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The Wicked Shadowy Side of Astrological Sun Signs, Part 1/3

Updated on September 8, 2013

Positives and NEGATIVES of Astrological Sun Signs

In the majority of cases when it comes to astrological sun signs,the GENTLER, NOBLER,&MORE POSITIVE aspects are the ones that are presented. Why not? It makes people feel GOOD about themselves & they don't have to do any introspection.
In the majority of cases when it comes to astrological sun signs,the GENTLER, NOBLER,&MORE POSITIVE aspects are the ones that are presented. Why not? It makes people feel GOOD about themselves & they don't have to do any introspection.
However, there are always TWO sides to everything.Everything has its DIAMETRIC opposite.As there is a POSITIVE side regarding respective astrological sun signs, there is also a ...........SHADOWY side........which is mentioned only in passing.
However, there are always TWO sides to everything.Everything has its DIAMETRIC opposite.As there is a POSITIVE side regarding respective astrological sun signs, there is also a ...........SHADOWY side........which is mentioned only in passing.
Yes, there is a NEGATIVE side to the astrological sun sign scenario,even an EVIL & WICKED side.People are very afraid of their shadow side.However, it exists whether they wish to acknowledge it or not.
Yes, there is a NEGATIVE side to the astrological sun sign scenario,even an EVIL & WICKED side.People are very afraid of their shadow side.However, it exists whether they wish to acknowledge it or not.

Negative Aries usually are the following:

Having an EXAGGERATED sense of  SELF-IMPORTANCE..They are EGO to the millionth degree.Others exist mainly for THEIR convenience.
Having an EXAGGERATED sense of SELF-IMPORTANCE..They are EGO to the millionth degree.Others exist mainly for THEIR convenience.
They are HIGHLY abrasive.They are quite fond of SAYING it as IT IS. If other people's feelings are hurt as a result of this, SO BE IT! in their minds, the latter are simply WEAK crybabies who ought to TOUGHEN up.
They are HIGHLY abrasive.They are quite fond of SAYING it as IT IS. If other people's feelings are hurt as a result of this, SO BE IT! in their minds, the latter are simply WEAK crybabies who ought to TOUGHEN up.
They love living on the EDGE.Activities, games, and sports which have a HIGH DANGER level gives them a visceral rush.
They love living on the EDGE.Activities, games, and sports which have a HIGH DANGER level gives them a visceral rush.

Negative Taureans exhibit the following characteristics:

They love BEING languorous.Others call it LAZINESS.They fully believe in living life at a VERY LEISURELY pace.To them, life is TOO SHORT not to stop and smell the roses!
They love BEING languorous.Others call it LAZINESS.They fully believe in living life at a VERY LEISURELY pace.To them, life is TOO SHORT not to stop and smell the roses!
They love being TOTALLY decadent.Why not?They are of the school that there is ONLY ONE life to live  & they intend to live it as HEDONISTICALLY& LUXURIOUSLY as possible. Their religion is ABSOLUTE PLEASURE.They take SELF-INDULGENCE to ANOTHER level.
They love being TOTALLY decadent.Why not?They are of the school that there is ONLY ONE life to live & they intend to live it as HEDONISTICALLY& LUXURIOUSLY as possible. Their religion is ABSOLUTE PLEASURE.They take SELF-INDULGENCE to ANOTHER level.
They are fond of the STATUS QUO &TRADITIONAL because it is SOOO comfortable& familiar. Nothings suits them more than to be comfortably content.Anything NEW represents the UNFAMILIAR which they AVOID like the plague.
They are fond of the STATUS QUO &TRADITIONAL because it is SOOO comfortable& familiar. Nothings suits them more than to be comfortably content.Anything NEW represents the UNFAMILIAR which they AVOID like the plague.

