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How to make your wife feel special? Intricate tips!

Updated on October 16, 2014

'The husband who decides to surprise his wife is often very much surprised himself.-Voltaire

What is the dream of every woman in her married life? She wants to be the special person in the life of her husband. Your wife is no different! She wants to be the queen of your heart. It is the most natural feeling she has.

But invariably she is disappointed as you ignore her womanly needs. You are very practical in your interaction with her. Why do you find it difficult to show the extra attention she needs from you?

What are the most common expectations of your wife?

  • She wants you to demonstrate your love.
  • She wants you to listen to her.
  • She wants you to support her.
  • She wants you to shoulder her work burden.
  • She wants you to respect and protect her.

But you completely ignore her inner cravings. You take for granted that it is her duty to look after the family. You never demonstrate your love. You do not listen to her as you feel she makes much ado about nothing.

Have you ever noticed how dedicated she is to your family? She looks after you and the children without tiring. But she wants you to help her in household chores as it will lessen her work burden. When you willingly share her work she feels that you are a caring husband.

Do you know that your wife yearns for a word of appreciation from you? She is prepared to slave for her family. All she wants from you is the appreciation that you acknowledge her work. It does not cost you a dime to appreciate your wife. Then why don’t you do it?

She wants you to appreciate her culinary efforts. Does she look good? When you compliment her looks it makes her feel great. You know that she is the pillar of strength of your family. When you tell her how much you appreciate her contribution to the family it gives her a sense of well being.

She wants you to listen to her. She wants to share her woes with you. But you are not interested in what she has to say. You look indifferent and bored when she talks with you. You do not look at her and keep your eyes fixed on the TV\newspaper. She feels she is talking to a wall. The disappointment and anguish she feels make her feel used and unloved by you.

She is your wife, isn’t it? Why does she come to you with her problems? She wants your moral support more than anything else.

How to listen to your wife?

  • Maintain direct eye contact.
  • Turn towards her to show that she has your full attention.
  • Listen keenly to what she has to say.
  • Respond with love.
  • Show her your unwavering support.

But what do you do? You feel that she is making a mountain out of a mole and only half listen to what she has to say. Your eyes are shifty which sends out the signal that you are not bothered about her problems. Do you know that your wife crumbles in sorrow when you do that?

You should be the first person to support her in her times of need. When she feels that she has your unconditional support during her times of need she feels protected and sheltered by you. When you ignore your duty to support her, she feels shattered emotionally and psychologically.

You feel that you wife has no talent in dealing with financial matters. How naive you are! Your wife’s financial viewpoint looks far beyond today! She has her vision set on her children’s education, their future and your old age financial security. Lend your ears to her views and discuss in a friendly manner as to how to manipulate your financial resources. You will be amazed by the fruitfulness of your discussion with her.

The way you treat her family is yet another needling factor that affects your relationship. She loves her family. You should have friendly relationship with her family. If you ignore or insult them, it makes your wife very unhappy and resentful. She has her roots in her family and she will never outgrow it. When you respect her family, it is another unique way of showing your love towards her.

Communication is the best way to keep the embers of your love burning brightly. Lack of communication among couples is the most common complaint one hears in modern marriage. Talk with your wife always. Confide your problems with her and enjoy a beautiful feeling of cared relationship. Murmur sweet nothings in her ears and you can feel her warmth enveloping you.

‘A good husband makes a good wife.’ –John Florio

It does not need herculean efforts to make your wife feel wanted. Be caring towards her! Make her enjoy total sense of belonging with you! These caring aspects make your marriage vibrate with happiness and fulfillment. You should start noticing your wife! When you notice her care, love, beauty it makes her feel that she is the only woman in your life.


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