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Recap 12/7/2011 Trump as Debate Moderator-Time to Send in the Clowns

Updated on December 7, 2011

Step Right Up!

First of all, I want to salute the brave men that stood tall on December 7, 1941, after that dastardly attack on America’s Pacific Fleet anchored at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. I made a point on the 50th anniversary in 1991 to go the memorial, my first visit to Hawaii, to commemorate the event with then President George Herbert Walker Bush, who was in the area on the occasion. I met a lot of the veterans; most who told me where they were at the precise moment the bombs fell. We went from tavern to tavern in Honolulu and they kept me plied with drinks for the better part of the day. I loved to listen to them talk about themselves, much like it was when I had the opportunity to visit London in my early 20s. I made it a habit of going to pubs, and I found many of the older gentlemen that spoke with pride as to how they stood tall during the London Blitz, in WWII. They always made the point that although Hitler had the continent, this little island, this England, was determined to stay on the map. The youngest of the Pearl Harbor survivors had to be around 70 years. I took snap shops with a few of the men, and had a chance to experience living history from their accounts

I don’t want to Digress, but I Guess that it is Rant Time?

I couldn’t help but chuckle at chicanery going within the Republican rank and file, regarding those that aspire to be Commander and Chief. In this portion of the article, I will be as objective as I can. The question is this, why are the GOP presidential candidates involving themselves or even considering involving themselves in the next debate moderated by Donald Trump? It looks bad; it is a Bozo Show, to be sure.

It looks bad for two reasons. I think my reasonable conservative friends recognize that association with this man is not advantageous. I could understand if someone like the late William Buckley would moderate such a forum. Every time he spoke on his “Firing Line” program, I made it a habit to scramble for a dictionary. Mastery of the English language and superb reasoning skills made him a must watch even for ‘libbies’ like yours truly. Don’t you want a moderator that is exemplary and represents the GOP ideology and philosophy in an intelligent light, at its best? Trump was playing games with the GOP electorate by saying he is running then backing out? Even the rank and file, Karl Rove and others, know that the word is out about dropping the “birther thing”. I would recommend getting somebody with credibility, someone who does not have us snickering every time his name is mentioned.

Secondly, Mr. Trump is a pompous egomaniac. If I were GOP, I would take offense at the idea of having to ‘kiss his ring’ to get his blessing. The idea that he is a kingmaker fits well into his psychological makeup. Does any one of the contenders really want to be seen in deference to this fellow, hat in hand and bent of knee? If you participate, it does not look very presidential to me. I am surprised that it could look that way to conservatives. Here comes Newt Gingrich, all ready soiled with a past background that included unethical behavior. Is he crazy enough to show the world how easily he can be bought, once again? In a conversation with the press, Trump gave a disparaging comment or two regarding Mitt Romney’s expressed desire not to attend the debate. Unlike the folks on Trump’s “Apprentice” program, he is at least smart enough to not to be made a fool of on national television. The test will be how many of the GOP contenders will actually make a showing at the sponsored debate or risk the wrath of Trump!

Of course, I am not particularly attracted to any of the GOP contenders at the moment, but seriously, Republicans, you can do better than this. Honestly, it is good that you all took a sigh or relief when Cain stepped down, but there were certainly a great number of you who supported this guy. “Bruther from another muther”, for Pete’s sake! At least try to furnish a real challenge to the incumbent. The President made a sterling address in Kansas on December 6th. Whether you like Obama or not, he did put aside his professorial hat and made clear the choices available to the American people. You can either say yes or no, but there is no equivocating as to the message. Mr. Obama is finally listening to me, I told him to do something like this long ago. The right and their rebuttals have fallen woefully short, but they still scramble to try to mute the message. In doing that, they are just going to make the president’s message all the more distinct and clear.. .


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