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51 of the Biggest Mysteries of All Time (Well, to Me At Least)

Updated on September 29, 2014
What are some mysteries or conspiracy theories you have always wondered about?
What are some mysteries or conspiracy theories you have always wondered about?

This is a detailed list of all the questions I have always wanted to know, and for the most part, I will never know the answers within this life. I am not a conspiracy theorist (or at least not much of one), but there have been some big conspiracies, or just unsolved mysteries I have always been deeply interested in knowing.

I love history, so some of these questions might be a little left-field, so I will apply as much context as possible. I will include links to the more obscure questions.If there are some questions you have always wondered, please let everyone know in the comment section below. Remember, this is just like elementary school, there are no stupid questions.

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“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.”

— Mark Twain
Architects say that the ancient Egyptians did a better job than they could do.
Architects say that the ancient Egyptians did a better job than they could do.
Was it used for a pagan religious ceremony?
Was it used for a pagan religious ceremony?
Many think the colonists went to a neighboring island called Croatan. No trace of them was ever found.
Many think the colonists went to a neighboring island called Croatan. No trace of them was ever found.
While she was acquitted, most people think she was as innocent as O.J. Simpson.
While she was acquitted, most people think she was as innocent as O.J. Simpson.
What did she have recorded? Could there be proof out there that there was a second gunman?
What did she have recorded? Could there be proof out there that there was a second gunman?
Did she overdose? Many people think the CIA killed her because she was about to announce to the world she slept with the Kennedy brothers.
Did she overdose? Many people think the CIA killed her because she was about to announce to the world she slept with the Kennedy brothers.
Who murdered this poor boy?
Who murdered this poor boy?
Many people think she was able to land on a remote island, surviving for a few weeks to months there.
Many people think she was able to land on a remote island, surviving for a few weeks to months there.
Will there ever be able to find MH370 in our lifetime? Will they be able to find a black box?
Will there ever be able to find MH370 in our lifetime? Will they be able to find a black box?
Some theorists believe an unidentified white car shined a bright light into the driver's eyes. The only surviving passenger has no memories of the accident,
Some theorists believe an unidentified white car shined a bright light into the driver's eyes. The only surviving passenger has no memories of the accident,
If this was a hoax, that monk had way too much time on his hands.
If this was a hoax, that monk had way too much time on his hands.
The Bermuda Triangle has long been a place where aircrafts and boats disappear.
The Bermuda Triangle has long been a place where aircrafts and boats disappear.
This is a monument outside the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.
This is a monument outside the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.
Where did all the honey bees go?
Where did all the honey bees go?
Is the Arc in a monastery in Ethiopia?
Is the Arc in a monastery in Ethiopia?
Was Atlantis really a place that existed?
Was Atlantis really a place that existed?
I believe that all the hub bub was a weather balloon, is there any proof of evidence elsewhere?
I believe that all the hub bub was a weather balloon, is there any proof of evidence elsewhere?
He had his niece live with him at the White House to be the lady of the house.
He had his niece live with him at the White House to be the lady of the house.
Was it an asteroid or an illness that killed the dinosaurs?
Was it an asteroid or an illness that killed the dinosaurs?
This picture is an obvious fake. Is there really any scientific evidence of Big Foot?
This picture is an obvious fake. Is there really any scientific evidence of Big Foot?
Many people believe this was the burial cloth of Jesus.
Many people believe this was the burial cloth of Jesus.
Aluminum has only been mass produced in the past century and a half.
Aluminum has only been mass produced in the past century and a half.
This is one of LA's most notorious murder. Who killed her?
This is one of LA's most notorious murder. Who killed her?
A recent news report states that Jack the Ripper was a Polish immigrant that died in an insane assylum.
A recent news report states that Jack the Ripper was a Polish immigrant that died in an insane assylum.
While this sounds unbelievable, there have been reports of human combustion for centuries.
While this sounds unbelievable, there have been reports of human combustion for centuries.
These messages have been popping up on the internet and telephone polls all over the globe.
These messages have been popping up on the internet and telephone polls all over the globe.
There is a message somewhere in this picture/
There is a message somewhere in this picture/
Even though she was acquitted, people think she was as innocent as OJ Simpson.
Even though she was acquitted, people think she was as innocent as OJ Simpson.
This guy was freaking crazy.  He got kicked out of the Navy, so he created his own para-military religious order that loves boats.
This guy was freaking crazy. He got kicked out of the Navy, so he created his own para-military religious order that loves boats.
This sounds  like a weird Ambien dream to me.
This sounds like a weird Ambien dream to me.
Even a distinguished psychiatrist  was led to believe they may have been reincarnated.
Even a distinguished psychiatrist was led to believe they may have been reincarnated.
The killer was never found. He kind of looks like BD Cooper to me.
The killer was never found. He kind of looks like BD Cooper to me.
Why do so many people believe it was staged? Neil Armstrong left reflectors on the moon surface, We know he was there.
Why do so many people believe it was staged? Neil Armstrong left reflectors on the moon surface, We know he was there.
Did she fall off the ship, or was she pushed?
Did she fall off the ship, or was she pushed?
While scientists believe they have a good guestimate, how old is the earth really?
While scientists believe they have a good guestimate, how old is the earth really?
Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
Was this man a spy?
Was this man a spy?
The hum is said to sound like a Diesel engine.
The hum is said to sound like a Diesel engine.
What caused the 72-second signal?
What caused the 72-second signal?
Did he survive the parachute ride down?  The FBI said they believe he was killed in the landing.
Did he survive the parachute ride down? The FBI said they believe he was killed in the landing.
What killed all the sailors aboard?
What killed all the sailors aboard?
What mysteries do you always wonder about?
What mysteries do you always wonder about?

