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National Day of Prayer

Updated on August 17, 2014

America, it's time to pray!

Although we are commanded to live a life in continual prayer, this is a day where the Body of Christ unites to intercede for the future of America, a country we believe that was once blessed by the Lord, because it was founded on the Word of God.Friends, America has strayed from its foundation and is in serious trouble. We need to be on our knees and ask for God's mercy and forgiviness. Pray and seek God by interceding for everyone to be saved and for our leaders to turn to the Lord for guidance, wisdom and protection from our ememies. It is God's desire that every man should pray and lift up holy hands on behalf of our country. So let's do as we are instructed.

I believe God is calling America back to Him through prayer. We pray for our nation and draw near to our Lord so He can bless His children. Spread the message of Christ and encourage one another to pray.

This year's theme and focus is: Pray for America with the base scripture of Matthew 12:21 "In His name the nations will put their hope." The honorary chairperson for the event is Anne Graham Lotz.

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 An outreach ministry of
Shield of Faith Family & Youth Ministries®,Inc.
Copyright SOFFY Ministries/Pastor Cher. Do Not Copy.  Email: soffy@cfaith. comPhoto credit by Pastor Cher or Amazon unless otherwise noted. This artwork is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Scripture from the KJV or NKJV of the Bible. Scripture from: When used: Animation by,, and


National Day of Prayer Music

Let Us Pray: National Day of Prayer Album
Let Us Pray: National Day of Prayer Album
Various artists sing for this memorable day for America.

National Day of Prayer

"Blessed is the nation whose

God is the Lord."

Psalm 33:12

Past National Day of Prayer & Fasting for Revival Information - Pray for every leader, every one.

National Day Of Prayer and Fasting 2014 60sec

Theme & Info from 2013

2013 Theme Video, National Day of Prayer

National Day of Prayer May 2, 2013

Capital Region 2013 National Day of Prayer Promo

Capital Region National Day of Prayer 2013

National Day of Prayer & Fasting 2013 - LIFE

A Nation God Calls Family

If My People 2 Chronicles 7

Every Nation God Bids to Pray - He wants your nation to be part of His family.

God says that "If My people pray" He will answer. It doesn't matter where you live, pray for your nation. Pray for God's blessing on your nation and for your leaders to seek His face.

Poll: Does God Answer Prayer?

Do you believe God will answer a prayer for a nation?

See results courtsey of Pastor Cher courtsey of Pastor Cher

A Nation that Prays

Scripture Reading: Psalm 147:14

There has never been a time in history like the one we live in today. Sure, some things repeat themselves, but for the most part, we are experiencing the best of life.Even with all the challenges and difficulties, America is still being blessed. Why? Because we live in a nation that celebrates a day (National Day of Prayer) where the entire nation can be in agreement for peace, prosperity, and the well being for one another.

But wait, America isn't the only nation that God is blessing. Have you seen the testimonies of millions in many nations that have come to Christ? God is sending revival and blessings to whatever nation will heed His Word. Is that your nation? If not, it can be.

Whether you agree with all the goings on right now or not, you can agree in prayer according to God's Word. Pray for peace in your country and families. Pray for your nation to be receptive to the things of the Lord. Thank God you have the right to pray as a nation, and then do it.

"He makes peace in your borders, and fills you with the finest wheat." Psalm 147:14 KJV 

Photo courtsey Pastor Cher

If My People - My Children - 2 Chronicles 7:14

Photo credit by 2chronicles7_14
Photo credit by 2chronicles7_14
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Are you in fellowship with God

Pray to Jesus right now by repeating this prayer:

Dear Lord Jesus,

I am sorry for my sins and for not believing in You as the One and only true God. I now want to make things right with You. Please come into my heart and save me. Forgive me of all my sins and make me clean.

I do believe that You died on the cross to save me from hell, and that You rose from the dead and are now in Heaven.

With all my heart I will follow you and be obedient to Your Word, and will fellowship with other believers. Thank you for saving me today.

In Your name I pray, Amen.

Have you prayed that prayer? If so, please let us know so we can rejoice with you. Click on the photo for privacy to leave your comment on my bio page.

Photo by google images


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