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Restoring The Nine Body Systems to Optimal Wellness

Updated on August 10, 2022

The rising cost of healthcare as well as the growing distrust of medical treatment due to countless testimonies of male practice are situations that have persuaded many people to seek various forms of self-healing, such as alternative treatments and cures. These alternative treatments and cures include natural supplements, herbal products and therapeutic treatments such as acupuncture.

Resurrection Power

However, the greatest alternative for self-healing is the resurrection power of Christ. The resurrection power is the glorified power of God that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. It is a renewing and regenerating power that can spiritualize the whole body. Therefore, whatever appears to be afflicting you can be healed by bringing the resurrection power to bare upon the condition. Countless of believers have used this power to heal the most stubborn diseases and afflictions, including physical and mental disabilities, heart disease and cancers of all kinds. No limit exist against the ability of the resurrection power to make all things new within you.


Using the resurrection power to heal the nine body systems can keep a believer in perfect health, especially if the practice becomes a lifestyle. All that is required for continual self-healing is the belief that all things are possible: the words often spoken by Christ Jesus throughout his ministry on earth. For years, I have witnessed the resurrection power operating within my body time and time again, healing all kinds of ailments and afflictions. Such knowledge of applying the resurrection power to the nine body systems has enabled me to awaken each morning with a sense o f inner freedom, peace and joy.

The Nine Body Systems

Digestive System- the two most important inner organs of this system is the stomach and liver. Spiritualizing the digestive systems can restore it back to optimal functioning and neutralize such ailments as bloating, sharp stomach pains and esophagus pains, fatigue, hormone imbalance, headaches, migraines and irritability.

Intestinal System-the small and large colon makes up this system. Some of the most significant studies have found that the beginning of health problems begin in the colon. Spiritualizing the colon neutralizes cramping, irregular bowel movement, difficult elimination, intestinal inflammation, diarrhea and a several other colon ailments.

Circulatory System-the heart and general blood circulation make up the circulatory system. Spiritualizing this system can neutralize heart problems, cholesterol problems, vascular problems by anointing the heart and blood with healing-peace and joy. The power of the resurrection can restore a damaged heart and purify the blood with ease.

Urinary System-the system consist of the kidney and bladder. Spiritualizing the kidney and bladder can neutralize burning and painful urine difficulties of all kinds as well as frequent kidney and bladder infections, fluid retention, lower back pain and skin problems.

Respiratory System-the sinuses and lungs make up this system. Problems with frequent colds, congestion, bronchitis, asthma, wheezing, shortness of breath are neutralized by the power of the resurrection. When you Spiritualize the respiratory system, complete normalcy can be restored to the lungs and sinuses.

Glandular System-this system consist of the pancreas and adrenals. Spiritualizing the pancreas and adrenals neutralizes blood sugar problems, fatigue, hyperactivity, mood swings and digestive weaknesses. The anointing of the resurrection power can restore these organs back to the healthy state in which that were created to function.

Nervous System-the brain, spinal cord and nerves make up this system. Spiritualizing the nervous System neutralizes nervous tension, anxiety, stress, depression, hyperactivity, insomnia and headaches. The power of the resurrections can bring an unending peace and healing-joy to the most damaged Nervous System.

Structural System-this system includes the skeleton, muscles, skin, connective tissue and membrane. Applying the resurrection power to the structural system can neutralize painful joint movement, muscle and bone injuries, hydrochloric acid deficiency. Inflammatory joint diseases can not survive the full power of the healing anointing.

Immune System-this system is design to fight against germs, viruses, bacteria, AIDS, influenza and cancers. Spiritualizing the Immune system maximizes its power against all kinds of potential invaders. A strong immune system, maximized the resurrection power is invincible to any entity attempting to break down the body system.

In order to spiritualize the nine body systems you will need to be skilled in the knowledge of blessing and decreeing. The practice is simple. To bless is to bring to bare the entire Godhead body upon a condition or situation on a continuous basis. To decree is to command or order something into existence. In the case of spiritualizing the nine body systems, a believer should first bless the system and then decree the desired condition. For example, lets begin to spiritualize the digestive system using blessing and decreeing.

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Bringing the Godhead body to a condition through blessing:

My the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God and the Communion of the Holy Spiritual be unto my digestive system in order to make the crooked places straight and the rough place plain. The Godhead body includes the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. The crooked places and the rough places symbolizes whatever sickness or disease you may be experience within your body systems.

Commanding an optimal condition into existence:

Let the resurrection power operate in my digestive system to bring fourth health, healing, happiness and wholeness to all its functions. For in the kingdom of God , there is no digestive problems.

The practice of these two powerful prayer strategies are a potent formula against the degeneration of the human body. If practices consistently and as a lifestyle, you will begin to sense a power and authority over your body that you never thought possible. When diseases and ailments attempt to attack your body, you will have an eternal medicine in the power of the resurrection to bring every mental and physical condition under control. These two powerful confessions should practiced for all nine body systems as a preventive measure against sickness and disease on a daily basis if possible.

Every believer should become well acquainted with the nine body systems. A good idea is to personify each body system. Get to know all nine as you would get to know a living person. People may think you are crazy. Nevertheless, you should become one with these systems in order to feel a sense of connection and fellowship with them. Each body system plays a significant role in the operation of your whole body. To personify them is to thrive together in the fellowship of peace, joy and healing.


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