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Parents are the most neglected category around the world!

Updated on July 26, 2016

Honor parents!

Who will care parents?

When I think about ‘me’, myself and mine, all problems arise like ants coming out of anthill. The most prevalent viral disease in the world now is “selfishness”. It is a queer fish, odd fish. But everyone in this world is completely affected by this parasite, ‘selfishness along with greed’. Hence none cares for others than their own kith and kin like wife and children. Parents don’t fit into the family net. Hence all parents seek the homeless orphanages. But not all are admitted in orphanages. The well to do parents seeks senior citizen homes. The less fortunate join in some charity run orphanages! In Western countries, once the children are married, they chose to live separately away from the parents. Only during Christmas and New Year, parents are remembered and greeted. Children visit the parents and grandchildren get gifts from the parents. It is strange that the sons never think that one day, they too will end up living alone! In India, the situation was little better. Yet, due to education and employment of children away from the parents, the elders have only one option; either to stay along with their sons or let the sons live away from them!

As long as one is healthy, he can lead a life independently away from their children. Once, old age sets in, one need the assistance of others. This applies to all parents. In most of the villages around, we will find only elders living a solitary life in their huts, toiling in some menial jobs to fill up their bellies. All the scriptures of the world exhort the people to respect and tend their parents.

Call your parents and talk to them often!

It is due to Dark Age of Kali

But in this Dark Kali age, most of the children forget their parents when they grow and let them tend themselves either in orphanages or away from them. Especially, this has become a practice in India too. In olden days, people lived in joint families. Nowadays nuclear families are the only option selected by married children. They consider their parents as an unnecessary burden! I heard one story from Saibaba. A son accommodated his parent in the outer verandah. They were not allowed to enter into the house. The grandson noticed this for a long time. Also, an aluminum plate was given to the parent to eat! One day, the grandson took away the aluminum plate and kept it away. At lunch time, they were searching for the aluminum plate but could not trace it. The grandson told his father, I have kept the aluminum plate away so that one day it will be useful for you when you become old! The father was shocked to hear the truth from his own son. Instantly, he called his parents inside and started treating them respectfully and took great care of them. This is how people learn their lessons in a bitter way! As we treat our parents, so the children will treat us. It is reflection, resound and reciprocation! Hence everyone should adopt human values first. The scriptures exhort us to “worship the mother as god; worship the father as god; worship the preceptor as god and worship the guest as god! First priority is Mother! Hence, everyone should sacrifice everything to please their parents!

But, children behave erratically once they marry. They respect their in laws more than their own parents! This is the strange disease of Kali age! I don’t say that in laws are to be neglected. No! Everyone should be treated with respect due to them. All are embodiments of God. Hence Love all, respect all, and serve all. The hands that serve are holier than the lips that pray!

In this world, money, properties, fame and fortune are considered the priorities of life. These temporary acquisitions will dwindle soon! Every day we watch in the media many calamities around the world, both induced by man and nature! In a flash flood, many houses drown, many lives are lost. All that we earn with much effort leave us instantaneously! Then what is permanent? Is it the wealth? Nothing is permanent in this changing world! Hence, we should lead our life following the qualms of conscious! Help ever; hurt never! This must be our motto in life.

Treat and care your parents.

Adore God! Abhor sin!

Three things are most essential. 1. The love ford God 2. Avoid sins 3. Harmonious co-existence with others in society! If everyone in this world avoids violence in thoughts, words and deeds, the world will become more peaceful. But in the outer world, we see only hatred and violence. Within a family, there is no harmony and peace! How can we expect peace in society and country? What is the cause of civil wars, terrorism and stock piling of atomic weapons? There is no amity between person to person in society. People fight due to religious differences, race, and Nationality, language and employment opportunities! It seems Satan; the dark forces are let loose without any restraint, everywhere in the globe! To fight those evil and dark forces, we need only Divine intervention. No country, no army, no police can bring sanity in the minds of terrorists everywhere. Many countries have joined together to fight the evil of terrorism, but none has succeeded so far! God alone can root out evil from the face of the earth. Let us pray sincerely and whole heartedly to the Divine Power to intervene in the affairs of the world and set right things!

We forget them in busy life.


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