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Updated on July 18, 2011

Queen of the Pen


Sharpton-Sheople Are Being Led to the Slaughter!

           In my quest to challenge Al Sharpton and the NAACP for their lack of leadership, I have garnished some very interesting responses from many within the Black community. Some Blacks, specifically some Black women, have resorted to name-calling, some name which I refuse to repeat. I have been called a “sell-out”, someone who is pushing the self-hate agenda imposed by White. My oh my.

           How did I get to this volcanic eruption? Well, it all began with my blogs: An Open Letter to Al Sharpton, Black Community Are You Pissed Off Yet?, and “NAACP – National Association For the Advancement of Criminals and Pedophiles. As of late, I really rustled some Black feathers when I posted a commentary about the savage beating of a transgender male at the hand of two Black female teenagers (ages 18 and 14).

          On Sharpton’s Facebook page, one of his supporters wrote that intellectuals have a problem with him. In light of the McDonald’s savage beating, this is what I wrote: “This is why intellectuals have problems with you, Sharpton. Where is your voice when some Blacks behave like SAVAGES?’ The response was typical of Sharpton’s non-leadership as well as his keen ability to divert, deny, dilute, and divide.

Where are the so-called “intellectuals” when Rev. Sharpton is leading Protest against unjust treatment? Most of our leaders only “talk” seldom do they so action. Many symposiums, conferences, and books have been written, but when will any of these events provide action? – Hope Initiative-Party

           So, Hope Initiative-Party believes that “Sharpton is leading Protest against unjust treatment?” Ok, let me try and understand. Sharpton is fighting unjust treatment for whom? I have yet to witness that fight within the dying Black community. So, those Black girls kicking and beating a young White transgender man is not unjust treatment? Oh, that’s right. Based on Sharpton’s Black leadership record, as long as it’s a Black beating a non-Black, it is justice. Better yet, when a young 16-year-old Black girl is kidnapped from her sister’s home and found dead (a crime most likely committed by her sister’s Black boyfriend), I guess Sharpton is okay with that, too. Also, let’s not forget about the gang rape of an 11-year-old Hispanic child by a gang of Black men where some of their mothers blamed the child victim for dressing too suggestively. Where were Sharpton and his protest wrecking crew? Hope Initiative Party has no voice in this choir.

          According to another Sharpton supporter, Carrie Peate, the McDonald’s beating was justified because the victim was transgender. She writes

. . . this wasn’t a GIRL that was being beaten. It was a boy. A transgendered MAN. It was a hate crime, that falls in a different category. I’m surprised to see so many hating on Sharpton. I had no idea. I’ll have to pay closer attention to what he does. I always thought he was alright. Jesse Jackson too . . .

          Another Sharpton supporter, Tammy Moore-Stephens, wrote,

. . . Al Sharpton is the voice for the black injustice! Not saying he does not care about whites. Get your own Rev AL, WHITE PEOPLE to deal with any injustices and leave ours alone!!!!. She continues by stating,. . . Ms. BURTON, you are a prime example of a sell-out!!! Why don’t you be the voice for the WHITE HOMOSEXUAL!

           As I stated to Ms. Peate and Ms. Moore-Stephens, it should not matter is the victim was a White female, male, or transgender. Sharpton should be protesting against the injustice Blacks commit against Blacks as well as those against other ethnic groups. Until those like Peate and Moore-Stephens face the fact that more Blacks are dying at the hands of Blacks, they will remain in a delusional state. Moore-Stephens called me a “sell-out”. My questions to her are 1) do you stand up within your Black community and protest against the injustices your own Black folks are committing against each other? To Ms. Peate, are you standing up against the injustices in your community being committed by your own Black folk? When Ms. Peate and Ms. Moore-Stephens as well as Sharpton do that, then I will stand with them against other injustices perpetrated against Blacks by non-Blacks.