Negative Geminians can

They have MULTIPLE aspects to their personalities which they play to the hilt.They often CONTRADICT themselves. They say one thing then say another yet deny it when questioned.They exemplify the mythological two faces of Janus.
They have MULTIPLE aspects to their personalities which they play to the hilt.They often CONTRADICT themselves. They say one thing then say another yet deny it when questioned.They exemplify the mythological two faces of Janus.
They are superficial towards others.You can call them transparent.They are the MASTERS  of casualness particularly in their relationships with other people.They believe that life is TOO SHORT to form deeper relationships with people.
They are superficial towards others.You can call them transparent.They are the MASTERS of casualness particularly in their relationships with other people.They believe that life is TOO SHORT to form deeper relationships with people.
They tend to have FLEETING interests in their areas of interests.This probably explains why they have a myriad of activities&interests.They are loathe to have IN DEPTH & SERIOUS interests as they consider that to be TOTALLY BORING.
They tend to have FLEETING interests in their areas of interests.This probably explains why they have a myriad of activities&interests.They are loathe to have IN DEPTH & SERIOUS interests as they consider that to be TOTALLY BORING.

Negative Cancers are ......................WELL:

They tend to be overprotective & possessive of their loved ones.They WANT their loves one to be theirs FOREVER.They are often NONPLUSSED when their loved ones want to have/live INDEPENDENT lives of their own.
They tend to be overprotective & possessive of their loved ones.They WANT their loves one to be theirs FOREVER.They are often NONPLUSSED when their loved ones want to have/live INDEPENDENT lives of their own.
They LOVE the GOOD OLD DAYS .The past represents HISTORY & TRADITION.  To them, such things represent certainty & a sense of security They truly DO NOT understand or feel comfortable with modernity where many things are clearly ambiguous &uncertain.
They LOVE the GOOD OLD DAYS .The past represents HISTORY & TRADITION. To them, such things represent certainty & a sense of security They truly DO NOT understand or feel comfortable with modernity where many things are clearly ambiguous &uncertain.
They are OBSESSED with the notion of security. To say that they NEED security would be an understatement.It is as IMPORTANT to them as food & water are to MOST people.They would rather DIE than to without security.
They are OBSESSED with the notion of security. To say that they NEED security would be an understatement.It is as IMPORTANT to them as food & water are to MOST people.They would rather DIE than to without security.

Negative Leos are ............... just count the ways:

They definitely believe that THEY are ALL THAT & MORE. They believe that others actually revolve around them.They are THE ULTIMATE in the egotistical personality.
They definitely believe that THEY are ALL THAT & MORE. They believe that others actually revolve around them.They are THE ULTIMATE in the egotistical personality.
They vs the rest of us.They are NOT like YOU& ME. They believe they are DIVINE & you better believe it! .Remember,they are the KINGS/QUEENS and the rest of us........are just MERE MASSES, no more no less.
They vs the rest of us.They are NOT like YOU& ME. They believe they are DIVINE & you better believe it! .Remember,they are the KINGS/QUEENS and the rest of us........are just MERE MASSES, no more no less.
They believe in living THE BEST LIFE possible.If there is NO MONEY for this, NO PROBLEM! There are ALWAYS others who can easily finance THEIR lifestyle. After all, they deserve only THE VERY, VERY BEST.
They believe in living THE BEST LIFE possible.If there is NO MONEY for this, NO PROBLEM! There are ALWAYS others who can easily finance THEIR lifestyle. After all, they deserve only THE VERY, VERY BEST.

NEGATIVE Virgos can be oh so irritatingly exasperating:

Nothing can be EVER RIGHT in their eyes.Someone or something is always amiss.Because of this obsession with achieving perfection, they often miss the joys of life if they EVER believe in such.
Nothing can be EVER RIGHT in their eyes.Someone or something is always amiss.Because of this obsession with achieving perfection, they often miss the joys of life if they EVER believe in such.
They take the concept of workaholicism to a NEW level. NO ONE works as diligently as THEY do.In their eyes, most employees are SLACKERS who deserve to be FIRED- or perhaps SHOT! Work, to them, is NOT JUST a job/career but a RELIGION.
They take the concept of workaholicism to a NEW level. NO ONE works as diligently as THEY do.In their eyes, most employees are SLACKERS who deserve to be FIRED- or perhaps SHOT! Work, to them, is NOT JUST a job/career but a RELIGION.
They can be consummate martyrs, especially if they feel unappreciated or unnoticed for WHAT THEY HAVE DONE.Don't OTHERS realize HOW VALUABLE they are. Oh, well........the former DON'T, darn it! See what it will be like WITHOUT them-see, see!
They can be consummate martyrs, especially if they feel unappreciated or unnoticed for WHAT THEY HAVE DONE.Don't OTHERS realize HOW VALUABLE they are. Oh, well........the former DON'T, darn it! See what it will be like WITHOUT them-see, see!

