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Breaking Habits that Foster Stagnation

Updated on July 27, 2016

There are certain things we do day in and day out that create beauty...habits that bring about external surrendering and truth...and then there are habits that --when things get tough or we feel like there are no options -- we fall back into...even when our spirits are encouraging us to challenge our egos...encouraging us to dig a little deeper into the recess' of our characters to find out who we really are...deeper into the knowing that we are perfect beings and that we can create new habits that bring about a healthy change in our spite of these feelings and this knowing we creep back into the old comfortable...non challenging characteristics and habits that don't benefit our growth as both humans and spiritual beings

One of the habits that I fall back into all too often when I am looking for the easy way out is to sleep...this is my escape from the challenge of breaking old outdated habits to make room for new bright and life giving ones...over sleeping is a habit that I have broken and fallen back into so many times I can't count or transcribe for you here in this writing

When I have my moments of breaking through to form something new I find that I feel refreshed and alive...when I get up...get going and go for my two mile run...I feel more alive than I can describe...I've been able to hold steady with this new regime of exercise and stretching which leads to the wonderful courage and patience to write...these new habits have opened my senses and have raised my energy ideas and projects are finding their way to me places to unfold in both mentally and physically are what my days are made of

My mornings were fast becoming stagnant and and TV...and interaction with my daughter if she wasn't at pre-school...nothing to write home I have more energy to take care of myself and to share both in play and learning with my girl...I felt like I was sinking and now because of the new habits in the morning I find myself always looking forward to the day

Now...most times...before I go to sleep I find myself looking forward to the next days activities...looking forward to putting my running outfit on and hitting the running path under the sun...this was not always the case...I used to dread when the day was ending because that meant the morning was a little closer and I didn't look forward to it



Cultivating New Habits

**I am by no means an expert on this stuff...all I can do is share my experience of events that led me to make changes in the habits I chose to foster...each choice is for every individual to make...we all have a knowing inside of us...a small voice that speaks to our hearts telling us which direction to take and what habits will make our lives better

1. I think the first thing we can all do is to list some of or all of the habits that we think are true for us as individuals

2. Select the ones that you know in your heart don't honor your essence...don't honor where you want to go in your life...the ones that keep you from fueling the next phase of your journey

3. Pick the one you hold strongest to...the one you know you always fall back into when things get hectic or hairy in your life

4. CHANGE IT...DO SOMETHING COUNTER TO IT (for me it is the counter to that is to get up and get moving...early)

5. Stick with it...the change will happen when you least expect it...and the overflow of the positive and new habit will fall into other areas of your life

**some of the smaller habits will change or disappear due to the change of the larger habit!


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