           I am not alone in my sentiments. Del Boykins wrote, “God bless you Clarissa. Those who are upset by your wise words are the same fools who are led by a charlatan leader who only protests certain injustices that line his pockets. WAKE UP!! people.”

           In my attempt to comprehend the slave mentality of Sharpton supporters, it is comments that are jaw-dropping:

Carrie Peate: “Tammy, I agree with you. Sharpton stands up for injustice’s for black folks. He is not obligated to do anything for any other ethnic group or discriminated sector. AND Clarissa! I agree with what you’re saying and I’m sure he’s got enough on his plate. But regarding what you’re talking about I think it goes to show that it isn’t racism in this country that is our #1 problem. It’s not racism, women, LBGT and workers rights, it is CLASSISM and the wealth inequality. There are many that disagree with me but I feel this with a passion. When you have the masses poor and struggling (and there are a gauge of poor struggling white folks) fighting over kibbles and scraps trying to survive in society is going to have these problems.

While we focus on differences of religion, color of skin, who we screw and rights to abortion we are missing the bigger picture. American Imperialism is ramped, we violate human rights all over the world for the oligarchs that run this country. The wealth divide is growing and as the wealth is growing the little people are scared, fearful, panicked and striking back at each other. We need to come together and fight for wealth equality for ALL OF US, close the divide between the richest fucks in this country and end these unethical wars that allow this to happen. The prison and military industrial complexes MUST END! They are all for profit and we all suffer.

          Peate’s commentary is symptomatic of another key disease ailing the Black community: deflection. They will do whatever it takes to deflect and divert attention away from them. Before the U.S. goes about saving the world, and since Sharpton has given himself the title of “Black Leader”, he must first address the ills within the Black community. This means holding the Black community accountable and responsible for all its madness. By starting at ‘home’, there can be major changes. Once those changes take place, those who are improved by those changes can make positive world changes. Again, my premise is this: clean your own home first before you start cleaning other people’s homes.

          The biggest problem facing the Black community is humanity. You do not need money to be humane. Another big issue within this community is a lack of accountability. We are descendants of slaves; but even they were humane. They cared about their families. They cared about education as it was a primary means to a better life. They did not go around brutalizing each other. They did not go around gang-raping 11-year-old girls.

          There was a time when Black men protected and took care of their families. They were not ashamed to work a minimum waged job or even two or three jobs. They wanted to take care of THEIR families and not let the government do it for them. There was also a time when the Black community took care of the Black community, which meant the Black community believed in self-responsibility and self-sufficiency. So, blaming others for the ills of the Black community is shameful and spits on the blood, sweat, and tears of our ancestors. Until the Black community stands up to shore up the shame it has oozing from within, there is no room for blaming outsiders. Again, “clean your own home first before you start cleaning other people’s homes.”

          So, what is Ms. Moore-Stephens response?

. . .stop attacking Mr. Sharpton about this issue. I’m more concerned with him coming to Fullerton, A to protest against this cunt who depicted our president as a monkey in a photo with no apologies. Ms. Burton you handle this McDonalds incident which you appear to have so much passion for!!!!!!” How disappointing that Ms. Moore-Stephens is more outraged by the monkey pictures than a savage beating of a human being. This is a sign of mental illness at its worst.

          Moore-Stephens also accused me of being racist against my own ethnic group because I said the beating the transgender man was absolute savagery. I did not call the girls savages. I clearly stated the act was savagery. Instead, Moore-Stephens continues to justify the savage beating with this statement:

Ms. Burton, how do you know that he/she did not attach them first???? You were not there!!!! You are acting as: Judge, Jury & Executioner! Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear!!!. YOU KNOW THAT!!! This person substained minor cuts and bruises and had a history of seizures! SAVAGTRY (if that is a word, lol) is HANGING, MUTILATING, BURING OF HOUSES, BUSINESSESS, CHURCHES, ENTIRE TOWNS etc, SLASHES OF A WHIP OVER 1000 TIMES TIL A PERSON’S FLESH LOOK LIKE SHREADDED STEAK, INTENTIONALLY INJECTING PEOPLE WITH DEADLY DISEASES……U get the picture, I literally can go on for a day! Ms. BURTON you are racist against your own people and I bet u are in a relationship with a white man or some other race than your own OR u want to be!!!!

