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Updated on August 27, 2013

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This topic is close to my heart because my brother "Andre" died of this lifestyle.

Since we were small I could see that Andre was different than normal children. I know that my mum desperately wanted a girl and maybe she raised him wrong.

Treating him like the girl she never had.

Andre knew that his lifestyle was an abomination before God, days before his death. We did not tell him that. He knew that and wanted to repent.

He felt so ashamed and lost because of his way of living that he tried to still this inner voice with alcohol and drugs, but nothing worked.

It destroyed him in the process and none of his gay friends came close after they learned that Andre was dying from AIDS.

So what does the bible say about homosexuality?

When God created the first two people, He made them male and female. Matthew 19:5.

Genesis 1:27: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” God created one male and one female; they were called Adam and Eve.

You must also note that God made one of each, male and female; so they could pair off and have offspring. God did not make two of each, just in case they did not like His divine order. God did not allow choice when it came to giving Adam a partner. He created them in the natural order of His creation. Remember that every truth in the Bible will have two or three witnesses, so here we see two witnesses.

After Adam and Eve sinned Satan wanted Adam and Eve dead, but God took an animal and killed it in the place of them. Satan wanted to stop the seed of man from being born so that he could rule forever. Satan began to work his plan to stop man from procreating and turned it into a recreational perversion.

Two cities were mentioned in Genesis 18, namely "Sodom and Gomorrah" and the primary sin was homosexuality. It is the only two cities ever destroyed because of their grievous sin.

Genesis 18:20-21, “And the LORD said, ‘Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous; I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know.’”

In verse 20, God mentions that their sin is very grievous, not sins as plural, one specific type of sin under consideration, "homosexuality". These cities were totally destroyed because of this sin alone and nothing else. This type of sin is an abomination before God and it was destroyed before all men became contaminated with this evil.

This consuming lust was so extensive that when God sent His Angels to destroy the city the men of the city wanted to have sex with them. Could you imagine that lust drove them into the point that they couldn't function normally in society. Young and old were all under some demonic spell to rape everything new that entered their town.

Genesis 19:1-11:

1) God sent two angels to Sodom to judge it.

4) the men came "both old and young”, to Lot’s house, where the two men were.

5) the men of Sodom “called unto Lot, and said unto him, ‘Where are the men which came in to thee this night? Bring them out unto us, that we may know them.’”

- "know them” means to know them sexually.

7) I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly.”

- Lot was saved because he knew that it was an evil to do what these men practiced. These evil men was driven by they lust and nothing els matters but to fulfill their burning lusts. This lust was demonic and supernaturally.

10) The two angels pulled Lot to safety inside the house and smote all the gays with blindness.

11) .. Both small and great: so that they couden't find the door.”

Note that these men were so consumed with lust that even though they were blinded they still wanted these two men and rejected the virgin woman that was offered to them. They did not want sex with a woman but with men.

Can you see the total blinding demonic actions that consumed these men?


How do you feel about Homosexuality?

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What does God think of homosexuality!

His story was given to us as an example of what is not respectable to God. Jesus warned us that the same thing would happen in the last days Luke 17:28-30, “also as it was in the days of Lot… Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.”

Corinthians 6:9-10: “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.”

On every TV show homosexuals must have a part, why? That is so Satan's plan could be executed to bring back the curse of Sodom on the earth. The whole world is in Caught up in this Homosexuality and lesbianism thing and it is being condoned by God. Silencing the Holy Spirit in their life's to say that what they are doing is wrong

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. Romans 1:24

I was born that way!, no my friend, you were born male or female. Yes many you were raised this way and you did not have a choices But God is calling you home Today, he did not made you this way, he made you perfect, Male or female. He made you to function normally but it was Satan that have a blood covenant with you. If you cut this ungodly altar you will be set free.

Why do I say that homosexual is a spiritual possession. Have you seen that a gay in Russia and is South Africa, Italy and Israel all acts and live the same way. Their manners, the way they talk, act is all the same, showing that it is a demon possession. After God cursed Satan he were forced to go on its belly and the only way for demons to walk upright is to possess an fallen human.

What Paul is saying here is that God has already begun to punish you. It is a judgment of God that you remain in sin. When you think that you’re getting away with it, that’s the worst thing of all that can happen. The worst sign of God’s judgment is that you’re able to sin and get away with it.

Nor does God give us a bold sign, telling us, “Here’s what I am going to do.” He just gives those over to thier sins. He doesn’t push us; He doesn’t hammer us. In effect, Paul is saying this: Is it sin that you want? Sin you will get. This sin will destroy you slowly like when you put a frog in a pan with colds water. Slowly bringing it to boil. The frog will not notice that something is wrong until he explodes. That’s the first way God punishes sin.

The second way is by the final judgment. God “will give to each person according to what he has done” (Romans. 2:6).

A third way is that God’s Son, Jesus, took our punishment on the cross. A way out being created by merciful God, if we except Jesus we live and if we don't, we die.

Let this be what is in your mind. It’s not a question of whether your sin will be punished; it is the question of how.

May God open you eyes to see why this is so a terrible sin, so lets repent and go to God for restoration so we could be fleeing from the wrath to come.” (Matthew 3:7; Luke 3:7.)

We must pray more than ever against this evil perversion and help those who want to get out of it. Jesus said that even if your sins are many, he is able to forgave and to restore.

If we go to the story of the demon possessed man that cut himself, that couldn't be chained, living among the dead, Jesus restored him totally, so could you be to.

Homosexuality and the Bible?

© 2010 Louis Fourie


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