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Updated on April 26, 2011


Islam is an Arabic word meaning "submission." A Muslim is one who submits. Submission is to the will of God (Allah) in all areas of life.

According to a recent article in Newsweek: "Muslim Slavs, many of them fair-haired and blue-eyed, are better known for eating pork and drinking plum brandy than holding fundamentalist views. Most are of Christian origin: their Serb or Croat ancestors converted to Islam after the Ottoman Turks arrived in 1463. Muslim culture flourished - from ancient mosques, Turkish baths and covered bazaars to Muslim rock groups ‘’White Button’’ and ‘’Hara Mata Hari."

There are five main doctrinal teachings of Islam which are to be accepted by all Muslims and form the core beliefs of all Islamic branches:

Doctrine of God. Islam is a strict monotheistic religion. There is no other God than Allah. The Christian Trinitarian position is often seen by Muslims as polytheistic. Muhammad is not divine not to be worshipped.

Doctrine of Angels. Angels surround the throne of God and serve as his messengers to people. Gabriel is the chief of angels. Iblis, who is Satan or the Devil, is a fallen angel. He controls the jinn, who are male and female demons.

Doctrine of Inspired Books. Muslims believe that the Pentateuch, the Psalms, and the Gospels were divinely revealed, but have been corrupted through translations and transmission. The Koran is the only book without error. It is somewhat shorter than the New Testament and contains 114 suras or chapters.

Doctrine of Prophets. there were many prophets before Muhammed, to include, Adam, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Muhammad is considered the greatest and last, the so called Seal of the Prophets.

Doctrine of the Last Judgement. Muslims believe there will be a final judgement for all people. Unbelievers will be sentenced to burning fires of hell and believers will enter heaven.

There are five duties which are required of all Muslim believers. These are often referred to as the "Five Pillars of Faith" and are as follows:

Confession of Faith. "There is no God but God (Allah) and Muhammed is the prophet of God."

Prayer. Five times each day every believer is required to face Mecca and pray. Attendance at Friday noon prayers in the mosque is required of male believers.

Alms-giving. Every Muslim is expected to give a portion of his income to charity.

Fasting. During the ninth lunar month of their year, Muslims observe the Fast of Ramadan, which commemorates the completion of the Koran. The fast is from sunrise to sunset, which includes refraining from food, drink, or earthly pleasure, such as sexual intercourse.

Pilgrimage to Mecca. Every believer is expected to make at least one pilgrimage in a lifetime unless health or funds preclude it. The pilgrimage is called the hajj and is preferably made during the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar.

It is estimated that perhaps 70% of Bosnian Muslims practice what is sometimes referred to as "Folk Islam." While they are considered aberrant by the more orthodox, they reflect a blending of Islam and surrounding religions. Folk Islam often incorporates the use of rosaries, amulets, talismans, sorcery, and haircutting’s and nail-trimmings, and miscellaneous animistic practices.

The Muslims of the former Yugoslavia represent a remnant of past Ottoman occupation dating from the 14th century. The majority of Yugoslav Muslims belong to the Sunni sect, while the remainders are Shiites. Muslims believe in all biblical revelations from the Old and New Testaments of which they consider the Koran to be the culmination. The Koran calls for the equitable treatment of all religious beliefs and urges adherents of all religions to unite on the basis of belief in a single God.

The basic Islamic organization in the local community is the Council, headed by the mufti. Four assemblies {composed of clerics and laymen} exist, headquartered in Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina), Pristina (Kosovo), Skopje {FYROM}, and Titograd (Montenegro) respectively. A Supreme Assembly is chosen from among the four regional assemblies and includes a Supreme Islamic Seniority. The Reis-ul-ulema is Islam's chief religious official in Yugoslavia. Religious education for children is provided at the local mosque. Education of Muslim imams is conducted in Sarajevo and Pristina. At the latter, Albanian is the language of instruction and serves to strengthen Albanian nationalism and religiosity. University Students are enrolled at institutions in Islamic countries.


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