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Law of attraction

Updated on September 4, 2014

Affirmations as a tool for creating positive change in your life

Affirmations are a great tool to use for creating positive changes in your life. I have been doing them since I was a teenager and I can tell you they do work.

This is what the law of attraction is about. Making changes in your life with your thoughts. I do believe this is how it works- that your thoughts create your reality. You can create a new you, a new life, a better life with the power of your thoughts. It is free, so what would it hurt to try it?

I put some cool tools and affirmations for you to use on this lens. There is also books, videos and more that I hope will inspire you and aid you in your transforming your life into a happier you.

A few affirmations I said when I was younger were:

I am happy, healthy and radiant

I am energetic and full of life

Collage of your desires

I have been making visual collages of my desires by cutting pictures and words out of magazines for many years, so have many people I've known.

The Secret calls this same thing A Vision Board which seems like a good name for it.

Call it whatever you want, but it is a very useful tool in creating or manifesting your desires.

The reason it helps is because seeing it visually every day reminds you of your goal and it sends the message of that desire to your subconcious.

Love yourself and know that you are deserving and worthy of an abundance of money.


Change your thoughts if you want to change your world or life. Think of positive focused affirmations and say them as much as you can think to. They say to do it at least 30 days in a row. It is a way to reprogram the mind. Make sure you are not saying what you don't want as the

"Law of Attraction" brings to you whatever you think about whether it is negative or positive.

Here are some ideas, but you can make up anything you want. When you do affirmations it is good to visualize yourself having what you want. See it as already being true, believe it is, know it. This helps the law of attraction to manifest in your life.

  • I am thankful for my healing
  • My life is filled with love
  • I attract good things into my life
  • I attract happiness, love and joy into my life
  • I am happy and love my life
  • I have a wonderful partner and we are both happy
  • I trust in the process of life
  • I am healthy and energetic
  • I am loved and lovable
  • I choose love, joy and freedom, open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow into my life.
  • I am blessed with creativity
  • I am wealthy and money flows easily and effortlessly to me
  • I have a wonderful job that fulfills me on many levels
  • I travel to beautiful and exciting places
  • I am successful and prosperous
  • I am capable and able
  • My life is filled with joy
  • I am blessed and love my life
  • I am worthy of love, of good things, of a good job, of abundance
  • I am attractive on all levels
  • I attract positive situations and people into my life.


Cut out magazine pictures and words, whatever you are attracted to keeping in mind what you would like to see in your life. Hang it on your wall somewhere where you will see it every day.


I say affirmations as if I am chanting a mantra of whatever affirmation I am working on. I will actually say mine any time of the day, at any time I think of it. What you want to do is to reprogram your mind with positive thoughts.

Watch inspiring movies, read uplifting books

Movies that uplift and inspire along these lines are great tools and can be quite powerful. The Attractor Factor inspired me greatly. The movies The Secret and The Seven Laws of Success were even more inspiring...

whatever works for you...

Be around positive people

If you trying to think more positive thoughts it does not do you good at all to have a negative nelly around you discouraging you.

Stay uplifted

Creative Visualization

This can be quite fun. Picture in your mind, yourself living out the desires you are wanting, see it as already happening.

The mind does not differentiate between fact and fiction, so if you are telling the mind this is so by visualizing it, it will take you more swiftly towards that goal.


It is important to believe in the intentions coming true. Jesus taught his disciples to pray as if it were already so.

The Kaballah also teaches one to KNOW IT IS SO

Be aware of your thoughts

Being aware of your thoughts is so important. What you think you create whether positive or negative. It is what you focus on that matters. If you are focused on all the bills you have to pay or that you do not have enough money or love then this is what manifests. You would want to change your thoughts about that by perhaps saying I have plenty of money or all my bills are paid.

Appreciate what you have rather than complain. Gratitude puts you in a better place of receiving better things in life.

The reason for that is you are not thinking in terms of lack when you are grateful. You are thinking you have enough and so you will have enough rather than lack.

Do you believe the law of attraction works?

See results

Louise Hay's Affirmations

These are from her book "You Can Heal Your Life"

She says that once a day she sits with her arms stretched out to the side and says:

"I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the universe"

  • I am filled with love and affection
  • I love my hair, nose, face, body
  • I am prosperous
  • I now move to a better place
  • Divine intelligence gives me all the ideas I can use
  • Everything I touch is a success
  • There is plenty for everyone, including me
  • I establish a new awareness of success
  • I am magnet for divine prosperity
  • I am blessed beyond my fondest dreams
  • Riches of all sorts are drawn to me
  • Golden opportunities are everywhere for me
  • I deserve the best and I accept the best now
  • My income is constantly increasing
  • Life is simple and easy
  • All my relationships are harmonious
  • My home is a peaceful haven
  • I now go beyond other people's fears and expectations
  • My future is glorious

Tips for Prosperity - by Louise Hay

These tips are subtitles in her chapter on Prosperity.

