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The Gang Of Six Who Couldn't Shoot Straight

Updated on April 19, 2011

Have You Heard About This?

As The Battle of the Budget builds up steam and arrows are being shot from the left, right and all points in between, it seems we have a little gang of wise sages in Foggy Bottom who have quietly been meeting behind closed doors to come to our aid in solving our nation's fiscal problems. It's interesting to note that they have been labeled as bi-partisan by the Lame Stream Media. Wasn't that the label Obama put on his deficit reduction panel whose findings he has completely ignored? I'm always leery of politicians doing anything quietly behind closed doors in the Administration of Transparency.

As I was reading about this, I was reminded of a quote by someone who said there are two parties operating in Foggy Bottom - the stupid party and the evil party. When the stupid party and the evil party get their heads together we see what they call a bi-partisan effort. I believe Everette Dirksen made that remark but don't quote me on that. .

The two prominent gun slingers that head up this gang are Saxby Chambliss (R) of Georgia and Mark Warner (D) of Virgina. Note the fact that all of these six gunners are US Senators and I believe the House of Representatives initiates appropriations bills. Correct me if I am wrong. There is one member of this gang that I never in a million years would label as bipartisan and that is Dick Durbin (D) of Illinois. There is not a bipartisan bone in that outlaws body I can assure you. Durbin and bipartisan are the height of being oxymoron's. He might be there to keep the administration up on the skinny but beyond that? That's one politician I place NO faith or trust in. I'd rather rub elbows with a rattle snake.

In an effort to maybe shut down the Paul Ryan's shoot out, the Smirky One himself is indicating he might throw his weight, albeit light of late, behind the gang. He ran out of ideas long ago so we'll see. His idea of fixing the economy is to keep throwing government (READ - our tax dollars) money at it.

When Ryan pushed his deficit reduction package across the table, even some Democrats were praising the effort and his having the courage to tackle the subject head on. The two chairmen of Obama's deficit reduction commission praised Ryan for his willingness to step out there in the street for the coming gunfight. Meanwhile back at The Whine House, The Smirkster was peeping through the blinds wondering what to do, not to mention that he was probably a bit miffed that Ryan was receiving all that camera time that should have been his.

What is about to occur, I will call "platitudes over substance" when Obama takes to the air tomorrow evening. His way is always going to be better than any other way. If that is so, why didn't he take the lead in the first place? I'll tell you why. He's the type of guy who takes a knife to a gun fight.

But he has some backup folks, The Gang of Six, even though they can't shoot straight. They are Obama's snipers hiding in the weeds. He can fall back on their recommendations. These are the guys who are behind the scenes sniping at Ryan's "Path to Prosperity." That plan is all about the substance of reducing SPENDING over the coming platitudes of raising taxes to raise more revenue to continue to fund the insanity we know as the federal government.

You see my fellow tax paying Americans, The Gang has a simple solution albeit the same evil meeting stupid match ups we've witnessed in the past. You raise taxes, reduce entitlements and perform that feat in such a way that We, the People take it in the shorts again so that the federal monster can continue to feed. Brilliant plan huh? Saxby showed his hand recently in an interview with the Atlanta Constitution. This is how he put it:

"You've got to have enough money to run the government, and then you've got to have excess money to start paying down on that debt."

The concept of excess money needs to be the key. Solving that problem recently has involved cranking up the printing presses. Where do you think that excess going to come from? Let your imagination run wild while your hands are grasping your wallet tightly. This same Gang of Six have been sitting up there for too many years helping exacerbate the problem and suddenly they are going to ride to our rescue? Just 6 of them out of 535? Give it a rest guys.

The problem is that in Obama and The Gang's view Washington DC is the only party in town. Discussions like powering down to the states, giving them block grants to decide how to distribute our tax dollars where they need it and not where the sages of Foggy Bottom decide they need it aren't serious, grownup talk to the likes of this kind. They would much rather continue to keep the population under their control and enslave future generations so that Washington's bidding stays the primary focus in all of this. Get the picture?

The Gang of Six needs to be stifled. We saw much of the same thing during the health care debate only on a partisan level. When a small group of "supposedly" what are the great thinkers get together behind closed doors and craft anything, we need to pull out our six shooters and start blasting away.

Nuff said?

Have an awesome day!

The Frog

Included In This Addition Is A Fairy Tale


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