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Updated on May 27, 2017

Faith Can Move Mountains

Let's begin by quoting the scripture "for we walk by faith,not by sight" 2nd Corinthians 5:7. What is faith? Hebrews 11:13 best describes this word by defining that "it is the susbstance of things hoped for: the evidence of things not seen". It is impossible to please God without faith. Faith is the dynamo we need to progress in our lives. A dynamo propells a machine in order to get the desired result or product. To get that product, you have to keep on running the machine and get as many products as possible. That is how faith operates if you want to see a change in your life you have to constantly keep it running.

The Negative Situations We Find Ourselves in is as a Result of Lack Of Faith

I remember once watching a DVD series-documentary called "THE SECRET" which talked about how certain vibrations we emit through our thoughts and feelings contribute to our current realities.This was the first time i came face to face with the power of faith. It is what propels events and yields results. I decided to apply the laws mentioned in THE SECRET on a daily basis. I still felt somewhat incomplete even after seeing positive results and how quickly my life made a turn around. It was then that i realised what was missing in the puzzle was God.


The formula to life's success is simply believing that there is a God who is our creator and our father. Jesus Christ often compares the kingdom of heaven to little children. My son for insance sees his father as a superhero. He knows that he could always depend on him for anything no matter how difficult it might seem. We should have the same view about our heavenly father. Ask him for anything and you shall receive it as long as you believe in him and have faith. After acknowledging the father, put all your trust and faith in him. Pray without fail and believe that he will deliver. Act on your faith and receive your miracle.

The Devil is That Inner Voice Saying YOU CAN'T

Faith to the devil is like a weapon of mass destruction. Since the beginning human creation, the devil has always used doubt in order to prevent God's intervention in people's lives. You see God is not a dictator.He gives free will to choose to believe in him or not. This is why many people whenever they are faced with difficult situations end up blaming God and going to the extreme of becoming atheists. God is however not to blame but rather our lack of faith is the problem. The devil knows how powerful faith is and he often plants seeds of doubt in our heads or even uses our loved ones to make us waiver.

Examples of Satan's Attack on Our Faith

Let us how the devil strikes when he is threatened by our faith

1. Adam and Eve were forbidden from eating the fruit at the center of the garden.Satan knew God's plan for humanity and he planted seeds of doubt in Eve's mind resulting to what we now call "original sin". Adam and Eve should have trusted and had more faith on God's word.

2. Cain and Abel were all eager to please God. Abel however was God's favourite because of his faith. (Remember we cannot please God without God) The devil planted evil seeds in Cain's mind and he ended up killing his brother Abel instead of striving to have the kind of faith his brother had.

3. After God delivered the Israelites from slavery through Moses, and despite them having witnessed many miracles from God there were many moments of doubt that made them create an idol to worship and they also complained alot in the desert. The devil once again attacked their faith and the people ended up wandering in the desert for 40 years.

5. Sarah, Abraham's wife laughed when God's messengers announced she would be pregnant at 90 years.Her constant doubts led her to giving out the maidservant Hagai to Abraham.God's promise was however fullfilled in the end.

4. Saul was handpicked by God to be ruler of the Israelites.He however started doubting God and the bible even says he was attacked by evil spirits. In the end his kingship titile was passed to the house of David.

5. David was a man after God's own heart.The devil not pleased with this planted seeds of lust. David killed Uriah in order to marry Bathsheba. He could have asked God for any woman but his lust for Bathsheba waivered his faith.

6. Even the wisest man King Solomon failed the faith test. Even though he knew he could ask for anything from God,the devil used his foreign wives to lead him away from God and he even patook in the worship of idols.

7. Peter the disciple had his faith tested many times. When he walked on water to get to Jesus, his faith waivered and he almost drowned.

I could go on with endless bibilical examples of the devil's attack on our faiths but the key lesson here is to be strong.


If there are people the devil hates it would have to be the following.

1. Abraham was a man even God called righteous. He had a disturbing faith that was a lethal weapon to all the agents of hell. From the moment God called him to leave his motherland to the time he was willing to sacrifice Isaac, his son as God had instructed, Abraham never questioned God. He must have been the number one enemy on Satan's list.

2. Enoch was a man who walked with God until he was taken. His love and faith for God was so great that God took him to heaven without experiencing physical death.

3. Joshua's faith in God was so great that he brought down the walls of Jerico without releasing a single weapon.He commanded the sun to stand still until the war was over and it all came to be because of his faith.

4. Gideon trumpled an rival army and he had only 300 men for this task. The Lord had promised him victory over the Midian army which had over 30,000 men.

The devil is attacking people's faith on a daily basis. In order to counter attack as christians, we need to read God's word, meditate on it, pray ceasesly and have the kind of faith that can move mountains.


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