Things Are NOT What They Seem, Virginia! Beware!

There are millions of books and lovely hubs detailing the wonderful and positive aspects of sun signs. They elucidate the nobler and kinder side of sun signs. How beautiful and delightful. However! Yes, however, life is not always light and positive.

There are undercurrents of things that are unseen and not as brightly lit. There is a wicked and dark side to the astrological sun signs. Oh no, you say. Yes, I hiss as I laugh demonically. You see even though I have a sweet, cherubic face, sweet babyish voice, and a very laid back and sweet demeanor, I have a wicked side. I can be quite a contrarian who has a dark side.

Well, let us not digress. Why there are very few books regarding the negative and dark side of sun signs? Because it is not nice to reveal people's negative sun sign behaviors. Furthermore, people are afraid of their shadow and dark side. This is why shadows and dark undercurrents of the personality are put into the subconscious and contained. The dark, shadow side of the personality is a scary thing to encounter.

As everyone knows, there are twelve sun signs of the zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. The twelve signs are divided into four elements: Fire(Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius), Water (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces), Earth(Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) and Air(Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius). There is even a further subdivision into three modalities: Cardinal(Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn), Fixed(Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius), and Mutable( Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces).

Fire element signs are often aggressive, innovative, and are bold beyond repair. Fire sign people are often self-starters and initiators who are not afraid to task risks and attempt new ground. Fire sign people can be described as fearless. These are the positive aspects of fire sign people. The negative aspects of fire sign people are that they can often run shipshod over people to obtain their goals. Furthermore, because fire sign people are extremely proactive and know how to get what they want, they can be extremely impatient with people whom they consider to be more passive.

Water sign people are torrents of sensitivity, creativity, and emotions. They are also very empathetic towards others. Some water sign people have an enlightened awareness which can be considered clairvoyant, mediumistic, and/or psychic. Water sign people are considered to be some of the most creative people around. This is only the positive side of the water sign personality. The negative side of the water sign personality includes oversensitivity, being extremely passive, and being overwhelmed by emotions.

Earth sign people are the pragmatists and practical people of the zodiac. They believe reality is what they can see and sense. They also have a good sense of money and economics. These are the people are keen strategists who plan to obtain their goals. However, earth sign people in their negativity, are often afraid to change, preferring the status quo and conventional.

Air sign people are often quite mentally agile and intellectual. They often live in their mind. They have perfected the art of mental repartee. They are masters at the art of conversation. Often, school and academia are easy for air sign people. The negative side to air sign people is that they can be quite superficial and intellectual snobs who believe that average people are obtuse mentally.

No let the games began. We are now going to astrological purgatory and hell. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. It symbolizes the onset of spring and newness. This sign further symbolizes the beginning and starting things anew. However, we are not discussing the positives here.

Negative Arians have an extremely grandiose sense of importance. They think nothing of pushing their way to the front of the line literally and/or proverbially. They believe that other people exists for their pleasure. People mean nothing to them.

They are of the opinion that they are sublimely better and know more than anyone else in the universe. They are ego and personality personified. They often push their agenda and philosophy in addition to giving unsolicited advice to other people. They are the masters of ego and believe in their biliousness. Oh magnificent ego thou are bottomless!.

They can be quite selfish. They take selfishness to the ultimate level. His/her wants are foremost and the only thing that matters. Other people be damned! Others people are considered to be an extension of him/her. They are not considered to be individual entities by him/her. Being inconsiderate of other people's feelings is often par for the course for a negative Arian.