          For all her dribble about savagery, which she cannot spell nor use a Webster’s dictionary, it is absolutely amazing how Ms. Moore-Stephens continually deflects those girls’ accountability and responsibility for their savage act. As for the gender of the victim, it those girls thought they were threatened, all they had to do was go to management and have the police called. As another supporter stated, “. . .McDonald’s management is quick to physically remove a homeless person from their restaurant.” There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for what those girls awful behavior. Moore-Stephens and the likes of her can justify that savage behavior, but yet the Black community it imploding from self-induced poison.

          Then, we have another Sharpton cheerleader, Kimberly Russell, who retorts

Let me say this…acting like savages is still absolutely racist rhetoric…you did not call all Blacks savages…I noticed that, cause I can READ….however using any racist rhetoric is inflammatory and very troubling…this is clearly a deep seated sense of self hate that breeds and perpetuates inhumanity toward others…..either you are emboldened with abject abandon of contextual historical references, Using this historical racist reference is unacceptable as it has castigated us as a people for hundreds of years as something less than animals….Either you are just simply and utterly naïve or you are attempting to seemingly try to connect with those who you think find your references appealing….and thus collaborating with racists.

          Again, this is utter DEFLECTION AND DILUSION. The act of savagery is clear in this instance. Ms. Russell can candy-coat it if she wishes. That is what is wrong with the Black community to-date. Everyone wants to be politically correct; and that has devastated our culture, dignity, and worth. I will not walk lightly in this area because the Black community needs someone IN THEIR FACES ALL THE TIME! It is what it is – savagery. If Ms. Russell’s feelings are hurt, then she should stand up, speak out, and tell our so-called Black leaders to do the same. This is not a JOKE. This is REALITY. This is calling taking responsibility for inhumane acts. How funny it is when PETA (People Against the Mistreatment of Animals) calls the beating, maiming, and killing of dogs or cats by humans savagery. Yet, when I call the same acts by humans upon humans, Ms. Russell says it is offensive and racists? Come on now!

          Paulette Roca is another Sharpton sheople who is being lead to the slaughter. She states

Ms. Burton, you are a classic person who see’s what she wants to see. This man was in the Bathroom with two young girls. For that very infraction alone he should have gotten his azz whooped. Do you know what is really going on in this country Ms. Burton, if you did you would not be so quick to write that filth you wrote regarding the two girls fighting that he/she. I tell you what, he will not be going into anymore bathrooms ms. Burton, I am sure you would like to let him make acquitance with your daughter. You would beat his azz down also. These two young ladies should be rewarded for protecting themselves. Believe me if this was turned around, and it was two white women beating up a black he/she, they would have given the two white girls a metal. Ms. Burton, you are about one ignorant negro. There is no room for manners when it comes to war, and believe me we are at war.

Do you know what is really going on in this country Ms. Burton, if you did you would not be so quick to write that filth you wrote regarding the two girls fighting that he/she.“

          When I last viewed the video, I did not see much fighting on the victim’s behalf. Also, when Ms. Roca stated that the girls should receive a metal to protecting themselves, I was not shocked. Those girls were not protecting anything or anyone. They were behaving badly and the oldest girl had a criminal history of attacking another McDonald’s patron.

           So, before Ms. Roca tries to say I called anyone a savage, I must state again that those young girls’ behavior was savagery. They may not be savages; but their behavior was savage. I will not be deterred from revealing the ills of the Black community. It is our responsibility to cure our sickness before we ask for help from others. As long as there are those who wish to remain blind to that fact, deflection such as Ms. Roca’s will continue. I have very thick skin, so there is absolutely NOTHING the Sharpton-sheople-types can say to me to stop me from standing up to US.

