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Find Gadgets that can save you Money-Infrared Heaters leak-Find a Device for a Tax Credit

Updated on October 3, 2011

Everyone wants to save money

My electric bill doubled since summer arrived, at that point I started running around the house unplugging and turning everything off.. These days everyone wants to save money. Many companies are making new advances that can help.

To find out how much electric you are using buy the wireless TED 5000C for 239.95, its expensive but experts say it could save you up to 20 percent on your electric bill therefor it will pay for itself in as little as a year. Connect TED to your circuit breaker yourself. If you want to track weekly trends useit with Googles free Powe Meter Energy tracker.  

 Purchase the P3 Kill a Watt EZ Energy monitor
P4460 at energysavinggadgets/net. Plug this into your wall and then enter your billing rate from your electric bill, and then plug in your appliance. The gadget will show you what it is costing to run by the hour or year.

Make sure your unplug all your appliances when not in use. Electronic devices have stand by power when they are turned off because many devices have clocks or a touch pad that continues to draw electricity, costing you money. Many devices that are the most costly are cable boxes, audio systems, laptops, microwaves, TV's, DVD's, VCR's and CD players.

Save money on water

 Lowflow aerators for faucets cost about 2$ and for shower heads are around $15. These can cut water-consumption and water heating costs by about 15%.

 Black & Decker sells a device to find the drafts in your home, its called the Thermal leak Detecter. The device has infrared sensors, as you point the device it will change colors of theres a draft present. Fix the leak and save on your heating costs.

going green

Tax Credit for energy efficient

If you buy an energy efficient appliances or windows, insulation, doors, roofs, and heating and cooling equipment, for your home you could be elligiable for a federal tax credit. Save all your receipts and manufacturers Certification Statement. The Federal government is paying 30% or up to $1,500. It must be an existing home and your principal residence. A tax credit is more valuable then a tax deduction because a tax credit reduces tax dollar-for-dollar and a deduction only removes a percentage of the tax thats owed. Appliances, refrigeration, space heating, cooling and water heating use more than 70% of the energy in our home. Replacing old appliances that are Energy Star can save American familys on there utility bills.The Energy Star program is a program that the Environmental Protection agency and Department of
Energy fund to help protect the environment and save consumers money.

Infrared Heater

A few days ago I was watching an advertisement on EdenPure Infrared heaters. The heater seemed amazing and I must get me one when I can afford it. An Infrared Heater is a body with a higher temperature that transfers energy to a body with a lower temperature through infrared radiation. Many people have claimed they have saved a ton of money with the EdunPure Heater and best of all it does not get hot so no children can get burnt.


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