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Hello,I AM,Who do You Say That I AM?

Updated on March 9, 2010

The Sovereign and All Mighty GOD.

Have we come to taking material objects to compare and introduce him into our lives and in our churches.

His Thoughts are not our thoughts; and His way are not our ways.

Isaiah 55:8

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,neither are your ways my ways,saith the lord.

Even Moses broken under the obedience of His Great Creator was misunderstanding God and his Greatness

All just to say; All of the great acts that was preformed through man.That was to show his presence not his greatness.The Universe tells all that and just to know we were created from the force of Gods Greatness to say I AM .The acts was not to be praised by man.There was something greater God want us to know. Just know I AM

All the Great names that God has in the Bible tell of who and what he may have done in someones life, and what he had become for that moment and time.God is everything and in everything and everywhere.But God is not contained.

But to my remembrance The name I AM brought a fear of reverence of the Great One.Because you could not liken God to any one thing on earth are in heaven. All of Gods acts are great, but not one more than the other.

Jesus all ways said liken heaven as this are that,But he never said liken God to any one thing, Because if we liken God to any one thing we miss the mark of Gods true Existence and Great presence.

I AM - All within All

The Bible states God created man after his image

Image: just a shadow of God in body which has been with us all this time God on earth within mankind.

The image of God in man clearly gives man dignity an worth not possessed by animals;Man can kill an animal as a source of food;but the life of another human being is not to be taken.Why? ("In the Image of God he (GOD) made man") Genesis 9:6

The Image of God in man was not lost during the fall but damaged.He was still in the walk for transformation;

Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and prefect,will of God.

Gods ways and thoughts will transform your mind and your life.

Jesus reflected the Glory of God and bear the stamp of Gods nature.That's why believers are told to be conformed to the image of Christ.

Take on Gods Nature

Romans 8:29 For who he did foreknow, he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Nature: Feelings of God and Gods passion. Gods actions.Coming to the fulfillment to truly know God.To be in the fulfillment of his likeness and his power and force in the earth to change things.

I AM -

I cause to be

I shall be present

Who do you say that I AM?

Liken God to nothing so your praise wont be in vain

No longer will I liken you my FATHER too this footstool this place where I stand, But that I bow in reverence to your Greatness and plan

No longer will I claim your Image and not take on your Nature

No longer will I live without your passion in my life

No longer will I place you in a box and liken you to earthly things

No longer will I place you in a distant place to far for ones soul to reach, but tell of how near and dear in my heart your love has traced

No more wishing on a star so bright, because with every step your have been my light.


God Blessings!

(c) 2010Sharon Smith


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