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How to Get Soft Skin

Updated on June 19, 2013

The trick to getting soft skin is a combination of a healthy diet and frequent exfoliation and moisturization.

Soft, clear and beautiful skin goes hand-in-hand.
Soft, clear and beautiful skin goes hand-in-hand. | Source

Foods and Nutrients for Beautiful Skin

Soft, healthy skin is nourished from both the inside and out. Though this article will mostly be about how to get soft skin through topical treatments, you'll want to be sure to fill your diet with nutrient-dense foods and plenty of fluids. Being healthy on the inside with ensure you have a healthy, beautiful, glowing outside. Nutrients that are especially important for healthy skin are

  • Vitamin A: Found sweet potatoes, carrots, darkly leafy greens and cantaloupe
  • Vitamin C: Found in citrus fruits, bell peppers, kiwi, strawberries, tomatoes and broccoli
  • Vitamin E: Found in sunflower seeds, almonds, green olives, cooked spinach and avocado
  • Healthy fats: Such as those found in eggs, avocado and coconut milk
  • Selenium: Found in nuts, shellfish, fish, bran (wheat, rice and oat), bacon, lobster, crab and shrimp

Make sure you get plenty of these nutrients in your diet. A balanced diet should provide you with enough of these nutrients. In some cases, you may consider supplementing. Of course, I am not a doctor, so be sure to consult you physician before adding supplements to your diet.

Frequent exfoliation is extremely important to get soft skin.
Frequent exfoliation is extremely important to get soft skin. | Source

How to Exfoliate Skin at Home

Frequent exfoliation is extremely important to get soft and luxurious skin. There are many simple ways to exfoliate at home that don't use harsh treatments or chemicals One thing I always recommend to improve the skin's health is body brushing. You can also use natural sugar or salt scrubs. The type of scrub you choose will depend on your skin type and personal preferences. The best body scrubs are the ones that you enjoy the most. I use a body scrub at least once a week and body brush every day before I hop in the shower.

In addition to body brushing and sugar or salt scrubs, these simple ingredients that you can find in your kitchen also do a great job of exfoliating:

  • Oatmeal: Finely ground, allow sit on skin for 5-10 minutes.
  • Baking Soda: Make a paste with a little water. Allow to sit on skin for about a minute and then gently scrub before you rinse it off. If you have sensitive skin you may notice a slight burning or tingling. Rinse immediately if you notice any signs of irritation.
  • Cornmeal: Is moisturizing and non-irritating for sensitive skin.
  • Lemon or lime juice: Allow to rest on skin for 5-10 minutes and then follow with a scrub of your choice.

Body brushing is a great way to consistently exfoliate your skin
Body brushing is a great way to consistently exfoliate your skin | Source

A Short Body Brushing Routine

How to Body Brush

Body brushing is one of my favorite techniques to naturally exfoliate my skin. In addition to exfoliating, body brushing will strengthen your skin and improve its elasticity. I use a dry body brush before I hop in the shower every day. It only takes a few minutes but you will definitively notice improvements in your skin with consistent use.

Use a natural, stiff-bristled brush. When beginning body brushing, you may find it uncomfortable. After a week or so you'll find the discomfort will lessen quite a bit. Take that as a sign that your skin it getting stronger. When body brushing, I like to start from the bottom and work my way up. Begin with your legs and brush in an upward motion using short strokes, about 3-5 times. I spend some extra where ever there is some extra fat and where lymph node clusters are located, which are behind the knees, on the inside of the hip bones, on the chest and in the underarms.

Slightly pink skin after body brushing is a good sign. It means that the blood is flowing and circulating toward the surface of the skin.

Another option to body brushing is to use a Buf-Puf body sponge. It replaces washcloths and loofahs. Use it with a little body soap and you'll get an extra boost of exfoliation while in the shower.

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Coconut oil is very nourishing for your skin and makes an excellent moisturizer
Coconut oil is very nourishing for your skin and makes an excellent moisturizer | Source

How to Moisturize Skin Naturally

The next important step in getting soft skin after exfoliating is moisturizing. The best time to moisturize is after you have exfoliated. This is when you skin will absorb the most nutrients.

I tend to find that there is really no need to spend lots of money on fancy creams when there are plenty of natural, affordable ingredients that do a wonderful job of nourishing and moisturizing your skin.

To get soft skin, you'll want to moisturize your skin on a daily basis. My favorite moisturizers tend to switch around, because I love trying new products and techniques. Currently, my favorite moisturizer is a coconut body butter that is made with coconut oil, Shea butter and vitamin E, all of which are ingredients that your skin will absolutely devour. Another natural moisturizer that I adore is plain old almond oil. I used almond oil while I was pregnant and it is one of the reasons I swear that I didn't get stretch marks on my stomach. It is high in protein, vitamin E, vitamin B and it won't clog your pores. Other natural oils that are great for your skin are:

Trader Joes Coconut Body Butter 8 Oz. (00501309)
Trader Joes Coconut Body Butter 8 Oz. (00501309)
This is my current moisturizer of choice and after a month of use I've noticed a difference in my skin. However, get it at Trader Joe's and not on Amazon. Trader Joe's doesn't actually sell on Amazon, so these 3rd party sellers are charging you more than double what you can get it for at your local Trader Joe's stores.
  • Coconut Oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Pomegranate Seed Oil
  • Grapeseed Oil

Some brands combine these oils and more. You can easily find these oils and others at health food stores.

One note about oils, especially olive oil: Make sure you purchase cold-pressed oils. This separation process keeps the most vitamins and nutrients in the oils.

In addition to using oils to moisturize your skin, you can take a bath with ingredients that will supplement, soften and soothe your skin. It's said that Celopatra used to bathe in a bath of milk and honey. These rich ingredients will make your bath feel absolutely luxurious and will do wonders for your skin. Other ingredients you can consider putting in your bath are oatmeal, Epsom salt (not necessarily to soften the skin but for very healthy minerals) and essential oils if you like a little aromatherapy.

Shea butter with seeds
Shea butter with seeds | Source

With frequent exfoliation and consistent moisturization, you're guaranteed to see an improvement in the texture of your skin. I would love to hear what you do you get soft skin. Leave me your comments!


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