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My Experience With The Ghosts

Updated on February 18, 2013

Ghostly Girls


Was It Real?

I first heard one morning about a week before Thanksgiving. At first I just heard soft music. I couldn’t tell exactly where it was coming from, and since it was only five o’clock in the morning, I wasn’t really interested in finding out. I forgot about when I woke up to go to work later that morning.

A few days later, I heard it again. I listened a little closer this time. It sounded like children’s music. A few seconds later, I heard what sounded like two very little children giggling. I looked at the clock. It was five o’clock in the morning again. This time I got up, thinking children that little shouldn’t be out at this time in the morning. I looked out the window to see if I could see anything outside. Then I went outside to see. There was nothing around. I decided to forget about it and went back to the bed.

The next week, I heard it again. Little kids giggling and soft music. Again it was five o’clock in the morning. Again, I looked out the window to see what I could see. Again, there was nothing. I stood still for a few minutes to see if I could still hear it. It sounded like it was coming from inside the house. But that was impossible. There was no one there but my husband and I. My fifteen year old step son was at his mom’s house, and his type of music was nothing like what I was hearing.

I looked around the house. Of course, I didn’t find anything and the noise stopped. It was a bit strange, but I decided to forget about it again.

A few days before Christmas, I heard it again. I investigated again. This time my husband was awake, and he heard it, too. He said that was the second time he had heard it once before. I asked him if he remembered what time he had heard it. He said that he thought it was about five in the morning, just like today.

This noise continued into the New Year. We kept hearing things, but could never find where it was coming from. We found out by mistake.

Two of my daughters were pregnant at this time. In our spare bedroom, which was right next to the master bedroom, we kept things that I had bought for our upcoming grandchildren. One of the items was a baby swing. It was battery operated and moved and played music when you pushed the button. When I walked into the bedroom one afternoon, the swing was moving. It was also playing music. I thought I had finally discovered where the music was coming from! Until I realized that the swing was put in the room weeks after I had first heard the noise…

Again, I put all of this out of my mind. Of course it happened again. At five o’clock as usual. I heard the music start again. It sounded like it was coming from the spare room. I went into the room only to find the baby swing swinging….and although the music was supposed to be going when the swing was moving, the music was not coming from the swing. In the room, I could no longer hear the music.

A few more days went by. For some reason I woke up at about ten minutes to five. I lay there with my eyes closed for a few minutes, trying to go back to sleep. Suddenly, I felt a warm breath on my face. Thinking it was our dog, Frankie, I said, “Go away!” At that time I heard the giggles again. But this time, the giggles were right in my ear. I quickly opened my eyes, only to hear tiny footsteps running from the room and into the room next door, and the door slammed.

I got up and ran into the spare room, only to find no one there. I looked around and noticed that there were some things that had been moved around. The baby swing in the room now held a teddy bear that I was going to give to one of the grandchildren. I book that had been on the dresser was now in the middle of the floor.

Later that day, when all the kids were there and my husband was home from work, I brought up the strange morning. One of our favorite TV shows at the time was Ghost Hunters. On that show, the team had written notes to ghosts, hoping to get an answer. I can’t remember whether it worked on the show or not, but my daughter decided we should try it.

We found a notepad and a pen and my daughter wrote “Is there someone in here?” and “How many people are here?” She also asked the questions out loud. We then left the note and a pen on the table in the spare room. Nothing happened for a while. I didn’t even hear the strange noises for many weeks.

And then one morning I went into the room. I looked at the note, as I usually did. At first, I didn’t see anything. But upon a closer inspection, I noticed some new writing on the paper. Under the first question, in childlike writing, was written “yes” and under the second question were two straight lines. I couldn’t wait for my family to see, but I left the note where it was. I wanted them to see it where it was.

Of course, they were all as shocked as I was. My daughter wrote two more questions, “How old are you?” and “What are your names?” Again, she read the note out loud. It took a few more days, but there were answers to these questions, as well. Under “how old are you?” were drawn a set of four straight lines and another set of two lines. We assumed this meant they were two and four years old. Under “what are your name?” were two strings of letters – mostly the alphabet written in order.

We continued leaving notes – and getting answers the rest of the time we lived in that house – about another six months. The noises – the music and the giggling – continued. Things continued to be moved around.

While we lived there, I did some research about the house and went through the local newspaper trying to find out information about the little people that seemed to be in our home. I discovered that in the area where our house was built, two sisters had died one winter. There had been a lake or pond around and the girls had fallen in through thin ice and had drowned. They were two and four when they died….


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