Louise talks about being happy for those with money. She says to let yourself be comfortable around things like yachts, fine stores, fancy homes, showrooms and banks. There is no reason to begrudge others for having money. I agree with Louise about being comfortable with money. There truly is enough to go around. I think people think there is not and that those with money are taking money they could have or should share it with the poor. Many wealthy people do share there money with the poor to help in various ways. As the Law of Attraction tells you if you don't have money it is an inside job. Using tips like Louise Hay's and others who have succeeded is a great start on your path to a better life.

  1. Deserving
  2. Make room for the new
  3. Love your bills
  4. These ideas are for everyone
  5. Visualization-Ocean of abundance
  6. Open your arms
  7. Rejoice in the small, new beginnings
  8. Recognize prosperity
  9. Accept compliments

Use I am statements

In my many years working with affirmations I learned to use I AM statements.

I later studied Kaballah where I learned that one should say an affirmation as if it is so like this:

I know I am healthy

I find that using the I know and I am statements are the most powerful.

One fun thing I like to do is to write a list at the beginning of the year and look at it at the end of the year to see what manifested.

Usually about 80% manifests...

So, my take on powerful intentions is that yes for the most part it does work.

  • Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions.

    ~Albert Einstein

  • We are not onlookers peering into the unified field of separate, objective reality - we are the unified field. We can reach beyond the physical body and extend the influence of intelligence. Every thought you are thinking creates a wave in the unified field. It ripples through all the layers of intellect, mind, senses, and matter, spreading out in wider and wider circles. You are like a light radiating not photons but consciousness. As they radiate, your thoughts have an effect on everything. Your relationship to life is the same as that of one cell to your whole body. One cell can talk to your whole body. One cell can influence your whole body. You can talk to the whole of life - influence the whole of life. The whole of life is as alive as we are. The distinction between 'in here' and 'out there' is a false one - as if the heart disregarded the skin because it was not on the inside.

    ~Deepak Chopra

  • Find thoughts that feel good, because it is inevitable that you are going to always be moving toward something. So why not be moving toward something that is pleasing? You can't cease to vibrate, and Law of Attraction will not stop responding to the vibration that you are offering. So, expansion is inevitable. You provide it, whether you know you do, or not. The only question is, what is the standard of joy that you are demanding for yourself? From your Nonphysical perspective, it's a high, high standard.

    ~Abraham Hicks

  • You are a creator; you create with your every thought.You often create by default, for you are getting what you are giving your attention to wanted or unwanted but you know by how it feels if what you are getting (creating) is what you are wanting or if it is not what you are wanting. (Where is your attention focused?)

    ~Abraham Hicks

  • As I Attract The Way, I Will Travel It.

    ~Matthew Ward

  • The only way to successfuly manifest the life you desire... is to keep trying until you are successful!

    ~ Bob Crawford

  • "Remember that your thoughts are the primary cause of everything. So when you think a sustained thought it is immediately sent out into the Universe. That thought magnetically attaches itself to the like frequency, and then within seconds sends the reading of that frequency back to you through your feelings. Put another way, your feelings are communication back to you from the Universe, telling you what frequency you are currently on. Your feelings are your frequency feedback mechanism!"

    ~Jack Canfield

  • "The greatest gift that you could ever give to another is your own happiness, for when you are in a state of joy, happiness, or appreciation, you are fully connected to the Stream of pure, positive Source Energy that is truly who you are. And when you are in that state of connection, anything or anyone that you are holding as your object of attention benefits from your attention."

    ~Esther Hicks

  • Whether you think you can or can't either way you are right.

    ~Henry Ford

  • I am no longer cursed by poverty because I took possession of my own mind, and that mind has yielded me every material thing I want, and much more than I need. But this power of mind is a universal one, available to the humblest person as it is to the greatest.

    ~Andrew Carnegie

  • You create your own universe as you go along

    ~Winston Churchill

  • It is done unto you as you believe...


  • All that we are is the result of what we have thought.


  • Be the change you wish to see in the world.


  • I will see it when I believe it.

    ~Wayne Dyer

  • What you resist persists.

    ~Carl Jung

As a man thinketh,

so he is

The Secret - The first 20 minutes

This is a movie that can help you understand the law of attraction. It is a great way to learn about it and even watch over and over to get inspired. I would recommend buying a copy of this movie for yourself. I have a copy of it and love to watch to inspire me.

The Secret

You will want to get this movie if you are interested in manifesting a better life. It will explain the law of attraction as well as inspire you. I have it and love to watch it every now and then. There are alot of inspirational speakers on it. It will be well worth the money.

Have you had intentions manifest?

See results

Ellen's vision board

Ellen made herself a vision board which helped her get on the cover of O magazine-Oprah's magazine. You can watch the video about it here.

We all know she did end up the cover of O magazine

© 2008 Patricia


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