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15 Reasons Snail Mail Is Better- Bring Back The Letter!

Updated on June 2, 2018
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Lynsey is a qualified Graphic Designer, who has a keen interest in art and design. She also enjoys DIY, crafting, photography and blogging.

Do you correspond in Writing? Real, actual letters?

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We regularly walk past those red things on the street don't we? They have become a nostalgic reference to the past, much like phone boxes that are valuable nowadays simply for art's purpose. It's amazing how an every day object has now become almost derelict. A service which was relied upon so heavily a decade ago is now almost useless.

In this speedy world of email and instant messaging, there is little time to write a letter, and anticipate a response. In a world of constant connection to social media and alerts from a stream of which friends are going to which event, it seems like people really don't have much to write home about, literally.

Even so, I would like to attempt to persuade you to do just that. Write home. Or to an aunt. Or an old friend. Or even a new friend. Just embrace your penmanship, sloppy though it may be, and write a letter!

Even if you think it's pointless.

Even if you think email is better because it's faster, or more eco friendly or whatever the case may be.

Just read on and let me persuade you.

Blast From The Past?
Blast From The Past?

1- It's Personal

You can write lots of uninterrupted thoughts when sending a letter that you perhaps couldn’t express while on IM or on a phone call. You can convey your emotions more effectively in a hand written letter. All too often someone will say something that takes you away from your train of thought, and you forget to say it, or worse, you lose your nerve!

2- It Takes A Bit of Thought.

All too often, we say things in day to day conversation that we perhaps didn’t intend to. Or, they are taken in a different context to which they were intended. With writing, as it is difficult to perceive a certain tone, ie sarcasm in writing, you are more likely to think about the points that you want to make, and ensure these are highlighted effectively. You are also less likely to inadvertently ramble onto another train of thought, so the letter will remain more focused.

3- Love Letters…

... Sounds so much better than love e-mails, don't they?

Can't exactly seal an email with a kiss. Ok, you could, but you would look a little strange kissing your screen...

4- Little Gifts

You can place a small gift or keepsake in the envelope. It can really be anything that can fit into the envelope. A photo, a feather, a bracelet- absolutely anything. This can be particularly heartwarming when sending a little something from your child, such as a drawing or hair clipping to a relative who lives a bit farther.

5- Actual Card Vs E-card

An actual card is better than an e-card in so many ways. An actual card has been chosen specifically for the recipient, and has been done at least somewhat in advance.

An e-card is free, and can be found online in a few seconds and sent without second thought. e-cards are also more likely to be ignored as opposed to an actual birthday card on the doorstep.

The recipient of an actual card will feel all warm and fuzzy that you remembered, and weren't just prompted for a birthday greeting by a reminder on Facebook.

6- Spending Time Effectively

It takes time to write a letter, but again can be done at any time. If you are on a break at work or even have a spare 5 minutes before bed, you can compose part of your letter. However, if you were trying to send a txt or make a phonecall, those hours may not be ideal for the recipient. A letter is convenient for both the writer and recipient as can be written and read at leisure.

7- You Are Making An Effort

A letter shows that the person is worth the effort. It’s more exclusive than a profile update or experience shared online. Taking the time to write about what is happening in your life can show the recipient that you still think of them fondly, while still moving on with your life as usual.

8- It's Not A Bill!

I don't know about anyone else, but all too often, my mail consists of payment requests and utility bills. It is extremely refreshing whenever I see a nice, hand written envelope in script that I recognise and I always look forward to tearing that envelope open!

9- Leisurely Conversation

It allows time to pass between responses. With Facebook, we know what people have had for dinner, what TV shows they have watched and when their anniversary is. It means that when it comes to actual conversation or emails, there seems little point in going over the pleasantries, as these have already been disclosed online.

When you actually allow time between letters- even just the time it takes to be received and write a reply- you will find that you have much more to write about than you ever would have on a daily instant message. I actually now find myself holding off putting something on Facebook, so that I can write to my friend and tell her first!

10- Making Memories

Letters can be used as keepsakes and provide memories. They can be cherished in years to come, particularly if you have lost contact with the person or they have passed away. This may seem a little morbid, but it can provide great comfort re-reading words of support and care from a loved one.

11- Nurturing Relationships

If a friend moves miles away, it can be all too easy to lose touch with them, and feel like you are no longer as close as you were previously. But distance need not be an obstacle. By making the effort, taking the time and confiding in your friend in writing you can maintain your friendship.

Letters can also rekindle relationships. Think about it. Long lost relatives, friends, lovers can all be contacted, and you can easily start rebuilding your friendship one letter at a time.

12- Post From Around The Globe

You can send a postcard or letter from anywhere in the world- no need for a wifi connection. This also allows the recipient to travel with you in a way, as they share your experiences and memories of your stays from small, intimate updates.

13- Collectables?

It can provide the basis of a collection and hobby. Postcards can be collected. As can stamps. Your letters could inspire the start of a whole new obsession for the recipient.

14- Provide Support

They can give a boost of morale to those who may need it. Writing to those in the military for example can provide a great surge of encouragement and keep them focused... Writing to someone in an isolated village could give them a taste of what lies out with their walls... Writing to someone who is in quarantine with a medical condition could give them a social outlet that isn't doctors and nurses...

15- Stationary!!!!!!

Stationary is fun. That may be the geek in me talking, but I love to buy a new writing set or some nice writing pens. Nice envelopes or notepaper! I LOVE stationary! If there was no one to write to, how would I ever justify those purchases!

I Love Stationary!
I Love Stationary!

© 2015 Lynsey Hart


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