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The role of love in making a marriage work

Updated on March 30, 2011

Marriage is a union which requires two people with different upbringing start a new life of living together as husband and wife. The day a couple marries, the journey to oneness begins.The love between the couple is the wheel that keeps the vehicle of marriage moving. Love is the central and leading attribute that make a marriage work. It is the supreme value of life on earth.

Entering marriage without love is like a human being coming into this world without blood. Love is the life-blood of marriage. Shortage or lack of blood creates health problem in human body, so also the health of any marriage largely depends on the amount of love in the marriage.What distinguish human beings from every other organism is our unique ability to love.

However a cursory look into the affairs of many marriages show either lack of love or a situation where love is on the decline even in a relationship which are blessed with children. In this write up we shall try to examine the need for love in making a marriage work. When love decrease in a marriage, happiness which happens to be one of the greatest pursuit or goal of human beings will also decreases. The more a spouse is in love with his or her partner, the more he or she will be anxious to please his or her partner and make the relationship a success.

To start with, the salient truth that couples must know is that love is governed by the the law of sowing and reaping or giving and receiving. You can only have a loving relationship to the degree to which you love yourself and express love towards others. To bring out the best from your partner, in term of love, you must be able to bring the best out of yourself. Love must must be a mutual relationship, involving cherishing of each other every day and respect as well as passion . There is no two ways about it, whatever you sow is what you will reap. This applies not only to marriage but to every area of life. There is no something for nothing.

Love originated from thought

Secondly couples must truly understand the concept of love and marriage. When people talk of love, they think only of feelings, whereas love is deeper and stronger than feelings, though feelings or emotions is part of love. Love that will last longer than a movie is a healthy blend of romantic and unconditional love. The intensity of passionate or romantic love may cools down over a period of time but unconditional or compassionate love generally last longer and deepen over time. Without the presence of commitment of support and care and unconditional love, the ship of a relationship may be on the road to hitting the rock.

Furthermore couple must also understand that love is an act of will and it emanated from thought. The bible says "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he" Thought plays a crucial role every aspect of life. Almost everything that happens to a man happens as a result of the way he thinks. If you can change the quality of your thought , you will automatically change the quality of your life and you will make your marriage work better.

Initiate the process of thought today by thinking a.something positive about your spouse. Let your thought towards your partner be pleasant and good. Go down the memory laneand recollect what attracted you to your partner when you first met. Think about the good times you shared, the soothing words said to each other. This will affect your attitude towards your spouse and your attitude will affect your emotions and your emotions will in turn affect your actions.

Make a list of what you like about your partner and think about those things every time. Concentrate on the positive side of your partner and close your eyes to the negative side. Love have the ability of being blind to the shortcoming of the loved one, that is why they say love is blind. Also fix your thought on your partner when he or she is not around. Think about him or her . There is saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder. When you .practice the art of thinking positively about your partner, your relationship will improve tremediously.

Finally the presence of love in any marriage can redefine what you do and the extent to which you can go. Love can insulate against pain, difficulties and discouragement in a marriage. No form of labor is too burdensome when one is motivated by love. The story of Jacob in the bible is a classical example in this case. He labor for fourteen years for the love of Rachel and those years seems like a few days to him. Love can reduce the length of an assignment form years to days by filling each day with excitement, hope and fun.

The summary of all that ,is expected from a man towards his wife is love. And the wife must also love the husband in return . The extent to which love yourself become a yardstick for measuring your love for your spouse. No price is too much to pay for the one you love. If you are truly in love, you will be prepare to go through any situation for the sake of your loved one. To make a marriage work one must be ready to pay any price for the proof of your love.


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