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Adolf Eichmann Found Innocent By Florida Jury, or He Would have Been

Updated on July 23, 2013

Adolf Eichmann was found innocent of war crimes in a Florida court on Tuesday. After a dozen hours of deliberation, the jury found that the evidence against Eichmann proves that the Jewish people had threatened Eichmann and the local Nazi neighborhood watch officer had the right to the defend himself based on “stand your ground” laws.

That would have been the verdict had Eichmann been tried by a “jury of his peers” in Florida. You see, Eichmann was only protecting his neighborhood, and he was afraid for his life.

That makes it justified, the jury ruled.

The jury found that Eichmann had the right to defend himself after Jewish agression in Germany had made Eichmann “afraid for his life.” Eichmann had been tracking down Jewish citizens and putting them on trains to get them out of neighborhoods where “they didn’t belong”.

Nazi art demonizing the Jewish People
Nazi art demonizing the Jewish People | Source

Zimmerman killed a black man. African-Americans are clearly suspect residents of our nation for many people, blacks and whites, and they are blamed for much of the crime in the U.S. as Jews had been blamed for many problems in Europe, i.e. Germany, in the early 20th Century.

Actual cartoon that appeared in major U.S. papers.
Actual cartoon that appeared in major U.S. papers. | Source

Eichmann had no option but defend himself, the jury concluded.

Beth Kassab, writing for the Orlando Sentinal saw the Zimmerman verdict as a logical outcome, “Nobody wants to see two parents who already lost their teenage son also lose out on what they saw as justice. As painful as it may be, though, acquitting George Zimmerman was the only verdict the jury could logically reach.”

Finding Eichmann innocent was the only logical conclusion the jury could make since he was just obeying German law.

The judge in the Zimmerman case also make laid out the defense's case for them, “Judge Nelson specified in her instructions, as Ta-Nehisi Coates pointed out, that if Mr. Zimmerman was not “engaged in an unlawful activity and was attacked in any place where he had a right to be, he had no duty to retreat and had the right to stand his ground and meet force with force, including deadly force.” ”

From the conservative National Review in July 2013
From the conservative National Review in July 2013 | Source

And the jury concluded that Eichmann had no duty to disobey his Fuhrer’s orders; Eichmann sincerely thought the Jews were hurting real Germans, and he was not legally bound to retreat from his job of deporting Jews to camps.

And let’s not forget that propaganda played a role in the killings of Jews, “Josef Goebbels created a negative image of the Jewish people, blaming them for the economic and social problems of Germany and the world.”

Statements about the crimes of blacks was presented to the Zimmerman jury as well, stating that blacks are responsible for much of the crime in the neighborhood Trayvon Martin was caught in as witnesses testified at Zimmerman’s trial.

Nazi propaganda demonizing Jewish people.
Nazi propaganda demonizing Jewish people. | Source
Right-wing propaganda dehumanizing Michelle Obama.
Right-wing propaganda dehumanizing Michelle Obama. | Source

The New York Times tell us the verdict in the Zimmerman trial was based on what is legal in Florida, “It is an inescapable fact that Mr. Zimmerman created the circumstances in which he felt his life was in danger, and then was able to use Florida’s self-defense law to avoid imprisonment for shooting and killing the person he feared.”

Eichmann’s attorney argued that the Jews posed a threat to Germans, and thus Eichmann was justified in sending them to concentration camps. It was, in fact, not only his right like Zimmerman had the right to stalk and kill Martin (after a scuffle that Zimmerman, of course, said was initiated by Martin).

Under the law in Nazi Germany, Eichmann had to be found innocent, and the Florida jury understood this.

Given the facts of the Eichman trial, the Florida jury found Eichmann was not guilty of murder since he was afraid and only following the law.

Tex Shelters


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