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Manny Prays for Our Good Health

Updated on December 17, 2013


If Manny could sing, he'd be singing the blues...
If Manny could sing, he'd be singing the blues... | Source

Too Big To Be True!

Good Morning brekfastpoppers. Today is Thursday, December 5, 2013. My dear friend, Breakfastpop, has asked me to speak to all of you. My name is Manny and I am by birth and profession, a Praying Mantis. I have the good fortune to be able to insert myself into all things political and social in this great country of ours. It is considered bad form to try and step on me, so I have no worries about being booted out of Washington, D.C. I spend a good deal of my time in the White House and on the road with President Obama. Please allow me to share my thoughts with you.

President Obama, by deliberate design, is programmed to come up with big life changing ideas. His job, as he sees it, is to make the big announcement. He really enjoys getting out of the White House. He loves to work the audience, which in this case is the American people. He jets here and there, says what he hopes is moving in front of a clueless audience with a backdrop of head nodding, inanely smiling puppets. He always stacks the deck in his favor because an unresponsive or even hostile audience is not in his playbook.

Never once does President Obama stop to think about the legitimacy of his big ideas. He doesn't concern himself with the details. He doesn't question whether or not his plans will work. Once he makes the big announcement, as in the case of Obamacare, he moves on.

He never holds meetings to see how things are moving along. He is above the details. He is beyond the day to day problems that his great ideas generate. He forms committees that he never meets with and he appoints people to set things up that he never sits down with. What he does is move on. It is what he does best. He moves on to the next best new thing. The end result is that you, the people, of this great country suffer. If you aren't already drowning under the weight of the fiasco that is Obamacare, you soon will be. Don't look to President Obama for help because he just left on a jet plane.

I watched in complete disbelief as the president told a willing audience that the website was vastly improved and functioning. That's the lie. Here's the truth. According to Deputy Chief Information Officer for the Center's for Medicare and Medicaid, Henry Chao, nearly 40 percent of is still in development. Here's the best part. The parts that have yet to be constructed are the back office systems like accounting and payment. Suffice it to say this baby is not yet ready for prime-time.

One other very important part of the website that isn't functioning are the security systems, the very necessary systems to help keep all your vital information private. Let me assure you of one thing. Your personal information is not secure. Your identities are up for grabs. You may never receive healthcare but a thief in Islamabad may have just inherited your life.



Just For The Fun Of It

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The best advice I can give you is "Buyer Beware". The site doesn't work. The program doesn't work. You may be able to sign up for health care, but you might not really have it. The one thing you can rely on is that this is your government doing what it does best, screwing things up royally.

On that cheery note, I must be off. The King and Queen are off on yet another voyage as far away from Washington D.C. as they can get. I need to hop onboard and grab a bag of presidential peanuts.

Let Us Pray...Manny

Stay Healthy!


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