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What do value in life more than your soul?

Updated on October 12, 2012
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Ben is scientist, teacher, researcher and author who loves to help you to be more, do more and achieve more. He is an Amazon kindle author

Your life in your own hand

This is a very important word from the MASTER - the LORD JESUS CHRIST. It sets the tone of prioritization and value assortment. What do I mean by this? Well, profit is something of benefit and this benefit could have inherent in it some perceived value according to the person who sets the criteria. In this stance we have three elements in question

A man - just any human being

The whole world

Your soul

I'll look at these points in detail:

A man

Who is a man? What;s his vocation and career? In fact what is man's purpose in creation? In the Old Testament we read this: "Let us create man in our own image after our likeness." In the New Testament we discover thet Christ is the express image of the unseen God bodily and you are complete in Him who is the head of all principality and power. God made man to be co-worker with him - to increase, multiply, and replenish the earth. Again,we are his workmanship in Christ Jesus and God's purpose from the beginning is that we do good works in this life. The life in question is not the life you have from you earthly parents but from God as a result of the New Birth.

The world

The world is death in sin and trespasses as a result of sin and continued disobedience to God;s law, ordinance and statues. The world is in need of a Savior and that is why Jesus came into the world to redeem man - save his souls from death; spiritual death and separation eternally from God. The world is in need of a Savior and that is why Jesus came to deliver us from the power of sin and death. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believe in him shall have eternal life." Listen! Have you received him in your life - the Great Shepherd of the Sheep the guardian of your soul. What is your souls desire? The material things cannot satisfy this desire which in itself is a spiritual desire - deep calling for deep. Do you have eternal Life or have you exchanged it for material things? This is eternal life to to know the only true God and Jesus Christ the one He sent to the earth. The choice is yours. Wisdom demands that you make that choice NOW. Today is the day of salvation.

Your soul

God created you for his use and glory. Some people say well my body is my body and I can use it the way I want it. Who told you? Your body is the temple of the Holy also is your entire being. YOU belong to GOD - full stop! God loves you and wants you to be with Him forever, Give Him your soul - the great Shepherd of the sheep.

Remember the admonition in the book of Matthew 6:33:

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these other things shall be added unto thee."

What material things will you give in exchange to your souls?

You needs to know that the real life is the life that God has given to mankind and this life is in His Son - Jesus Christ. He- Jesus, is the word of life and the light of the world. He and His word alone is food for your hungry soul. Let Him be your soul;s desire.

If you delight yourself in Him he will give you the desires of your heart; in Him we live and move and have our being.

In conclusion to this great discourse, there is no profit to any man or woman to gain the whole world and loss his or her souls. But it is God;s purpose that you find HIm and know Him the great Shepherd of the sheep who is the guardian of your souls and the giver of eternal life.

What will you give exchange for the gift of eternal life?


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