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Updated on November 5, 2015

Term superclass is referred to those few thousand individuals who have unparalleled power over world affairs: this group consists of members from politics, business, finance, arts and other realms. It can also be termed as the ‘Global elite’ or sometimes as ‘Globalists’; so from here on they would be referred by any of the three titles or names. Members of global elite wield influence and power in their respective countries and beyond in collusion with their colleagues. According to statistics, the percentage of the superclass of the following regions account for:

Asia-Pacific (The source of 33 percent of the superclass

European Union (28 percent)

North America (21 percent

Latin America (12 percent)

Africa (5 percent)

There are roughly 6,000 members of the superclass, as defined by Rothkopf in his book Superclass as per his own criteria. Samuel Huntington concocted a term “davos man” describing those members of the superclass who have low national loyalty - believe national boundaries as barriers - and to their advantage these boundaries are disappearing. .Samuel was vociferously against the extra influence of the global elite for they at best operate through their own social networks and at worst they have better connections with each other than with their people and regimes.

Global elite so gathers at various conferences e.g. davos and constantly do business with each other. It wouldn’t be wrong to call them a class without country. Global elite consists of political, religious, military leaders – wherein money in combination with capacity to ostensibly display and execute power is one guarantee to domination. Which takes the precedence money or power is a different debate altogether.

David Rothkopf the author of the ‘superclass’ has said in his book that even Pope forms as the member of Superclass and much contrasting figure to the Pope dead Osama also undoubtedly was a superclass member - former has influence and power over people, so had the latter even if he so lived in a cave.

They use their influence to prevent any changes that they perceive as harmful to their interests even if those changes are as beneficial to society and country as a whole- thus they preclude the chances of fair competition to their businesses and try to retain monopoly of their respective businesses as long as its possible. The author in his book has said that today’s superclass is better than the superclass of the past; latter was mainly oligarchic and aristocratic in nature and form while former is product of hardworking creative, ambitious people: owner of the Facebook is the prime example. Not surprisingly though the majority of the superclass is from the western nations for those nations have highly established educational systems with universities globally recognized. Similarly the western forums such as ‘davos’ is perceived more or less Eurocentric.


Empire: Leading Authors Discussing The Role of Globalists

However they should not be allowed to operate with so much independence and be given free hand – some people have called for the global regulator of the MNCs. But who would formulate and implement such regulations, if ever materialized, which is what the eventual dilemma.NAFTA peculiarly promotes MNCs and keep nation states ironically under check and pressure of any expropriation.

Institution such as global parliament is not to be realized in coming decades while global elite functions trans-nationally and laws and regulations are so restricted within the borders of the countries. Already there has been violent reaction to perceived impunity on the part of MNCs in some parts of the countries- especially in the third world countries. Moreover they are not answerable to the people at large for they are non-democratic thus people are unable to hold them accountable at any forum.

Developing countries consider FDI minimum in terms of employment and development; MNCs employ less than 1% of the developing countries’ skilled work force while the investment is done in rich segments of the developing world thus it does not at all significantly contribute to the human development index.

Furthermore MNCs dominate the decision making and abate its sphere of influence in third world countries through franchising, licensing, subcontracting agreements and joint ventures. Antiglobalists argue though that penetration of the MNCs in their countries destroy small farms and businesses, reducing work forces and raising the cost of fuel and food, healthcare and education while undermining democracy.

Many voices have been echoed in the poor nations against the greed and hunger of power and money of the superclass (Globalists).Even the citizens of the developed countries i.e. Americans called for more regulations and stiff watch over tycoons of the wall streets- it were ordinary Americans who suffered most as a consequence of the financial crisis; while CEOs of automobile and Banking industries were bailed out- - eventually retaining their perks, allowances, remunerations etc.

Whereas ordinary Americans were pushed out of their homes for they couldn’t pay house rents, installments, gas bills etc. while people at large in developing countries have always been vocal against the oppressive economic policies of the institutions such as WB.IMF and political polices of the UN etc – moreover those institutions are deemed as exploitative tools in the hands of the global elite.

Globalization was dumped thus as the way to further corporate interests so the much popularized free trade is not to them a fair trade. Statistics are innumerable but are consistent with the message of this hub, it is to be noted that rule of the 80/20 is applicable as always –world’s 80 percent resources are controlled by 20% of the people and of the latter few thousand people have decision power and capacity to dominate globally.

Western elite has been probably castigated for many wrongs, however past decade resulted economic boom in the BRIC (Brazil.Russia,India,China) countries and elsewhere which has expectantly given birth to non western billion years. Consequently it turns out the blatant collusion of few thousands who jointly bind a covenant to oppress more and more people ever eager to bloat their influence and power, while Millions of people die of hunger, malnutrition, epidemics; millions are denied of the basic necessities of life and of minimum subsistence.

Notwithstanding all their accords - billions are spent over buying and purchasing of conventional arms and over manufacturing of nuclear arms. The fact is how ever members of the global elite are paranoid of each others' motives over lots of issues; some want to defend their countries by economic protectionism when it is suiting them, by military hardware, by political maneuvering in international forums and by promoting their soft power through culture while others more resourceful want to attack ones weaker.

The story goes when two elephants fight over or befriend to one another – in both cases though it’s harmful for the grass that is destroyed under their feet. Similarly when global elite befriend or antagonize one other: in both cases people of the world pay the price and not them. So keep praying that they happily concur to maintain the statusquo even if it sometimes goes against the wishes of some of the members of the superclass – for it is so dangerous for the world if they decide otherwise or somehow are unable to have consensus.


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