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Happy 101st Birthday President Reagan

Updated on February 6, 2012

He's Got That Right

A Tribute To A Great President

If Ronald Reagan were alive today he'd be 101 years old. Not only was he a great American but he was one of the greatest Presidents in modern history, even though Obama doesn't rank him in there with himself. But on the positive side of that coin he replaced Jimmie Carter who was the worst President by the last true landslide victory to begin to set the ship of state on a course that was sorely needed. Unfortunately there was but one Ronald Reagan as we have yet to see another one sailing over the horizon at this time when we desperately need a leader at the helm. Carter is now probably rejoicing that our present community organizer will replace him as the worst President we've had.

Back when President Reagan was elected the nation was in an economic shambles. Carter had brought in Keynesian economists to try to "fix" things just as Obama has. Both suffered from the same results - matters got worse, not better. If that left you with a blank look on your face then may I suggest that you Google Keynesian economics to find out what a failure that it is and will continue to be and why.

Ronald Reagan understood that the government wasn't the solution to our problems. It is the problem. Yes, it took him a while to unscrew the cork that Carter had jammed in the economic machine that drives the train of our nation. That machine is the free market system and capitalism. Reagan was beyond a shadow of a doubt not a progressive, not even close. Carter is a progressive which he hid well when he ran for election as is Obama who also hid it well. Once in office though they both got to show their true colors with the same resulting destruction.

Many young people don't understand what Carter had wrought and what Reagan faced. Reagan wasn't the type who continually blamed Carter for the problems he was charged with correcting. He is such a stark contrast to what we see today as everything that Obama has tried has failed and he wants to continue to blame everyone but himself. Reagan didn't point fingers he took decisive action and surrounded himself with the best economic minds this nation had at his disposal. They were hands-on economists who knew the government wasn't the answer to everyone's prayers. Reagan knew there was no such thing as a free lunch opposed to Obama thinking everyone deserves a free lunch.

Here's a video that offers the stark contrast between Ronald R. Reagan and Barack H. Obama.

A Stark Contrast Of America

Reagan didn't believe that the winners and losers in our economy should be chosen by the federal government. He believed in free enterprise where the marketplace chooses those winners and losers. He didn't believe in excessive government regulations and red tape that strangle any economic development, that is the purview of liberal Democrats like Obama. When faced with the high employment that Carter had left him he implemented tax cuts that freed up the economic engine that was being strangled by an administration of Keynesians. He didn't continually whine about Carter. He took the necessary actions to do something about it. It took a determined effort to undo what progressives had done but he was up to the task.

Our military strength had been decimated and morale was low in the military. How do I know that? Because I was one of those cold warriors at the time. He brought our military strength up to what it should have been and projected that strength throughout the world which ultimately ended the reign of the Soviet Empire and brought freedom to many of the countries in Europe. He promised the nation that he was going to do just that, then he did it. He kept his campaign promises and remained a true moral compass for this nation. For that President Reagan I offer my humble gratitude. The military under Carter had become a punching bag and we're beginning to see that again under the lack of leadership of Obama.

Here's to a Happy 101st Birthday President Reagan. You brought actual "hope" and optimism to our nation when it was sorely needed. You didn't need it as a campaign slogan, you lived it. You were a leader, not a pretender. You truly loved America and believed in our country without the need to go around apologizing for this nation and bowing to foreign leaders. It just wasn't going to happen on your watch. You, among the few, brought true meaning to the words "strength through deterrence." You truly understood that this nation was exceptional as are its people when they really pay attention.

Where are you when we need you as we are facing the pessimism and blame gaming of this administration, heaps of big government rhetoric thinking that is supposedly the answer rather than the problem and a President who has embarked on class warfare pitting Americans against Americans. I can only surmise that you are looking down on this mess now wondering what the people were thinking by electing such a poser and one so unqualified and inexperienced as the present occupier of The People's House.

So here's what I'm going to do tonight just for you. I'm going to tip a cold one in your honor and salute you for the great American that you were. Happy Birthday and may your soul rest in peace.

God bless America in this time when we need his blessing. Let me close with this. WWJT seems to be a new acronym that Obama has created. WWJT = Who Would Jesus Tax? If Obama really had a working knowledge of the Bible, which he obviously does not have, he would know the answer to that question - NO ONE AND NOTHING.

And no, Ronald Reagan didn't believe that the federal government needed to institute socialized medicine to fix our health care problems. He, like his pal Margaret Thatcher, knew that socialism worked until you ran out of other people's money.

The time is approaching when we'll have to make a decision. Do you want a Nanny who will tuck you in at night with money we don't have under your pillow? Or is it an America whose people are risk takers, who believe in working for their prosperity by valuing freedom to seek that which they aspire to be? It should be obvious to anyone that we can't have both.

Liberalism-- An idea so good it has to be mandated.

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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