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Creative and Simple Ways To Save Money

Updated on March 10, 2015

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Interested In Saving Money?

If you are interested in easy ways to save money, then start your money saving journey with these 7 creative and simple ways to save.

There are so many things available for purchase in stores. If you walk into a supermarket, you are guaranteed to find anything from cleaning supplies, to clothing, to food items. Yet, why waste the money when you can make many everyday items that you use, at home. Save your money with these 7 easy and simple things that you can make at home instead of buying.

Lysol soap scum remover and deodorizer. You can make these by yourself!
Lysol soap scum remover and deodorizer. You can make these by yourself! | Source

Make Your Own Household Products

Cleaning supplies are the first on the list. It might not seem like much when you consider that one bottle of Windex under the cabinet or the box of detergent next to the washing machine, but if you take a look in supply closets, you can see that little things add up fast! You can save money on many cleaning ingredients, such as soap-scum remover, which can be made with simple ingredients in your kitchen such as baking soda, vinegar, and olive oil.

Soap-scum remover isn't the only product you can make, baking soda doubles as a deodorizer and vaseline can even fix squeaky door hinges and be used as lipgloss.

Beer AND bread can both be made at home. If you don't have time to make the beer, you can at least make the bread.
Beer AND bread can both be made at home. If you don't have time to make the beer, you can at least make the bread. | Source

Make Your Own Beer and Wine

Although this may get a little time-consuming, beer and wine can be made at home, saving you hundreds (maybe thousands?) of dollars a year! All the supplies a beer and wine fanatic might need are some grapes, a big pot of water, and some special herbs. You can experiment with your own personal tastes and see the savings add up. Often the cost of a beer-making-kit is less money spent per beer than buying a 12 pack for $15.00

Grow the fruits and veggies that can tolerate the climate you live in, and buy the ones that can't. In my case, bananas.
Grow the fruits and veggies that can tolerate the climate you live in, and buy the ones that can't. In my case, bananas. | Source

Grow Your Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are among the top easiest things to grow at home, and will save you a trip to the produce isle at the grocery store, and save your money. The vegetables at stores are grown with pesticides and are mostly not organic, if you grow your own, not only do you save money, but you also eat healthy. You don’t even need to have a garden outside! A simple pot or two near the kitchen window will grow you broccoli, mustard greens, tomatoes, peppers…anything really.

Stuffed animal toys
Stuffed animal toys | Source

DIY Toys

If you really feel like you want to save a large amount of money, try the following suggestion which your kids might disagree with. I feel compelled to add a cheesy joke here and say that you too can be like “Santa’s little elves” and make your own toys at home. Crafts, like sock puppets or paper bag puppets are definitely a lot cheaper that getting the $30.00 talking Barbie doll, which DOESN’T come with batteries or any of the additional “hair and outfit” accessories, which can conveniently be purchased separately…for $19.99 of course.

But DIY toys can be great especially if you have a small child. Or better yet, craft supplies will still cost less than going to Toys R Us. Buy some and have a craft day instead.

Homemade food is healthy
Homemade food is healthy | Source

Homemade Food

This one is really mind blowing; you can even make food from scratch! This means that you do not go out to buy the already packaged bread (with preservatives and additives) but instead you mix the flour with some baking soda, salt, and water, and put it in the oven to cook. Homemade things are often healthier because they do not contain more fat, salt, and sugar. They save you money, and save the planet, because home-made bread does not have to be packaged in plastic wrap and sealed with nifty little twisty ties.

Cooking for yourself will literally save you thousands of dollars. There's no conflict or argument about it. You'll be eating healthier and saving money.

Get creative with it, you aren't limited to making just cards. I went with a homemade lip balm and even asked my friend what flavor she liked.
Get creative with it, you aren't limited to making just cards. I went with a homemade lip balm and even asked my friend what flavor she liked. | Source

DIY Gifts

Lastly, you can make a variety of gifts without the unnecessary packaging or the extra money spent. The time and effort that is put into making a present for somebody is often appreciated more than the thoughtless gift card to a store the person hates. Some ideas include decorative labels for wine bottles, dressing up a perfume bottle, or making a secret family jam and handing it out to friends.

More Tips On Saving Money

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