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When "Forward" Means "Backwards"

Updated on May 10, 2012

Fodder For The Sheeple

I've realized for years that many of the electorate in this nation have a short memory span when it comes to elections. They line up to do their civic duty on election day, pull the most "uniformed levers" they can find based upon a "D" or "R" and then go home until the next election and not pay any more attention to what they have done. They may at times get their daily pablum from the Main (Lame) Stream Media whose primary job these days seems to be to keep the blinders on the sheeple among us in the corral until the next election. You see the sheeple actually think those people we keep sending back over and over again have their best interests at heart. I suggest that they think again about that.

Obama's last hypnosis trick was "hope and change." Obviously many drank that snake oil remedy even though he never defined exactly what he had in mind. He went on later to state that he was going to "fundamentally change" our country. I never thought that was a good idea in the first place and now that he has been trying to do that, I know it isn't a good idea to continue to let his brand of "change" have another breath of fresh air. His new smoke and mirrors slogan is "Forward." Besides the fact that the word is code in socialistic and Marxist circles, his past three plus years has been backward rather than forward. This video may explain some of what I mean. It is a very effective campaign ad.

Note that the source of the statistics used are cited in each instance. So now according to our President we need to continue to have "hope" that he can continue the fundamental destruction of our economy, if not our stature as a world power. That last part is interwoven into the first part. In case you haven't noticed, we've been moving backward since he took office and he wants us to trust him in continuing to make the people of this nation dependent on our government Nanny. They have all the answers and we are just stupid and don't understand how things "really work in Washington DC." If you don't already I believe that's it's high time that you do. That game is all about "They, Themselves..." and has little to do with "We, the People..."

So instead of adding just 45% to the rolls of food stamps he wants it at 90%. What a great idea.There is a free lunch! Instead of only three quarters of a million workers not having jobs lets raise that bar to a million and a half easy. Lets hike the housing affordability, or lack of it, number to be a 30 year low. Don't worry, the federal government is just going to give you a house or maybe a room in a commune. And just think, Obamacare hasn't even been fully implemented and health care costs have risen 11.2%. Can't you just wait until they soar through the stratosphere and all those hidden taxes and costs kick in. You know those things that we got to read "after they passed the bill" crafted behind closed doors. How transparent of him.

Lets not forget that one critical step backward that he has taken that affects our pocketbook the most - energy prices. He, under the auspices of the EPA, is working furiously at ensuring out electricity rates sky rocket. He side stepped his own Democratically controlled Congress when they nixed his Cap & Tax Plan to get his own way "forward." Since gas prices have already doubled under his efforts I'm not sure I can afford my electricity bill to double too. That's all backwards, not forwards.I know, his fans will say, "He never said that." But he did so take another listen.

Please Define "Forward"

So think about it. Consumer prices are up a mere 8.6% and just let him continue to stir the ship of state and they'll rise at least 17.2% in a jiffy. Your wallet ready to cover that too? Or maybe you're one of the entitlement crowd who wants the rest of us to tuck you in at night. Isn't it great to go to the gas station and suffer sticker shock, not to mention those necessary trips to the grocery store you make just to provide vittles for yourself and your kin folk. He just wants you to open your wallet further and provide the goodies for Lottie, Dottie and Everybody who wants to put their paw out for the free lunches he expects us to pay for. What a plan!

Then lets not forget about "Julia." We're supposed to take care of her from cradle to grave while Obama is still in office for those 60 plus years while she matures at our expense. I still haven't figured that one out. How does he do that? Talk about "waging a war on women" I think whoever thought up that campaign ad had their head straight up their third point of contact. Lets just put a halter on the women of this nation and lead them around the OK Corral for their entire life. What a brilliant idea. What a giant step "FORWARD."

Need Me To Spell It Out For You?

So the question now is are you going to continue to believe a pathological liar with narcissistic personality disorder with your wallet? This has nothing to do with what political party you belong to and what party ideology you believe is best. The best thing to do at this point is to concern yourself with you and your family, not some politician who is just worried about continuing his, or her, time in office.

This next election really needs to be about moving 'forward" in sweeping the halls of power of the self-serving, egotistical idiots we have allowed to warm those seat cushions in Washington DC for decades on end. Obama was given his chance to honor his campaign promises and he has failed. Rather than run on his record, which he can't, he is now inventing a new catchy campaign slogan to act as his hypnotic inducer. We've been through that before and not in the too distant in the past. All those expensive vacations and golf outings need to now be on Obama's dime and not the tax payers of this nation.

In reality I haven't seem much moving forward except the addition of $5 trillion and counting to our national debt. That has severely weakened our nation. He just wants to keep spending money that we don't have. Time for some real "change" and I just "hope" I have some left in my pocket as we show Obama the door along with all those self-serving, career pick pockets inhabiting the halls of Congress.

He Said It And We Haven't Seen It Time...

I always remember when I listen to Obama that it isn't what he says. I watch what will follow and it is usually the opposite of what he says. He reminds me of listening to Jeremiah Wright give his fiery rants about how unfair all of the things in our nation are. Of course then I have to remind myself that Obama sat there for 20 odd years and didn't get the message that Wright was ramming down the congregation's throats. At least according to Obama he didn't hear a word of it.


As Always,

The Frog Prince


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