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Dealing With Adultery

Updated on February 7, 2024


When a Woman learns her husband is unfaithful, her 'whole world' comes tumbling down. This is because most women enter relationships with the actual belief that the man she marries will be faithful to her.

In this belief she builds her world around him.

In many marriages there is an interconnectedness where the marriage is the hub. A woman has learned to think of 'we', not me or him. She makes plans based on having a set companion. Often, she turns down promotions which would take her away from home or steal time from her marriage.

When a woman finds out her husband has someone else, everything connected to her core is destroyed.

Your Life

There are many reasons for adultery. However, just as the victim of a car accident, doesn't care about the social problems of the other driver when being put on the stretcher, neither do you.

You are the victim.
You feel a victim.

And the only way to protect yourself from being totally destroyed by the incontinence of another is to have a life outside of your marriage.

You must be able to have a life of your own that his adultery does not affect.

His Way?

For example, when you marry your friends either become 'our ' friends or people you used to know. Your career becomes a jobette. You attend the functions he wants to attend or you go alone to those you want, and pay the price.

You learn to like what he likes, want what he wants, as if it is your choice. It isn't.

He may be your choice of partner, but his choices whether, political, social, religious
even hobbies should not become your choices.

Many women who never knew off side from out of bounds become football fanatics because he likes football.

Many women who were virtually vegans are eating meat because he likes it.

This means he has so permeated his wife's life she no longer exists severed from him.

This is why adultery hurts so much.

It isn't just a marriage his adultery is jeopardizing, it is the whole world of his wife he has destroyed.

Think of what was Your Life, Your Life before Marriage. Your Life when You Had a Life.

When You decided where You wanted to go, Where and When and What YOU
wanted to eat/wear/hear.....
And now...
It's his world
It is his world, his way, and you were are just a comealong...
and now...with his adultery.... you're dumped.

Or feel dumped, without a personality.

Thinking About YOU

The only authority you have left, when your husband is unfaithful is to decide where and when you wish to catch him and what you intend to do about it.

Be aware he will lie, he will promise, he will cry, for he can not commit adultery unless he is married. If he is not married it is not adultery.

Divorcing a man for adultery seems knee jerk, but you have to chose where and when.

A Man with his Lovers....

A very famous entertainer had lots of affairs and fathered many children. His wife, learning of his incontinence consulted a lawyer.

The lawyer advised:

"This year he made Five Million, next year he will make Ten, wait."

She waited.
She waited until he died.
Died WITHOUT a will.

She was still Mrs. so got everything.

This was a man who fathered 23 children with 15 different women, (including his wife).

A man who had loud mouthed bragging lovers, (including an ex-beauty queen), dies. He dies and his wife...that woman he betrayed hundreds of times; gets 50% and all those kids share 25% of his estate.

And those gals?

A betrayed wife, whose name is on all the land titles, (so he could avoid taxes) gets all the property to do with as she pleased.

And the loud mouth ex-beauty queen got NOTHING.

Sure, it's the victory of the Cat on the Hot Tin Roof; but it is a Victory.


Sometimes his adultery can be liberating.

He is busy with his gals, she now has free time.

The betrayed wife now regains her life. Once a woman whose 'whole world' was built around her husband, who had so many things she wanted to do but couldn't, can now grab the chance to regain herself.

She can join all the clubs she wants, invest herself in her career, travel, and even
commence her own affairs.

There are many wives take their husband's Adultery as Carte Blanche, coming and going as they please.

They do not have to be home making dinner, they can attend that seminar, movie, party, go shopping.

These women do not have to take him into consideration when offered a promotion or relocation.

In a way, these women have a foot in both worlds; that is the 'married world' and 'single world'; and can step from one to another as it suits.

Adultery can be managed. It depends on your status, on your environment.

Catch him when it suits you.

Oh, and make sure you know what is owned, how it will be divided and your name is on most if not all of the property.


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