Humanitarian Albert Schweitzer
Dr. Albert Schweitzer
It is truly amazing the great deeds that just one person can accomplish. Dr. Albert Schweitzer may just be the most perfect example of the ability of one individual to positively impact the lives of so many. Schweitzer was a highly compassionate and intelligent man with a wide range of interests. He was a doctor, writer, philosopher, musician, and theologian. Despite Albert Schweitzer's diverse range of activities, his life will always be remembered and celebrated for his tireless efforts to help mankind.
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Schweitzer Saying
"Any religion or philosophy which is not based on a respect for life is not a true religion or philosophy." - Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer Autobiography
Lambaréné, a hospital and medical mission in the heart of equatorial Africa, was founded and built in 1913 by Dr Schweitzer.
Public domain photo courtesy Mattison
Historical Schweitzer Vid
Albert Schweitzer was the the Nobel Prize winner for Peace in 1952.
"The Problem of Peace"
Schweitzer's Nobel Prize acceptance speech
For the subject of my lecture, a redoubtable honor imposed by the award of the Nobel Peace Prize, I have chosen the problem of peace as it is today. In so doing, I believe that I have acted in the spirit of the founder of this prize who devoted himself to the study of the problem as it existed in his own day and age, and who expected his Foundation to encourage consideration of ways to serve the cause of peace.
I shall begin with an account of the situation at the end of the two wars through which we have recently passed.
The statesmen who were responsible for shaping the world of today through the negotiations which followed each of these two wars found the cards stacked against them. Their aim was not so much to create situations which might give rise to widespread and prosperous development as it was to establish the results of victory on a permanent basis. Even if their judgment had been unerring, they could not have used it as a guide. They were obliged to regard themselves.
Schweitzer Quote
"Compassion, in which all ethics must take root, can only attain its full breadth and depth if it embraces all living creatures and does not limit itself to mankind."-Albert Schweitzer
Schweitzer also had a great love for all types of animals. In fact, Albert's daughter, Rhena Schweitzer, helped start the charitable Albert Schweitzer Foundation for our Contemporaries in the year 2000, as a politically and ideologically independent animal protection organization.
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Schweitzer Links
- Albert Schweitzer Biography
Bio from - The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship
The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship helps hundreds of graduate students each year dedicate their time and service to helping others. - Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti
Haiti's Albert Schweitzer Hospital is in the center of the country in the Artibonite Valley, in a town called Deschapelles. - Albert Schweitzer - Timeline
Timeline of the doctor's life and achievements.
Humanitarian Poll
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Schweitzer not only loved to teach, but he greatly enjoyed learning and studying. Albert was not only a medical doctor, but also earned a doctorate in philosophy, and an advanced degree in theology as well.
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Another Schweitzer Quote
"Anyone who proposes to do good must not expect people to roll stones out of his way, but must accept his lot calmly, even if they roll a few stones upon it." - Albert Schweitzer.
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