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God laughs At Our Plans

Updated on April 24, 2010

When it's Not God's Plan

Rest in God's peace
Rest in God's peace

I have a thought I'd like to share today and it's about how I believe God laughs at my plans and your plans when they are not His plans for our lives. I just added you in so I don't feel so alone; I hope you don't mind. However, I'm going to talk about me. I was thinking on how I 'm feeling about some things going on in my life. I really would like for things to hurry up and turn around. I want my finances to improve and I want my health to be completely healed and I'd like for my ministry to flourish and all in the abundance (to the full and overflows) God has promised. I really want this for my life. How about you? I come up with things to do to try to make a million dollars and I try to eat better and exercise and I study the word and make declarations and I work with the outreach ministry just to name some things I do that I believe would bring what I want for my life to pass. It has helped in each area but not to the extent I like to see happen.

And I began to wonder why. Why hasn't it? I tell God all I plan to do and ask Him to bless what I'm doing. It's been awhile now, so things should be flourishing but they're not! I asked God why? And while I waited for God to answer I began to study the scriptures and while doing so a thought came to me, well more of a revelation that said God is laughing at you. Hmmm, I wonder why?

Could God be laughing at me because I made plans and tried to carry them out without asking Him what His plan was for me? Or, could He be laughing because I asked Him to bless my plan and still not ask Him for His plan for me?I began to think of a parent listening to their 10 year old child tell them all the things they intended to buy at the mall and eat after shopping and how they are going to drive back home in that sweet lovable voice. I imagine the parent just looking at them thinking and saying to them, how in world do you come up with this stuff? Or, that's real smart and sounds mature while laughing saying, you're no way near ready to drive and neither can you of yourself buy anything and there's no way I'm going to let you eat all that junk! Who's the parent any way! Come on lets go! with you leading the way, right? And think, the child may genuinely believe that they are ready and able to carry these things out with maybe just a little help from the parent! Well, I felt that way as a child, cough, cough, and as a child of God too. Can you see God looking at my plans and efforts?

I believe our heavenly Father deals with us in our lives in like manner spiritually and naturally. Where did we as parents get it from. It's the wisdom of God. When the revelation of parenting came to mind I had to laugh at myself. It also made me go back and study the scriptures from that aspect of God the Father dealing with His children and so much peace flooded my spirit and put me back in the rest of God. And once peace return unto me I found my faith kicking in again and hope came more alive! I looked up the joy of the Lord which is my strength began to fellowship with me and my believing was running on auto-pilot once more; steady as she goes. Now, I'm ready, I'm ready to hear from God. Well, I think I am. Can you imagine now, what He may say to me? I can! I imagine!

I imagine God saying to me as He said to JOB when he questioned God about his problems. (in my words, not direct quotes) "where were you when I created the hills, mountains, and set the stars, sun and moon in place, where were you when I separated the waters from land." And 'who are you to instruct me." In other words, how can you expect me to do what you want and question my actions when I'm the boss and more than that I created you not you created me. Yeah! a big mistake wouldn't you say? I imagine Him saying, " As far as the heavens is from the earth, is my ways from your ways, and my thoughts from your thoughts." ouch! this starting to really hurt! and then there's Revelation, "Repent! or I'll come quickly and remove the candlestick." The candlestick I have in mind is His Grace and Mercy. And I would never want that to happen so with a quickness, I repent Lord! And then there will be silence.

I don't know exactly what He is doing but I know I'm repenting more and more and reflecting on how foolish I've been in my thinking. And remembering how the Lord had told me in His Word to first set my affections on things above (heavenly) and all these things (earthly possessions) will be added unto me. If I set my heart desire on wanting to know Him; His mind, His ways and become like Him which He intended before Adam ever sinned. I would indeed be back to that place Adam had and to live out that state here on earth.

Once I know the Father all that I need and want I'll have because I'll think the way He thinks and I'll be able to handle everything in life proper and right. No misusing money, my health, my family and friends, my job, or other people. I need the mind of Christ. Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus. Uh um, I remember now what I read in the Bible.Jesus had the mind of God and only spoke and did what God told him. Oh, I want that! I'm getting back in line with what the Bible says. You know the Bible really is the mind of God. Know the Bible, you know God! I mean the right revelation of what the Bible is saying. No matter what it looks like, I must remember to say what the Bible says about whatever I'm dealing with. I say what the Word says and I believe what the Word says.

Now, God speaks to my heart a scripture. It's in the Book of Jeremiah where God said, I know the plan that I have for you. A plan to do you good and to prosperyou! God really does have a plan for my life and for your life too! We have to look to God for it. We need to pray more, believe more, have more patience, hold on to our joy and temperance. Don't get upset so quick or give up. We need to learn to be long suffering; literally, take suffering a long time with our self and others and keep loving while we wait for the things we need and want to come in our lives or to the lives of others whom we're praying for.

Love is the most powerful fruit of the spirit! All of these things I'm talking about now has to come from your spirit man not your natural man. The natural man can't handle it. But the spirit man was made for it. "Though the natural man, outer man perish; the spiritual man, inward man is renewed day by day. Oh my my my this is some good stuff!

Y'all heard that saying, starve a cold and feed a fever or vise verse. Well, in God we have to starve the flesh, natural man and feed the spirit, spiritual man. Don't feed your flesh cause it will take over your mind and that's where you try to come up with your own plans and they won't work and you'll get upset, discouraged, and quit on life and God. But if you feed the spirit man, you'll grow strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Can't nothing stop you from being what you want to be, have what you want to have as long as you do it God's way. If you let God be God, all your enemies will scatter. I'm talking about the enemy of your ministry, money, health, career, relationships, family, and your life; those inner things, habits and sins. They will all be destroyed in God's Time; not your time.

One last thought, we'll have to rehearse these thoughts everyday! Remembering it until it becomes second nature to us. If we don't we'll forget it because of life temptations, trials and tribulations that attacks our flesh. Situations can come up suddenly and human nature don't automatically go to scripture, human nature will always take us back to the fall of man, to where we were before God came into our lives. And if ever you fall always know that God still loves you with an everlasting love. It will never end. He'll forgive you and put you back on the right road. See how He deals with me. He laughs just as our parents and as we being parents do. Thank God for His laughter and grace.  Be Blessed!


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