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The bologna has a first name, it's B-A-R-A-C-K

Updated on July 13, 2020

The bologna has a second name,

it's O-B-A-M-A

It's all over the TV every day,

and if you ask me why I'll say

'Cause Barack Obama has a way

with B-O-L-O-G-N-A!

Welcome to the Official 2012 Obamalogna website! To begin with, we are running a year end special on Obamalogna. Inventories are bursting due to the stagnant economy which isn't even keeping up with inflation and record unemployment where there aren't near enough jobs to take care of graduates coming into the workplace, let alone the 20 plus million unemployed.

We have more brands of Obamalogna than Biden can shake a shackle at, so be my guest! All that is required to buy into Obamalogna is "a willing suspension of disbelief." And for each brand of Obamalogna you buy into you are "promised" a FREE gift from your federal government.

We hope you enjoy our company jingle:

Get your Obamalogna (thank you Mitt)

It is sold at every media station.

You pay a dear price if you buy into it

'Cause November 6, 2012 is it's expiration!


Obamalogna or Obamaloney

Which ever way you spell it,  you are lying if you sell it!
Which ever way you spell it, you are lying if you sell it! | Source

First on our list are the "Gaffe" variety of Obamalogna. Some of these have been slightly aged and others are ultra aged like our favorite Joe the plumber gaffe" Spread the wealth around" or ''You're likable enough, Hillary'' or ''The Cambridge police acted stupidly.'' gaffe varieties.

For every brand you buy into you will get a free "'I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody'' Obamalogna bumper sticker.

No election is a party without the slightly aged gaffe varieties like "You didn't build that", "Kevin Youkilis", "Navy Corpse-Man Christian Brossard""(great with prayer breakfasts), "Tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed.'',

Buy into ten or more and we will give you a Red Sox baseball cap with the words "You Didn't Build That" embroidered on the cap!

Other free Obamalogna bumper stickers include:

"Should a felon be president"

"Romney killed my wife"

"I didn't pay taxes for ten years either - but I'm only 11"

"Ryan, Ryan the elderly are dying".

And to kick off this clearance sale of Obamalogna we would like you to participate in a contest. All you have to do is enter just one variety of Obamalogna (not mentioned here) in your comment. Our board of officials will review each entered Obamalogna for inaccuracy, deception, slander and lies before approval of your comment is issued. For comments that are accurate Obamalognas (that really are boloney) the commenter will be given a free 3 years and 10 months of Obamalognas (not to be confused with the American sausage)!

Happiness Formula

For those of you who voted for Obama in 2008


Back in the day Obamaloney was called someting else.

Well guess what, we have passed the 2012 expiration date on Obamaloney!

Chapter 2

That's right, November 2012 has come and gone but the Government has left the Obamaloney on the store shelves...way past the expiration date...and guess what people are getting sick!Yep, despite the common knowledge that consuming Obamaloney beyond the expiration date will result in losing your health care plan and your doctor and instead of the premium on an average plan going down by $2500 that is exactly how much they have gone up..makes you sick, doesn't it?Not only is the Obamaloney on the shelves harmful Obama is hard at work producing new Obamaloney. This new and improved product has it's own jingle. It goes like this:

The new Obamaloney

Lying about lying, it does the electorate good!

(It's only one minute, watch this).

"What we said was.."

Dragnet Lecture to Obama


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