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When Your Number Is called and You Know It Will.

Updated on February 2, 2011

Blessings Come From Giving, Not taking.

Who Else Would Remember You and Why?

You have done your part, or so it appears.

You were born to a life of means, and if not, at least to some comfort. You went to the best schools, married a nice looking spouse, raised very good kids and excelled in your profession. You looked forward to wonderful retirement, one you worked very hard for, and saved a lot of money for. Your will has been well crafted and saved for the day it all ends. Your children will been well catered for in your death as they were in your life.

You saw a lot during this life; you saw opulence and excess alongside squalor and deprivation. You flourished amid the contrast, staying focused on your chosen or elected path. You were not apathetic to the plight of others; you did sometiimes wonder why such glaring gaps existed. You questioned not fate as you lived your nice life; but you amassed and accumulated all the wealth you aptly earned.

You participated in causes you felt were beffiting; you gave to charities what you felt was obligatory. Your giving was sometimes in response to an appeal, and other times it was to the urging of a friend. You always saw an angle in this thing called giving; the tax breaks, the end of year earnings and the publicity was good motivation for you.

Your health was relatively good, for you could afford the best care, So what a shock to find out you are sick, so sick, even terminal. The emotion so strong words could not describe, the injustice the hurt, how could this affliction be visited to you. You sought the best care, seeking exclusivity along the way. The news remained the same no matter the source.

This experience has been eye opening to say the least, you are sharing a hospital room with the nephew of your janitor. You overhear conversations that are foreign to your life, how could anyone in this world not have money for medication? You lie there in deep recollection of your life, of your contributions; reality it seems has hit like a tsunami at dawn.

You have spent this life amassing great wealth, and you thought you shared to make a difference to others. You gave a pittance when you felt you had to, and appeared to help when people were looking. When the dust settled and the smoke cleared however, your giving was self centered, aimed at assuaging your guilt.

You call your lawyer, your spouse, your children. You make it right, not for heaven, but for others. Your janitor's nephew gets all his treatment paid for, and you sleep a sleep like you never before. You bequeat to kids, to families and poor schools, and you and your family alone know that you did this good deed.

The source of their benefaction they may not know, but they remember this person, like they were a saint.

2 Corinthians 9:6-8
''Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed''.

So to you my audience I ask this question, who may think saintly thoughts of you when your number gets called?


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