is near, and this time, this year

Makes this little girl only ask, "Why?"

"God, why do we have to struggle?

Why does mom work so hard?

Years have gone past. Her health may not last

How long will she slave in the yard?"

"I want to have back my family

Why did you take them away?

God, if you're near, if you were right here

Please tell me what you would say."

Her heart weighs heavy with sadness

And the frustration of having no choice

She's still asking "why?" but her tears start to dry

As, inside, she hears someone's voice

Precious one, please listen close

To the things that I have to tell

Although I speak every day, it's not often this way

Know that you must hear me well."

"My child, I love you, and you need not fear

For the things you cannot control

I hear every day all the things that you pray

I know your plight has taken a toll."

"But you and your mother have a great room

In the kingdom in which I reside

Until then, in this life, you may suffer strife

My son suffered too when he died."

"But the lessons you learn while you're here

Are great teachers of things you must know

Believe through the pain, and my eternal reign

And you'll be where blessed rivers do flow"

"Leave the future unto my call

I will care for you and your mother

Your job, you see, is to believe in me

And simply not worship another"

"For then you will find it is easy

To make decisions that you know are right

This world's a creation with endless temptation

You'll need me to win such a fight"

"There is a purpose for everyone

As they're called, you'll be sad now and then

For them, you will grieve, but if you believe

You are sure to see them again."

"Remember as you are so young

My love and kindness will leave you never

For your faith I will give a long life to live

Your pain will not last forever."

The little girl looked up at the window

And, remembering that very last line

She crossed the old rug to give mom a hug

And say, "I love you mom, we're gonna be fine."

Dominic Gerace

© 2008 Nick Gerace


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