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A Woman is Most Attractive When She . . .

Updated on November 8, 2016
kenneth avery profile image

Kenneth does have a passive attitude toward certain issues in life, but not with sexual harassment and bullying. I can't let these areas go.

I love to watch a woman's mouth when she is listening to a song or an interesting piece of news
I love to watch a woman's mouth when she is listening to a song or an interesting piece of news | Source

My premise

And really, for a piece being so simple in text and how it is written, it just may turn out to be one of the most-controversial topics ever to be published on HubPages. Not that this is my goal, but you or I cannot dictate or predict what others will think or say.

You could safely say that the writing and publishing of this hub is a "work of faith" by yours truly.

Serious notice:

"The ideas, thoughts, and opinions in this hub, like all of my hubs, are ALL mine. My opinions are not to be taken as an editorial position or alliance with HubPages' staff or family or any outside influences."

"This hub like all of my works IS NOT intended to start a "firestorm" of friction among hubbers or my Cherished Followers."

"I just wanted to make my position known."


Most males are happy

When they see women in person and on television is how pretty they look with their hairstyles looking perfect to match their make-up which would easily draw males' attention on any cover of any nationally-published magazine. These things are what most men like in a woman. Oh, I will add this one, but it is NOT something I appreciate in any woman: a lack of clothing. Okay. Some guys would literally walk two miles on their knees to see a gorgeous woman dancing around a shiny pole in a dimly-lit, smoke-filled club. Am I right?

Me? Not that I am self-righteous, but when a woman chooses to support herself and children or just herself by pole dancing, that is her business, but I personally think that it lowers her standard of integrity. Go on. Get angry at me. It's just how I was raised and I wager that I am not alone in this thinking.

You may disagree, but to me, a woman is extra-hot when she is eating food
You may disagree, but to me, a woman is extra-hot when she is eating food | Source
 A woman singing  sometimes shows her  aggressive side
A woman singing sometimes shows her aggressive side | Source

To clarify

My stance on pole dancing. I am not a prude, a "stick in the mud," "a wet blanket," or holier than thou. I just remember what my mom taught me at age five. She said, "Kenny, never mistreat any woman because women are second to Jesus in importance to God. So always show them respect and never put your hands on them in anger."

And that one lesson about respect for women stayed with me even until today in 2016. I am not ashamed of it and I do not apologize for it. I am all for women's equality in pay, promotion, and station in life but I do not go for a jerk-of-a-man socking his wife who loves him despite his flaws and only ends up with a swollen jaw. I know that I am not alone in this mindset.

A woman is very attractive when she laughs, but does not show that many teeth
A woman is very attractive when she laughs, but does not show that many teeth | Source

This is my headline

When girls pose for photos it is such joy
When girls pose for photos it is such joy | Source
I think it is so sexy to see a gorgeous woman talking about something she likes and playing with her food
I think it is so sexy to see a gorgeous woman talking about something she likes and playing with her food | Source
Girls looks even more  beautiful when they are  checking themselves in  the mirror
Girls looks even more beautiful when they are checking themselves in the mirror | Source
A woman crying tears of joy is very sexy
A woman crying tears of joy is very sexy | Source

Note: In the photos on this hub you will notice a selection of photos that are of pretty women doing common, everyday things, but in all intents and purposes, they all look so good when they are doing the given activity. Below is my own personal list of things I like to see a woman do that does nothing but add to her beauty.

  • When a woman is cooking and she accidentally gets flour on her face, but forgets to wash it off.
  • When she applies her make-up or even check her make-up in a restaurant after dining. It is equally amazing how any girl can check or apply her make-up and carry on an intelligent conversation with her date or girlfriend who ate with her.
  • When one woman is growing jealous of another woman it begins to surface on her face beginning with her lips. She falls into a seething gaze at the competing female and her lips are drawn tight as if she is protecting her face from the other woman.
  • Each time you are with your wife or girlfriend at a party and when another woman enters the dwelling, notice your girlfriend or wife's eyes how they swiftly look the other female up and down and what is so amazing to me is in that one-twentieth of a second, she gathers the other woman's dress size, weight, favorite song, and her favorite food.
  • It is so exciting to watch any pretty lady change her own tire on the side of the road. And yes, I would stop and ask if she needed my help and if I sensed that she was made uncomfortable at my request, I would politely leave.
  • To watch my wife or any woman moving her lips to a good song on the radio and she does not know that I am watching. Am I a peeping Tom? No. I never implied that at all.
  • To see how a woman nurtures a pet cat or dog that has been given to her for a gift.
  • And what is really exciting is to be walking with my wife in the mall and suddenly she sees a full-length mirror standing outside of an antique store, she is somehow drawn to that mirror and makes it look as if she is checking the price but really checking her appearance.
  • When a woman is so excited about finding out some exciting news that she has to share it with her girlfriends in a restaurant. To watch this one woman "hold court" and talk "ninety miles per hour" while her girlfriends are her captive audience.

And the last one. When my wife is "cat napping" after a long day. She even sleeps pretty.

That about covers it.

Good night, Topeka, Kansas.

A woman's eyes always tells a story about how she feels or what she is thinking
A woman's eyes always tells a story about how she feels or what she is thinking | Source

© 2016 Kenneth Avery


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