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10 Reasons Why Barack Obama Will Never Leave Office

Updated on July 30, 2022
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The Name is now Bigfoot Holmes and it’s 2022. I am now the host of The Spinning Backfist, which is a podcast available on all platforms.

This is Actually Happening!! (Originally published 2012)

Out of Knowhere this Man Named Barack Hussein Obama, Comes knocking at our door.....the rest is history, The bible is right, look at the middle east right now. We are in trouble So get your gun, because you will be raided it is coming soon.

Updated 2019

I didn’t write the BS about keeping Obama, that had previously been placed in this article. The original article was wrote by Bigfoot Holmes in 2012. So crazy that I was able to log in and fix this now on(7/30/22). Beware USA because this foreshadowing is coming to fruition at this very moment in time.

Obama will never leave office. Here's my 10 reasons of why and How

10.) He loves power doesn't care about the people but just himself. He loves to speak and pause in the middle, like a cliffhanger. Does he ever really get to the point?? And why call one group ISLE not ISIS like everyone else in the country he was leading.

*at least he never became best friends with the worst man in history.

*update that would one Be Adolf Hitler. He’s the worse man, Up to this point in time. Not sure who updated these but this is kinda fun to rebuttal.

9.) Remember Lybia, he went over the top and bombed them without going through appropriate methods, he just pushed the button.

Update: I didn’t write the previous update.The pleading for Obama.

8.) His wife is already on NBC, for promoting biggest loser, when she looks really fit to me.

*His wife is at least an American.
*well at least Trump divorces his wife’s before he moves onto a new one.


Hes already had tried to make the USA a religion based country of Islam, when we have are own right to choose what to believe in. He poisoned Christian’s, Catholics, and Jewish with a birth control bill Allowing for improper Abortions.

*This is now in states hands thank god. TWith that Roe v Wade overturn. The Supreme Court is trying to be a savior, Thanks to Donald Trumps smarts.

6.) He thanked Hawaii for coming up with his phony birth certificate. When in fact he should have thanked Donald Trump, for bringing it to our nations attention.

*Donald Trump should really dive into this situation when he wins in 2024. As long as it’s not already done and rigged again, by Hussein Obamas puppets.

5.) A marine is being ousted for speaking his values, and opinions. What happened to freedom of speech? Obama, wont let us say anything negative towards him.

*Everyone in military that didn’t get Covid vaccination was immediately discharged and Sent home. 2022

4.) China owns us anyway, so he'll just give us to them before he ever leaves office.

*Donald Trump put a tax Tariff on the Country we owe Trillions too.

* yes because we don’t need them nor there money. Bitcoin will provide stabilization from communism.

3.) Hes creating more jobs, but yet why is it when i call my green dot card I get directed to Pakistan? or why is a computer always answering my calls, and making me go insane.

*The stock market crashed once again 2021-2022.. ironically the last time it was this bad was. 2008. Also Oil drilling has now been haulted after 2020

2.) Look at his name, really? Hussein is his middle name. How can we put this into Office Barack Hussein Obama....Its over, he is a dictator just like his name says. He wont leave office without a fight.

*A Hussein before stated death will come to America. That’s before he was executed for being a tyrant.
*Antifa seems to be his army

1.) Why does He want us to give up our guns. So we can't defend ourselves when the new KBG is formed? Obama isn't leaving office, he's turned our country into a place not to much different then Syria, Iran, Iraq, or Afghanistan. I pray I'm wrong, but the facts our the facts.

*They keep pushing this bill, Canada already took citizens guns, and now we are being attacked every week by what I believe to be planned and orchestrated shootings, set in motion by a terrorist organization that has yet to come to the forefront.

Hail Obama!! lol..
Hail Obama!! lol..

Are we becoming a socialist Country

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