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Victorious In Death

Updated on June 1, 2011

Victorious In Death

"For I am already being poured out like a drink offering , and the time has come for my departure. I have fought the good fight , I have finished the race, I have kept the the faith. Now there in store for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord , the righteous Judge will award me on that day "

2 Timothy 4: 6 - 8

In this passage Paul must be giving a hint about his approaching death. He compared his present situation to a drink offering that is being poured out. In other words he was saying that his life was nearing its end. But he was glad and rejoicing. Paul indeed was rejoicing in his death. Paul had a triumphant and glorious death ,even it was death by the sword. Paul lived his life for Christ to its fullest, rich in sufferings yet abundant in glory.

Pauls's arrest probably occurred in the wave of anti-christian persecutions begun by Nero in AD 64. That crazed emperor tortured Christians by crucifying them, bywrapping them in animal skins and turning his hunting dogs loose on them, and by burning them alive, as human torches to illuminate the games in his garden.

Death is an expected event in human life, yet not all died a glorious death. Most look at death with terror contrary to Paul's outlook. They looked at death with terror because they lived apart from the will of God.

Those who lived apart from God's perfect will will never be victorious in death. Just take for an illustration the life of Howard Hughes. Howard Hughes was a handsome tycoon who had made a massive fortune from his Trans World Airlines, his Las Vegas hotels and Hollywood films. He had escorted some of the most beautiful women of his time. But Hughes spent the last 15 years of is life in darkened hotel rooms, moving from one to another. His diet was so appalling tat he suffered from acute malnutiriton. His appearance had become so horrifying. He shrunk to a cadaverous 90 lbs. His hair and beard had grown to waist length, his finger nails were two inches long and his toe nails curled over and over like yellow corkerscrew. Doctors had concluded that Hughes had wrecked his life through drugs and malnutrition. Howard Hughes died in a plane taking him back home to Houston, Texas. For his funeral, his relatives had to buy a decent dark suit for him to be buried in. It was almost impossible to believe that he had been one of the richest men ever in America.

Howard Hughes has become so miserable in is death despite his great wealth, because he lived his life in vain apart from the will of God unlike apostle Paul who had a glorious death. Paul the apostle was unmarried, at his death he could not boast of children he was able to bring up. He could not boast of a great wealth he accumulated during his earthly life or the possessions he has amassed. He can only boast of one thing, he was able to fulfill the mandate God has given him. He was able to finish his race as as a Christian . He indeed lived a purposeful life far beyond the mediocrity. Therefore he was victorious in his death.


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