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The Setting Sun

Updated on August 10, 2016
Ants working faithfully.
Ants working faithfully.

Sitting down in the midday heat on my stone steps leading to my house, I noticed some movement beside my feet. When I looked closer to investigate, I discovered a troop of ants, all steadfastly carrying their loads to the nest somewhere in the bushes beyond the steps. I watched them for awhile and being bored and idle, put my foot in the way to see what they would do. I thought perhaps they would turn back or maybe climb over my foot, but they simply walked around my foot even though I had just made the distance they had to go slightly longer, they adjusted and plodded on. For a long moment, I watched fascinated, then as I realized the day wasn't getting any younger and I still had countless things to do, I got up, brushed off my clothes and left them to their work.

It was late that evening after escorting some friends, who had dropped by to say hello, that while taking my trek up the stairs to my front door, I realized they were still at it. Tirelessly it seemed taking their food and storing it. They must have known it was night and yet, their job was not done and so they could not rest until it was over.

It was then that the proverb came to my mind- Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler,Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest. Proverbs 6:6-8

I had always knew and used that proverb as a stern warning against laziness, but never had I connected it to the laziness of the Christian. Until now. Suddenly the parable of the ten virgins became more understandable. The five foolish and the five wise. Go to the ant thou sluggard.

Taking a page from the ant has to do with our laziness in preparing for the coming of Christ as well as our laziness in preparing others for it. We as Christians are the worker ants of God and yet we are not working! We put it off. When I saw the ants and their determination to reach the nest no matter what obstacle lay in their way, I knew this was and is the way the determination and drive I must have for the Lord. When you interrupt a flow of ants even by killing some, they will still continue to carry on their work. How many of us are guilty of stopping the work because of one small offense? What will happen when our fellow worker is killed for the work? Will we continue? Will we have that determination and strength of the ant? If we cannot work while it is day, how can we even dream to work in the night as the ants do?

Now is the day, but the night draws near and if we do not have a path to follow, how can we know the way? The end of all things as we know it is near and we are not working. We have a few worker ants out carrying loads that are theirs and ours and others too. How selfish and how shameful! I am ashamed. I must work as the ant and not fear persecution. I must prepare myself for the coming of the Lord...The wicked work their evil plans. Day into night, they do not stop until it is come to fruition. Should we not work plans of righteousness so that it will bear fruit to defend against this evil time? Why do the wicked take the teaching of the ant but the righteous cower in fear. We must be bold for our strength is in the Lord.

I will go to the ant and do my work so that the setting sun will take me unawares. So that when the night falls, my path will be so worn, that i will not get lost or turn aside because of obstacles in my path. So that I will be able to finish my job before the time runs out. Thank you Jesus for revealing this to me!


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