          The Black community is its worst enemy; and that is a shame. Sharpton and his sheople should acknowledge this truth and protest within the Black community. But, Sharpton cannot make money unless it is off the sorrows, violence, and brokenness of the Black community. They continually refuse to discuss the ailments that are killing the Black community, which is on the verge of extinction. Those ailments are: DEFLECTION, DENIAL, DILUSION, DIVERSION, and DIVISION.


“Where are the so-called “intellectuals” when Rev. Sharpton is leading Protest against unjust treatment?”

“this wasn’t a GIRL that was being beaten. It was a boy. A transgendered MAN.” – Hope Initiative-Party

“Ms. BURTON, you are a prime example of a sell-out!!! Why don’t you be the voice for the WHITE HOMOSEXUAL!” – Paulette Roca


“Let me say this…acting like savages is still absolutely racist rhetoric.” – Kimberly Russell

“. . . Using this historical racist reference is unacceptable as it has castigated us as a people for hundreds of years as something less than animals…” – Kimberly Russell


“. . . it isn’t racism in this country that is our #1 problem. It’s not racism, women, LBGT and workers rights, it is CLASSISM and the wealth inequality. “ – Carrie Peate

“The wealth divide is growing and as the wealth is growing the little people are scared, fearful, panicked and striking back at each other.” - Carrie Peate

“. . .stop attacking Mr. Sharpton about this issue. I’m more concerned with him coming to Fullerton, A to protest against this cunt who depicted our president as a monkey in a photo with no apologies.” – Tammy Moore-Stephens


“We need to come together and fight for wealth equality for ALL OF US, close the divide between the richest fucks in this country and end these unethical wars that allow this to happen.” -

“The prison and military industrial complexes MUST END! They are all for profit and we all suffer.” -



“These two young ladies should be rewarded for protecting themselves. Believe me if this was turned around, and it was two white women beating up a black he/she, they would have given the two white girls a metal.” – Paulette Roca

           The grand-daddy of all the Sharpton-sheople statements sums up their utter mental illness:

. . .we act out of mentality that is condition . . .Mis-education of the Negro by Carter G. Woodson – you talk about a time when we did not rape 11 year olds . . . is that true . . . really? As slave bucks were allowed to rape young girls as soon as they start menstruating and black crime was not considered crimes for decades nor was white on black crimes for decades . . . since the 60s Blacks started having more babies out of wedlock with more insidious appearances of freedom/all the while being further marginalized politically and socially in a dominant society. And make no mistake . . . black rape happened in churches, schools, and homes . . . as well as white rape . . . much of pedophilia was not considered a crime until the last century . . . it is true that black men protected their families as best they could in a system that made them and their families the object of hate and violence, and often did not hire them . . . for work AND still don’t . . . (Kimberly Russell)

Are you kidding me, Ms. Russell?!!! Oh my good LORD!!!!

          This expose’ is about education and revelation. Sometimes those who live behind blinders are there because no one takes the time nor have the patience to honestly dialogue with them. Tammy Moore-Stephens wrote:

. . . Burton is a phanthom, Im no dummy! I LOVE EFFECTIVE CONFRONTRATION . . . it helps relief stress. Lol. No BLACK woman think like she does on the face of this earth . . . So whoever this really is psycological and munipulative tactics for any effective open dialogue is FUTILE!!!! On to the next phanthom!

          Al Sharpton and the like have done a bang-up job on these women. Ms. Moore-Stephen’s statement is absolutely INSANE! I can assure her and the rest of the Sharpton sheople that I am very REAL. So, here I am. I do not expect everyone to agree with me; and that is fine. How else will I learn and understand? It is all good. And as Paulette Roca says, “Ms. Burton, you are so amusing. Please continue.” Well, Ms. Roca, I am honored to continue.

Until next time . . .

P.S. The misspelling and grammatical errors of my critics belong to them. I must give credit where credit is due.


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