1. How did the Egyptians get the pyramid so mathematically correct?

2. Who built the Stone Henge?

3. What was the purpose of the Stone Henge? Was it a calendar?

4. What happened to the Lost Colony in Roanoke, Virginia?

5. Did Hitler escape the bunker and head to Argentina?

I don't think he had enough guts to pull the trigger.

6. Who shot JFK? Was it really Lee Harvey Oswald?

7. Was there any US government agencies involved in the assassination?

8. Who was the Babuska lady at the JFK shooting?

9. Was Marilyn Monroe murdered?

10. Who murdered Linburgh's baby?

11. What happened to Amelia Earhart?

12. What happened to MH370? Why did it go down, that is, if it really did?

13. Where is it now?

14. Was Princess Diana's death really an accident?

15. If not, was the Royal family involved in some sinister way?

16. Was the Voynich Manuscript a 15th century hoax?



17. Is the Bermuda Triangle really haunted, or at least bad luck?

18. What does The Kryptos statue outside of the CIA building in Langley, Virginia say?

It is believed that even the CIA does not even know, so that leads me with the following question; so where did they get the encrypted message?

19. Where did all the honey bees go?

20. Where is the Ark of the Covenant?

21. Did Atlantis ever exist?

22. Was there a crash at Roswell?

23. Do aliens exist?

24. Was James Buchanan, the only life-long bachelor President really gay? He had multiple very close gay friends who had sleepovers at the White House.

25. What killed the dinosaurs?

26. Does big foot exist?

27. If Jesus did exist, which I believe he did, but everyone is entitled to their beliefs, and I respect that, did Jesus have a wife and child? I just read "Angels and Demons". 28. Was Jesus buried in the Shroud of Turin? 29. When was Jesus's real birthday, the year included?

30. Is the "Aluminum Wedge of Aiud" legit, or was it a hoax? Was our ancestors more technologically advanced than we thought? http://coolinterestingstuff. com/aluminium-wedge-of-aiud-mysteryy

31. Who killed the Black Dahlia?

32. Who was Jack the Ripper?

33. Is spontaneous human combustion real?

34, What group leaves clues all over the world, known as the Cicada3301? Is it the CIA, NSA MI6, or Free Masons?

35. Was Lizzie Borden guilty of murdering her father and step-mother with a hatchet in the 19th century?

36. Did L. Ron Hubbard start believing his own lies after a while?

37. Where did the "Green Children of Woolpit" from 12th century Suffolk, England come from?

38. Were the Pollock twins a reincarnation of their mother's

first set of twins, a year after the first set died in a car accident?


39. Who was the Zodiac killer?

40. What did the 3 uncoded Zodiac killer's letters say?

41. Why do so many people believe Neil Armstrong didn't go to the moon? Is there any truth to it whatsoever?

42. Was Natalie Wood murdered, or was it truly an accident?

43. How old exactly is the Earth?

44. Does the Lockness monster exist?

45. Who was the Somerset man in the Tamam Shud case? Was he a spy?

http:/ /tamamshud.blogspot. com

46. What is making the Taos Hum?

http://www. livescience. com/43519-taos-hum.html

47. Who or what sent the 72 second Wow Signal in 1977?

http:// www.mnn. com/lifestyle/arts-culture/


48. Who was DB Cooper, the man who hijacked the Boeing 727 in ransom for $200,000?

49. What happened to the crew of SS Ourang Medan? How did the crew die?



50. What are some questions or mysteries that you have always wondered?


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