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The Octo Mom And The Religious Right

Updated on April 24, 2012

News Story About The Threats to The Children And The Mom

Watching the news these days, there appears to be no more important story that the woman who gave birth to eight children. Really, no wars, economic crisis, political divisions, millions losing their homes; alright, then let's talk about Nadya Suleman, the Octo-mom.

Yes, she probably should not have had eight more children when she already has six and apparently no means to support them. Yeah, I said it, she probably should not have done it. But who are we to judge her? As someone who is pro choice, I believe it has got to work both ways. I don't believe society should be telling a woman what they can and cannot do with their bodies. It would have to apply here as well.

Yet, the argument now seems to be more about the burden to the taxpayers the Octo-Mom will cause. Please. With eight little babies I am sure there are good religious groups out there ready to assist her in her time of need. I am sure Oprah is ready to do a special on this and give her a house, food, clothing like she did for the last family of eight. I hope their show isn't on at the same time as Jon & Kate plus 8. That might cause me internal conflict.

Oh, Oprah has nothing scheduled. There is no lifetime deal in the works? And the religious right isn't supporting her? They are threateining to kill her, her babies and her PR firm? Really. That's strange.

I would think the religious right would be celebrating this moment. Here is a woman who got medical help to conceive and birth a child, got the world's worst doctor and ended with eight children at once and decided not to abort the children but bring them into the world to be loved. Where are you Rush? Sean Hannitty? How come this isn't a celebration of life? Why do these babies deserve to die?

I don't get it. Yes, she probably should not have done it. But she did. There are eight babies in the world who are now hiding in an undisclosed location because the religious right doesn't like their mother. Instead of providing food, clothes and shelter, they are providing fear and judgment. Doesn't seem all that Christian to me. Can we all at least agree that these babies deserve their chance at the American Dream regardless of what Sean Hannitty thinks of their mother?

Even though the media rage is over, there are still children that need to be taken care of.
Even though the media rage is over, there are still children that need to be taken care of.

The Aftermath

Months have passed since the Octo-Mom dominated the news. More important stories have taken its place, like Miss California's opinion on gay marriage. Hardly anyone discusses the Octo-Mom anymore. If she is mentioned in the news, it is usually to disparage the mom herself. Recenlty there have been allegations that she worked as a stripper and that her four year son showed up to school battered and bruised.

Yet, there are still the babies. Even though the story may not be interesting anymore, there are still eight new lives. And the religious right is still no where to be found. At least liberal policies will provide necessities like food and shelter. All we hear from the right is how they do not want to pay for them.

Sources say that the Octo-Mom is trying to get a reality show. There appears to be some interest. At least this may provide the Octo-Mom some resources to take care of her children.

The Octo-Mom Has Signed A Reality TV Show Deal With A British Producer
The Octo-Mom Has Signed A Reality TV Show Deal With A British Producer
The Children Will Make $250 a day, which will be looked after by a Court Appointed Trustor
The Children Will Make $250 a day, which will be looked after by a Court Appointed Trustor

Update August 3, 2009

The Octo-Mom, Nadya Suleman has apparently signed a deal with a British reality TV producer to make a reality television show about her life with 14 children. The children are being paid $250 a day each and as of now it is undisclosed how much the Octo-Mom is making herself. The good news for those who believe that the Octo-Mom will use this for her own personal benefit (more than she already is) is a Judge has ordered a trustor to look over the children's money. This means she will not have total control over their finances.

While the TV show will help her financially take care of her children, the question still remains: Where is the religious right? The first to broadcast the deal was Fox News, and every anchor/pundit spoke about her greed. The right will be up in arms about this. Why? She won't need public assistance even though she obviously needs help. So why are they mad?


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