It is their belief and doctrine that since other people are extensions of them, they can be quite domineering and bossy of other people under their purview. For example, Christina Crawford in her book MOMMY DEAREST detailed that her mother, Joan Crawford( an Arian) would consider all the people in her domicile her charges to do with what she will. According to Ms. Crawford, her mother considered her charges as extensions of her with no opinion and will of their own. Ms. Crawford stated that her mother even enforced her culinary likes upon her without any regard for her feelings.

Abrasiveness and being tactless are part of their personas. Other people's feelings do not count with this person. He/she believes in running shipshod over people emotionally and psychologically. It is his/her opinion that if other people's feelings are hurt, they are just weak minded. There is no such thing as tact to this person. In his/her words, tact is for sissies, not for real people.

In addition to being tactless,they make an art of being impatient with people whom they consider to be slower and quieter. They see nothing wrong and amiss with constantly interrupting people and being obnoxiously pushy in order to accomplish their goals. They are masters of the art of bogarding other people in order to be noticed. Not to be noticed is the worst thing imaginable to them. Being noticed is the name of the game.

They also enjoy danger and indulging in reckless activities. Participating in dangerous sports is often par the course for such people. The more dangerous the sport and/or activities, the greater rush these people feel. Danger and extremely risky behavior is an exhilaration for them. In fact, they thrive on it to feel alive.

They love to exhibit their bravado. They have perfected the art of machismo and machisma. Gamemanship and upmanship with others are part of their repartee. To them life is a process of the survival of the strongest and fittest. They love to exhibit their physical and mental strength. If they are not strong, they are not alive. Furthermore, they believe in being masters of others.

They love to be the first in everything as befitting their sign. Oftentimes, they take being first to its aggressive conclusion. They believe in winning at all costs. To be second place is an abomination to them. They hate to lose and are often sore losers.

Their motto is me, me, me! It is their world and you are just a guest in it. They are the masters, mistresses, lords, and queens of this world. You are just their subject and do not forget it!!!

Taurus is next. Taurus is the most peaceful and bucolic sign of the zodiac. Taureans are usually very calm people who believe in living life at a leisurely pace. They have good heads on their shoulders and are usually the bulwarks of their family, friends, and associates. Of course, this is the positive Taurean. The negative Taurean is a different entity entirely.

Negative Taureans are often lazy and prefer the easy way out in life. They wish to be waited on hand and foot. Life is lived at an extremely sybaritic pace. To them, pleasure justifies the means to existence. A job is only a means to indulge their sybaritic pleasures.

Their sybaritic pleasures are a multillion. They are the utter definition of the Dionysisian personality. They practice the art of hedonism. No pleasure is too excessive or extravagant for them. Life is them is an experience to revel in. They practice a life of bacchanalism that puts Roman emperors to shame.

They are often gluttons because of their intense love of food in all its glory. Food, especially good good, fulfills their every physical, emotional, and psychological need. They just love revelling in the physical senses. To them, physicality is the most important thing in their lives. They worship their bodies. There are no means which they will not undergo and undertake to make their bodies magnificent specimens. No product is too expensive or too outlandish to achieve the goal of the perfect body. However, some of them are completely adverse to exertion and exercise. Because of an overindulgence in food, their bodies are often out of shape and can be described as corpulent to say the least.

Exertion of any kind is an anathema to these people. They assert that life ought to be lived and savored to the ultimate degree. If there are tasks to be done and completed, they usually delegate these tasks to others.

Being rushed is a red flag to them. Don't you dare rush them! . Oh no, they want to live life at a very slow pace. If they are rushed, they become very annoyed and perturbed to say the least. Their motto is to let them be. Also they figure what is the rush for because eventually sooner or later they will get to their destination. Just let them be.

They also just love things the way they are. They oftentimes just do not understand change because it threatens them and their way of life. So they choose to be mired in the past even if they are uncomfortable because it is safe. Safety matters so much to them. Safety is their God. They are so afraid of change that they would rather be miserable and safe than to take a risk and grow as people. Their mantra is it is better to be safe than sorry ! They look askance at growth and truly value tradition. Tradition is a blanket to them-oh how nice!

Gemini, oh Gemini-the sign of the twins. Geminis can be quite versatile and are often the jack of all trades. They are often the masters of conversation and love being the social gadfly. Well, yes. Now let us discuss the negative Germini.

