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An Easy How To in Mirror and Crystal Ball Gazing

Updated on October 10, 2013
A photo of myself holding my crystal ball.
A photo of myself holding my crystal ball.

The Art of Gazing

What is gazing? Well it is a means to connect with the subconscious mind. In a sense it is connecting you to the nonlocal universe that we are all able to at a subtle level tune into and see. Today we hear terms like remote viewing, well psychics and mystics have from the dawn of time been doing this very thing using ritual gazing practices. While in deep meditation one will have random images and thoughts inter the mind. Most of these thoughts are sifted like so much sand through a sieve and discarded. What we do not realize is that this seemingly random noise is actually information bubbling up to our conscious mind from a subatomic level of reality.

Mirror and Crystal Ball Gazing

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Divination rituals such as the one depicted on this early 20th-century Halloween greeting card, where a woman stares into a mirror in a darkened room to catch a glimpse of the face of her future husband while a witch lurks in the shadows, may be one John William Waterhouse - The Crystal Ball (1902, oil on canvas)Category:John William WaterhouseCategory:MagicThe Oracle of Delphi.
Divination rituals such as the one depicted on this early 20th-century Halloween greeting card, where a woman stares into a mirror in a darkened room to catch a glimpse of the face of her future husband while a witch lurks in the shadows, may be one
Divination rituals such as the one depicted on this early 20th-century Halloween greeting card, where a woman stares into a mirror in a darkened room to catch a glimpse of the face of her future husband while a witch lurks in the shadows, may be one | Source
John William Waterhouse - The Crystal Ball (1902, oil on canvas)Category:John William WaterhouseCategory:Magic
John William Waterhouse - The Crystal Ball (1902, oil on canvas)Category:John William WaterhouseCategory:Magic | Source
The Oracle of Delphi.
The Oracle of Delphi. | Source

Crystal Ball and Mirror Gazing

The art of gazing to divine information from the subconscious mind is ancient. The Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece located on Mount Parnassus, beneath a spring would gaze into a pool of spring water while surrounded by vapors in a darkened cavern. She would then speak in a sort of gibberish or in what some now call tongues. The priests of the time would then interpret her prophecies for those who wished to gain information.

One of the most famous of gazers of all was Michel De Nostredame produced a publication called Les Prophecies of his collected visions or prophecies in the 1500's. Nostredame would gaze into a flame from a candle and record his visions.

"Seated at night in my secret study; alone reposing over the brass tripod, a slender flame leaps out of the solitude; making me pronounce that which is not in vein."

Gazing Tutorial

How to Do It

How to Gaze:

  • Find a quite place where you can be free of distractions.
  • Bring what ever device or medium you wish to use; a crystal ball, a gazing mirror, or a gazing bowl.
  • Light incense of use scented oils, candles, or any other type of tool that may help you to relax.
  • Begin by using deep relaxed breathes, in through the nose and slowly out through the mouth.
  • Play soft relaxing meditative music; flutes, chimes, or Tibetan bells.
  • When ready clear your mind an let your eyes drift into the medium you are gazing into.
  • Use a recording device or a pad of paper and pen or pencil to record your visions.

Your Tools:

  • The gazing medium
  • A recording device
  • Relaxing methods


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