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How to build your own Gaming Personal Computer - GUIDE

Updated on November 11, 2013

Step 1 - Decide your budget.

According Moore's law computing power of computers doubles every two years. Biggest advice would be decide to build computer not 3 or 4 years forward, but 7 years.

I have good example from myself - I only changed my computer two weeks ago until then, for 7 years I was using computer with following two main components that influences gaming most.

CPU: Intel Core Duo E4300

GPU: Nvidia 9400GT

As you can see they are very old, but they managed to hold out front against games such as Call Of Duty Black Ops 2, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, Eve Online using high quality settings and so on.

Conclusion is that you can not be very greedy when building gaming computer. Expect to spend from 800$ to 1500$ (Excluding other components as monitors, keyboard ETC.)

Step 2 - Choosing Central Processing Unit (CPU)

When choosing CPU you should never rely only on frequency of CPU that is inaccurate specification of this part. Before you start looking out there for your CPU think what you will do with your computer?
Gaming? Rendering? Watching Ultra-HD movies? This will influence price of a processor.

If you are going to use computer for gaming advice is that you should aim for I5 generation processors, they do not have Hyper - Threading technology, which do not influence games and you will save extra 100$ for other parts. If you are planning to do rendering you should choose I7 generation processor, tasks like rendering benefits from Hyper - Threading technology.

There are also AMD processors, they are more simple to choose, have less boosts, but are specifically designed for gaming.

I would like to highlight these two CPUs for gaming:

Intel Core I5 3570k - Most optimal gaming processors price/performance ratio-wise. Is unlocked for overclocking, this will help you boost speed for CPU if you gain knowledge in that.

Intel Core I7 4770k - Almost same as 3570k, 100$~ more expensive, but boosts processes such as rendering.

And the most important thing is, when you choose CPU check benchmarks this site will tell you more than assistant at store or specification list at intel's website.

Step 3 - Graphical Processing Unit (GPU)

In today's market there is massive battle between AMD and Nvidia. These two competitors always release something better against others hardware. I have done some research and this is what I found out and you should know before choosing AMD and Nvidia.


• Cheaper.

• Slightly slower computing power than Nvidia (Not noticable for gaming).

• Optimized for Dual Monitors.


• More expensive.

• More computing power.

• Advanced PhyX

• Optimized mainly for one monitor, routing more power if you play with single monitor.

So if you are choosing GPU once again you can not rely only on Clock Rate always check Benchmarks at . This will help you to orient better.

When buying GPU you should pay attention to amounts of RAM, don't be fooled just because there is more RAM does not mean it is better, GPU RAMs are required for keeping more than one monitor, mainly 2GB - 3GB would be sufficient for a long time in gaming industry. Another thing do not worry about Motherboard, all of them have PCI - X16 connection, I have not seen any that do not have it.

I have only found one GPU that I could recommend Price/Performance - wise. Nvidia 760GTX of course there are more, you just need to do more research.

Step 4 - Motherboard

I would like to cover this topic as much as I can but it has big variety so I will point what you should check and research for before buying any motherboard. It is mainly Chipset and CPU socket most popular currently is LGA 1155, which fits I3 to I7 generation processors.

Chipset will mainly influence how much of RAM your computer will be able to handle and capabilities of coverclocking processor.

Step 5 - Everything Else

You have your parts now we have to look where we will place them.

Choosing case is simple as 2x2 you will have to choose it according your motherboard, look for form factor like "micro-ATX", "ATX" and so on. Match it with your motherboard and it will fit everything inside.

Choosing Hard drive is like choosing between small and fast - fat and slow. You either will have to buy HDD (Hard Disk Drive) , which are going to be kicked out of the market sooner or later, they can store a lot more memory than SSD, it is good if you will be rendering, storing your movies data ETC. and then there is SSD (Solid State Drives) they are expensive but offer a lot more times bigger speeds, which influence game loading time. Biggest con is small storage.

I am not covering RAMs part separately because it is very simple, aim for DDR3 Non ECC, Non Buffered rams. I would recommend 8GB-16GB of rams.

Choosing power supply varies on every computer according installed components, I would recommend checking at this website whatever value you will get I would advice you adding 100-200Watts, you might want to install second Video Card one day and at this case you are not going to need to change power supply.

All that is left is keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers and whatever toys you want to connect to your PC. I will not cover this part since it differs according everyone's taste. I hope I could help everyone. Thank you for reading! If you have any questions regarding building your PC you can ask me in comments or via personal message.

© 2013 w00d1s


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