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On Negativity, Old Habits and Unicorns

Updated on June 16, 2011

I dislike negativity. When I am told “no”, I immediately look for the reason behind why I was told “no”. Many times, I find that people will be negative when they see no way forward so, they say: “no”, “it’s impossible”; “there is no way” and “you can’t do that”. Yet, just because some people see no way forward (in whatever endeavor), that does not mean there actually is no way forward.

I first read The Secret several years ago and I enjoyed it. It was to a certain extent very similar to the “how to become a millionaire in twenty minutes” type of book. Something got my attention though. The book talked about being positive – something which I valued even before that book landed on my lap. After finishing it, I decided to eliminate “no” out of my vocabulary. I wanted to see if it was even possible.

Many years after, I can claim that I very seldom use the word “no”. Only when I am categorically certain of something, beyond any reasonable doubt, I use that word (or if it slips by mistake – mistakes still happen, I am not perfect). So, for example if I am asked whether or not I want to eat and I want to decline the invitation, I will say: “I already ate, thank you” or “Perhaps I will eat later, at the moment I have something else to do.” There is indeed in my opinion, always a way to express myself (if I take the time to think about it) without being totally negative and/or using the word “no”. “No” is just too easy and going through Life in the easiest way possible is detrimental regarding personal growth (I can elaborate on this if needed).

Personal growth is something which we should all strive for, in my opinion. Yet, if we always do what we are told by our superiors (be they our parents, our elders, our political leaders, etc.) there will be very little innovation in this world. Very little would change and at an extremely slow pace, if at all. Inventors throughout history have always been brave people who dreamed of a different future than the one most people could think of. Some old habits must be shed in order to persevere at times.

When Leonardo da Vinci thought about people flying (in the 1400s or 1500s was it?), most people probably thought him to be a little senile. And when Martin Luther King Jr. spoke about his dream, it was only a dream. Now, we can see that his dream is reality (not in its complete form, as racism still exists) and so, I think dreaming is important. Da Vinci's dream about us flying is also a reality. Working for your dreams is even more important though because just dreaming is not enough. I encourage people to take charge of their dreams, to be fearless and know that they can do whatever they want as long as they believe in themselves. “Anything is possible, it just costs more” (here cost does not have to necessarily mean money – think freely!).

In conclusion, I have never seen a unicorn but that does not mean that I will never see a unicorn (I know what one looks like, supposedly). If that ever was to happen, I would most likely say: “I knew it!”


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