Negative Geminians love to manipulate people with their various personalities. They may say one thing and when they are asked about this, they will deny it blatantly. They practice the art of glibness. To get into a deep and meaningful conversation and philosophical discourse with him is akin to an early Christian discussing love and kindness with a Hun. This is a near impossibility.

They believe in having friends who are more like associates than actual friends. In fact, they take pride in having a conglomerate of friends. That is, friends for every occasion. To them, the more friends, the better. To be without lots of friends is death to them.

They are afraid of deep and committed friendships and relationships because they want to have as much freedom as possible. Being exclusive is not in their nature. To be exclusive to them is equivalent to being enslaved. Life is too short to be enslaved. Freedom is the spice of life. In other words, they want to have as many friends and relationships as possible. If bigamy was completely legal for all concerned, they would be bigamists. Monogamous relationships are an anathema to them and are not in their vocabulary. Love them and move on is their mantra.

The art of variety is their forte. For them there is no life without variety. Variety is indeed the spice and impetus of life. Amen. They love to explore every lifestyle, cuisine, and subjects. They are averse to exploring subject in depth as there are so many subjects and areas to be explored. Let us taste and explore every aspect of life.

In relation to their quest for variety in life, they want to live at a quick and lightening pace. To them, the majority of people are the living dead. To them, those people are just automotons who just mindlessly occupy the Earth. Such tragedy, oh the inhumanity of it all! They want to drink it all in! Working all day and partying all night are nothing to them. Being stationary is a kiss to death to them. So let us party all the time. Life is just a cabaret oh chum, come to the cabaret. To them, life is just a trifle ad one great grand party!

Cancer the fourth sign. Oh dear, dear Cancer. The nurturing sign. Cancer is the symbolism of the mother. Cancers are known to be very caring and loving people who often put others before themselves. Well, let us look at the other side of the coin.

Negative Cancers often cling to people and do not let them go. Their mantra is how could you after all I have done for you. Oh, darling they say you are my life, my life! They exist to feel needed . Their life revolves around others and they use this ploy to keep others under their domination. Since caring for others are the nucleus of their universe, when other people decide to grow and lead their own lives, it comes as a shock to these people. A person who choose to lead an independent live is an affront to them. Oh, the unmitigated audacity of it all! How ungrateful they are- they owe me so much after after all I have done for them! They are also adept at using guilt to keep people close to them as they are nothing if they are not doing something for others.

If they are parents, they can be classified as being the quintessential overprotective parent. Nothing is too good for their children. Their children do not have individual lives of their own. They OWN their children. Their children are an extension of their very beings. They are NOTHING without their children. When their children are little, this behavior can be somewhat understandable. However, when their children become older and near adults, they will exercise every method to keep their children tied to their apron strings. They believe that without their children within their care, their live is totally pointless.

Besides their children, they are often possessive of their relatives and friends much to the latter's chagrin. They can be quite smoldering of significant others. It is very hard for them to realize that their significant others must lead their own independent lives. They are the caretakers and nurturers personified to the milnillionth degree.

Tradition and things past are reverred by them. They worship the past because it represents history. History whether it is family history or regular history is so important to them. History and the past represent something that can be trusted and to be relied on. They usually follow family tradition to the extreme. Their mantra is what is good for the ancestors is good enough for them. No new inventions for them.

Security means sooo much to them. Security is a blanket to soothe them against the harshness of the cold and hostile outside world. Security is a proverbial parent to these people. Security is valued at all costs. Don't they realize that security can be an albatross. Oh, never that, security is soo good. They rather be secure and live in a hellish state than to venture out into the world and live a full life!

Then there is Leo. Leo are the stars and celebrities of the zodiac. They are supremely self-confident and negativity is not in ther vocabulary. Their mantra is to embrace life in all its fullness. They are not afraid to try anything. However, this is the positive Leo. The negative Leo, well...... that is another story.

Negative Leos believe that the sun rises and shine with them. Their first, middle, and last name is ego. Ego I am thine is their mantra. They are the royals of this world and you are the peasant to say the least.

