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Killing of Trayvon Martin: If it is not racism, what is it?

Updated on August 25, 2017

Undisputed Facts

George Zimmerman followed Trayvon Martin and was upset that the a**holes always get away. Trayvon Martin went to the store for snacks and was returning home, talking on the cell phone. George Zimmerman saw Trayvon running got out of his car, against the advice of NEN. Within minutes Travyon Martin was dead.

The end result of a deadly encounter


According to George Zimmerman

On February 26, 2012, George Zimmerman looked at a youth, unknown to him, and decided that something was not right. He called police non-emergency number (NEN) and reported a hooded person in his late teens who was walking around looking in houses. He prefaced his suspicion with the comment that there had been many break-ins in his neighborhood. When asked specifics about race, George said the hooded person looked black. George Zimmerman followed the hooded youth by car and then on foot. NEN told Zimmerman that “We don’t need you to do that.” , and made a similar comment right before the deadly encounter somewhere between the “T” and 40 feet from the “T.” In less than four minutes, the hooded, black youth was dead.

Rachel Jeantel testified. She was not believed.

According to Rachel Jeantel, and supported by cell phone records, she was on the phone with Travyvon Martin, with several disruptions, from the time he noticed a stranger following him until the cell phone went dead. The last thing she remembers hearing Trayvon say was, “Get off me! Get off me!” Trayvon had gone walked to 7-11 to buy an Arizona drink and Skittles for his son-to-be stepbrother.

Why didn't the jury believe Rachel Jeantel?


Shortly before Trayvon was killed he was videoed at 7-11


Did you believe Rachel Jeantel?

What affects Rachel's believability?

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If not race, what is the answer

Parents have told black boys to "not" run from the police because it makes them look guilty. George Zimmerman said Trayvon was moving too slowly. What speed can a black youth walk that will not incur suspicion? If race was not a factor, that is wonderful. The fact remains that this boy's life was ended before it started. Can his death be explained without saying he was a thug, who used drugs, wore gold on his teeth in the past, or videoed fights?

Juror B37 and other jurors

Juror 37, less than 46 hours after the “not guilty” verdict, announced that she and her lawyer husband were writing a book about the case and deliberations. She said Rachel Jeantel was not believable and she couldn’t understand most of what she was saying. B37 said “They” talk like that. Within 12 hours, Juror B37 decided to “not” write the book. Within almost the same period, four jurors distanced themselves from B37’s comments and said she spoke for herself. The Hispanic (?) juror from Chicago was not included among the four jurors and has yet to make a statement.

Quotes from B37's interview with Anderson Cooper

See what Juror B37 said in the postverdict interview:

  • On Zimmerman's actions: "He was justified in shooting Trayvon Martin."
  • On feeling confident in the verdict: "I'm 101 percent that he was — that he should have done what he did, except for the things he did before."
  • On Zimmerman's intentions: "I think George Zimmerman is a man whose heart was in the right place, but just got displaced by the vandalism in the neighborhoods and wanting to catch these people so badly that he went above and beyond what he really should have done."
  • On Zimmerman being armed: "I think he has every right to carry a gun."
  • On her view of the incident: "I think the roles changed. I think George got in a little bit too deep, which he shouldn't have been there. But Trayvon [Martin] decided that he wasn't going to let him scare him, and I think Trayvon got mad and attacked him."
  • On whether she finds Zimmerman guilty: "I think he's guilty of not using good judgment."
  • On feeling emotional about the case: "I feel sorry for both of them. I feel sorry for Trayvon and the situation he was in, and I feel sorry for George for the situation he got himself in."
  • On witness Rachel Jeantel: "[I think she] felt inadequate toward everyone because of her education and her communication skills. I just felt sadness for her."
  • On if she'd like Zimmerman to be her neighborhood watch: "If he didn't go too far . . . He just didn't stop at the limitations he should have stopped at."

Why did this happen?



George Zimmerman followed Trayvon Martin and was upset that the a**holes always get away. Trayvon Martin went to the store for snacks and was returning home, talking on the cell phone. George Zimmerman saw Trayvon running, got out of his car, against the advice of NEN. Within minutes Travyon Martin was dead.

  1. Why did Trayvon look suspicious?
  2. Does it make sense that Trayvon, obviously aware of George watching and following him, would continue to look for houses to rob?
  3. How much loot could Trayvon carry on foot?
  4. Why didn’t George just stay in the car?
  5. Why is the country divided seemingly by political affiliation?
    1. Political affiliation is based on ideology
    2. Why are people seemingly divided along liberal/conservative lines

I believe there are conservatives that believe Trayvon was murdered. Social Media has made it possible for people with racist views to dominant the discussion and flood all forms of media with subtle to blatant narrative that is racist.

It felt good to see white protestors march along with black protestors. They did not hold signs showing party affiliation or political views. I believe many of them are Republicans, Christians, conservatives, and plain old ordinary people who feel Trayvon was murdered for no good reason.

Unsupervised Sequestration Headline 7/21/13

Was B37 a stealth juror

“Though 4 other Zimmerman jurors issued a statement distanced themselves from the insensitive and problematic statements made during the interview, Florida’s WFTV has discovered that jurors spent hours of alone time with family that could have impacted the verdict.”

Frank Taafe went n the media circuit bragging that the vote was 5-1 in favor of not guilty. They just needed t convince the “hold out” juror that manslaughter did not apply. This was a great opportunity for B37 and her lawyer husband to plan to write a book.

Juror B29 has lawyered up and will speak to Robin Roberts

@RobinRoberts : Just interviewed juror from Zimmerman trial. No shadows to hide her identity. New insight about verdict. Tonight @ABCWorldNews & tmrw @GMA. 3 min

Direct quotes from Maddy, Juror B29

“You can’t put the man in jail even though in our hearts we felt he was guilty."

“It’s hard for me to sleep, it’s hard for me to eat because I feel I was forcefully included in Trayvon Martin’s death. And as I carry him on my back, I’m hurting as much Trayvon’s Martin’s mother because there’s no way that any mother should feel that pain.”

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Racists are alive and commenting

lmao WeCanWinThisFight7 days ago

Im racist and I'm proud. GZ is a hero, Travyon got what he deserved. Those Marxists will get what they deserve soon enough.


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