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An Independent Voters View | Global Warming Junk Science Revealed

Updated on November 27, 2010

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See the big gaps in the recent data in Canada, Greenland, Africa, South America, parts of western Asia, parts of Australia.
See the big gaps in the recent data in Canada, Greenland, Africa, South America, parts of western Asia, parts of Australia.

I have to thank two individuals for giving me a reason to do this research and write this article. The first is fellow Hubber Storytellersrus. She recently left a comment on my article about the way forward in 2010 and advices me that my ideas on the CAP and Trade legislation were naïve and that it was a complicated issue better left to experts. So first let me say all the opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent any organization, group, or other individuals. When I speak (write) it is my view and you are all welcome to agree or disagree.

That comment led me to intensify my study of the Nat Gas and Oil and Carbon Credits issues on my own when Whalllah! I get an unsolicited email from my brother Bill. Now let me tell you a bit about Bill. He is a Purdue Engineering School Graduate, and is an industrial engineer. He studies data for a living. But what you should also know that Bill is a rare breed as he is one of the guys that does what he does for a living because that’s what he is. That is to say my brother when confronted with a glass of water that others would see as half empty or half full, Bill sees it at 50% volume and will immediately start doing the fluid dynamics computations in his head for more efficient distribution and replenishment. That’s Bill that’s what he is. His political biases are unknown to me as we live 500 miles apart and when we see each other we have other stuff to talk about.

So when I received an email that says you’ve got to tell people about this, I take him seriously. Now to be fair and so you understand I’m not pushing anyone’s agenda. He sent me a link to a site –American Thinker – That is unabashedly biased and conservative. They say so in their “About Us” tab. So suspicions were raised and off I went to check their data. Which is included in the links below.

KUSI TV San Diego-The only independent TV station in the San Diego Television Market. Further more John Coleman did the Video Report and John’s credibility goes back a long way for many of us; he was doing weather at Good Morning America in the 70’s. This is a guy America has trusted for many, many years. So now I’m listening loud.

The next source checks were the Authors of the report “Climategate: Leaked Emails Inspired Data Analyses Show Claimed Warming Greatly Exaggerated and NOAA not CRU is Ground Zero” This report was compiled by Meteorologist Consultant Joseph D’Aleo, and Computer Analyst E.M Smith. Can’t find any political bias in these two. So I am now paying attention to their preliminary report. You should too; it’s only ten pages but the information presented is an astounding indictment of the National Oceanographic and Atmosphere Administration and in particular the Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) and concludes NOAA is “seriously complicit in data manipulation and fraud.”

These allegations are made by the GHCN’s systemic elimination of data collection points throughout the globe(from 6000 in 1989 – to less than 1500 today); not by closing them down mind you; but by failing to include them in the data. To top that off the ones kept are systemically biased towards warmer temperature reading. There now only 35 of 600 data points in use for all of Canada just one in use for everything North of 65 deg Latitude, five for the great state of California, four in Los Angeles, and one in San Francisco, (none in the mountains), and so on. Even after that the temperature data used is ‘homogenized’ and manipulated with a warming bias, then compared to statistics gathered when all 6000 points were used, furthering the bias towards warming.

Russia issued a special report claiming data manipulation as only 25% of the stations were used to report temps for 40% of its territory.

This of course puts the entire thesis of global warming, and Carbon Dioxide emissions into question, and thus Cap and Trade Legislation as well. So now I ask the question, if we continue with a whole new tax and a new exchange where carbon credits are going to be bought and sold, Who is going to profit? This is a question unanswered in the legislation thus far, but I just get the feeling it’s certainly not going to be you or me. I would suspect we need to look to the left and see who’s on the sidelines ready to get involved with “trading” these credits like cattle or corn futures or maybe currency futures like maybe George Soros ( a strong supporter of the President). That’s not to say he is or isn’t a designated Carbon Trader, but business is business and traders don’t care about the commodity; they get paid for executing the trade. Somewhere in this mess there is a money trail. It’s time we started looking for it.

Additionally, since the Al Gore Book and Movie "An Inconvenient Truth" is currently being taught in our public school systems as environmental truth; it now seems it was based on junk science data we need to get that out of our schools now.


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