They have the supreme self-confidence. They know who THEY are and it is all good. If a person corrects them, how DARE they correct the KINGS and QUEENS of the universe! They know what is going on! According to them, they have MORE knowledge, class, and elan than THE COMMONERS of the world. Commoners are not to correct KINGS and QUEENS but to OBEY and FOLLOW them.

In their mindsets, they often exist in a different and rarified world than that of the common people. They maintained that there are two types of people-them and other people. It is their assertion that other people are their subordinates and subjects to do their bidding. They are strict practitioners of the class system. It is their belief that a person in a particular class should know his/her place in the universe. The same applies to people in job positions e.g. an executive and/or movie star is better than an ordinary clerk and janitor..

Since they believe themselves to be the STARS of the zodiac, they believe that they deserve THE BEST in everything. Nothing is too expensive and extravagant for them. No bargain shopping for them. Furthermore, no shopping at regular department stores. Oh, shopping at exclusive stores- how heavenly that is. Nothing less for them.

They are golddiggers. This applies to both males and females. Having lots of money is extremely important to them. If the monies are not earned by independent means, there are always fantabulous wealthy people to meet and interact with in order to obtain "needed funds" for their lifestyles. Middle class people beware, this person will look down their noses at you as inferior specimens because you will not be able to provide them with the lifestyle of their choice.

They can be the manipulator par excellence. Getting their way is normal for them. With their charm, good looks, and personality, they are golden manipulators of people. They manipulate people so well that others do not realize it. They are the people who uses honey instead of vinegar to obtain their goals whether it is career or with people......

There is Virgo. Virgo is the sign of the perfectionist and the critic. They are the artisans and analysts of the zodiac. They are indepth analyzers e.g. one subject can be written about in infinite ways. There are always other variants regarding a subject. They also have a good work ethic.... Yes, so. No let us discuss the negative Virgo-oh no!

Negative Virgos love to be picayune about things. Nothing is ever good enough for them. Whine, whine, whine! Everything and everyone are wrong, wrong, wrong. Detail, detail, detail. We are right and correct and you are wrong, so listen and learn!

They are quite knowledgeable and are experts in their fields. Because of this, they often feel that no one knows as much and/or can perform the job the way they do. They are good at micromanaging events and people. They will take over-but for your own good of course.

Because of their vast array of knowledge, they will offer unsolicited advice to you. They do this constantly because they have such knowledge to share. It is their belief that they want to make your life better. They believe in providing a helping hand to you both literally and proverbially and if you refuse to accept their advice, you are an ignorant, unknowing, and ungrateful lout who will get what you deserve!

They also have a penchant for cleanliness which often borders on the obsessive compulsive. They are fanatical cleaners who do not view as usual to clean their domicilies twice a week. There is nothing which perturbs them more than an unkempt domicile. They take literally that cleanliness is next to godliness. They also practice scrupulous personal hygiene. It is nothing to them to bathe thrice daily. They love clean and well groomed people. To them, being clean and well groomed is an obligation. To be without deodorant is a mortal sin to these people.

They have a work ethic which verges on the puritanical. Work to them is a very serious business. The idea of people being shirkers and slackers at work is a criminal act which should be punished by death. These people believe that since they work hard, others should also carry their weight and do the same. Woe to the lazy people of the world for they are scum to be wiped off the face of this Earrth!

Of course, for this hard work, they wish to be rewarded. If not, how DARE they not appreciate me for all the hard work I have done for the company. Forget the boss and everyone else is their motto. Their mantra is they know better and have more knowledge about the job than the idiots and imbeciles running the company. Hell, they think, they can work for themselves and be highly successful. Their thought is I will NEVER work for anyone else again-they are not going to get rich of and exploit my infinite knowledge.

Some of them can be classified as martyrs. They want people to acknowledge and thank them for the things they have done for them. If not, they will use guilt mechanisms to get others to appreciate them. They do this by ANY MEANS necessary. They will whine, cry, and use other forms of attention getting mechanisms in order to be appreciated. However, if this does not work, they will start to be bittingly critical to get the so called respect they deserve....

© 2011 Grace Marguerite Williams


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